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Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Intelligent Transportation Systems
ITS Overview
ITS Library
Focus Areas
Technology Transfer
ITS Deployment Analysis System
Technical Assistance
Subject Index
National Transportation Library
Research Development & Technology
Transportation Safety Institute
University Transportation Centers
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Technology Transfer

ITS Resources

ITS/Operations Resource Guide – A comprehensive listing of over 400 documents, web sites, training courses, software tools, and points of contact related to ITS.

  • Evaluation – A compilation of resources related to ITS evaluation and program assessment, including definitions, guidelines, and links to over 400 ITS evaluation-related documents.
  • Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment – A Federal Highway Administration web site providing guidance and information to help practitioners develop, and support implementation of, ITS policies and programs.
  • NTOC Newsletter – Newsletter of the National Transportation Operations Coalition (NTOC) providing articles and relevant information about ITS activities.
  • ITS Architecture Implementation – A Federal Highway Administration web site providing ITS practitioners with the guidance and resources necessary for implementing the Final Rule on Architecture and Standards Conformity issued on January 8, 2001.
  • ITS Field Office Specialists – Names and contact information for ITS specialists within the FHWA Field Offices and FTA Regions.
  • ITS Peer to Peer Program – An FHWA, FTA and FMCSA Technical Assistance Program that provides public sector transportation stakeholders with a convenient method to tap into the growing knowledge base of ITS experience and receive short-term assistance.
  • ITS Professional Capacity Building Program – A compilation of Training, Education,
    and Technical Resources for ITS Success.
  • ITS Integration Projects Book 2006 – Describes ongoing ITS integration projects that were initiated, and whose Federal funding was approved, through September 30, 2004.
  • ITS Technology Forum – An electronic discussion forum where practitioners can share "lessons learned" about ITS Deployment.
  • ITS Standards Program - ITS Standards defines how ITS systems and components interconnect and exchange information to deliver ITS services within a multi-modal transportation network.

Updated: October 23, 2008 2:11 PM