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John P. Galloway

 John P. Galloway


Publications listing


Outreach, teaching

Historical archives

Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology

Prehistory of Native American Cultures



Fax (650) 329-5491


AA, Cañada College, 1975
BA and MA, San Francisco State University, 1971 and 1976
California Community College Instructor's Credential - issued 1975


12/75 to 01/78 - Physical Science Technician, Branch of Alaskan Geology
01/78 to 05/87 - Archaeologist, Branch of Alaskan Geology
05/87 to 03/02 - Geologist, Branch of Alaskan Geology
03/02 to present - Geologist, Mineral Resource Program, Western Region

Current Activities

Project member of Outreach and Technology Exchange project

Collateral Duties: USGS Firearms Instructor, Western Region

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