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Please Take ESA/SER Joint Meeting Evaluation 2007

Would you like to volunteer as a presider?

We are searching for volunteers to preside over one or more contributed oral sessions.

Primary Presider Responsibilities

  • Pick up laser pointer at the Equipment Check-Out Station before the beginning of the session and return it after the session
  • Assure that equipment is functioning properly (computer, pointer)
  • Introduce speakers (name, affiliation, talk title)
  • Keep session on time
  • Manage Q & A during interlude
  • Transition to the next speaker
  • Remind audience to turn off cell phones

Deadlines for proposal and abstract submission

Type of proposal   Call open   Deadline for submission Acceptance notification sent out by Notification of date and location sent out by
Symposium proposals mid-July 9/15/06 12/15/06 2/15/07
Organized oral session proposals mid-July 9/15/06 12/15/06 2/15/07
Workshop proposals late-September 12/1/06 1/15/07 2/15/07
Special session proposals late-September 12/1/06 1/15/07 2/15/07
Call for all abstracts (symposium, OOS, contributed oral, and poster) mid-December 3/1/07 4/25/07 5/15/07
Call for latebreaking poster abstracts 5/1/07 6/1/07 6/25/07  

Meeting Theme...

Ecology-based restoration in a changing world

How do we set goals for ecological restoration, and how can we assess its success? Insights from paleoecology, long-term studies, and ecological modeling all show ecological systems to be fundamentally dynamic, with trajectories of change that may not be easily predictable. Even without considering human effects on ecosystems, there is no simply definable, baseline; the ?natural state' is a moving target. The picture is complicated further by the persistent and increasing effects of anthropogenic climate change and the long history of human land-use. New scientific insights call for more sophisticated consideration of the goals and standards of restoration and, perhaps, of conservation of natural systems generally. What ecosystem attributes are to be restored, conserved, or preserved? How should these priorities be informed by ecological research? How can we assess the effectiveness of restoration?

Meeting Photos

Meeting Information
If you did not have the opportunity to attend the three 2007 plenary sessions you can now enjoy them now.

Registration & Housing
Registration and Housing are now open. Click above link to access electronic and PDF versions of the meeting forms.

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