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Title:DOT Consolidated Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2004 and 2003
Date:November 15, 2004
Project ID:FI-2005-009
Summary:We issued a favorable report on DOT’s consolidated financial statements for FY 2004. This is the fourth fiscal year in a row—2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004—that DOT has achieved an unqualified or “clean” opinion on accounts representing year-end assets of about $68 billion, year-end liabilities (debts) of $13 billion, costs of operations (program costs) of $58 billion, and total budgetary resources (available financial resources) of $105 billion. The clean audit opinion signals to users of the financial statements that they can rely on the information presented. Significantly, this year also marked the transition to a new integrated accounting system and the only one at a large cabinet department. FAA deserves credit for addressing significant challenges this year. Highway Trust Fund Agencies need to address financial management and grant oversight issues. Continued executive level attention, backed by skilled resources, will be critical to correct the remaining deficiencies.

More information on the DOT financial statements can be found in the 2004 DOT Performance and Accountability Report, located at the following URL:
Full document: PDF PDF document

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