Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Technology to Enhance Freight Transportation Security and Productivity
Appendix to: “Freight Transportation Security and Productivity”

Intermodal Freight Security and Technology Workshop
Long Beach, California April 27-29, 2002

Author: Michael Wolfe
North River Consulting Group

Prepared for: Office of Freight Management and Operations Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation


This overview of freight transportation security technology is the appendix to “Freight Transportation Security and Productivity.”  The Federal Highway Administration and the author welcome comments and suggestions.  The points of contact are below. 

The paper is another in a series that provide analysis and discussion of the trends and issues affecting freight transportation productivity in the United States and North America.  The working papers are circulated to generate discussion about emerging freight issues and may be updated in response to feedback from public and private sector stakeholders. 

The opinions expressed in the working papers are those of the authors, not the Federal Highway Administration. 

The series of trends and issues papers is available at FHWA’s web site:

This working paper was prepared by Michael Wolfe of The North River Consulting Group, a member of a Battelle Team providing research and analysis support to the Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations.  The papers were prepared under contract DTFH61-97-C-00010, BAT-99-020. 

Bruce Lambert of the Office of Freight Management and Operations is the project manager for “Freight Transportation Security and Productivity.”  He is the primary contact for comments about all of the trends and issues papers and may be reached at 202-366-4241, email

Michael Onder of the Office of Freight Management and Operations is the primary FHWA contact for the technology appendix.  He may be reached at 202-366-2639, email

Mr. Wolfe may be reached at 781-834-4169, email

Table of Contents

A-1 The Long Term Trend in Freight Identification Technology
A-2 Event-Driven Tools
  Electronic Cargo Seals
  Security Sensors
  Wide Area Communications and Tracking
  Biometrics and SmartCards
A-3 Information Systems
  Assuring the Integrity of Container Loads
A-4 Standards
  “Standards Setting Needs for Freight Management”

Office of Operations