Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Electronic Cargo Seals: Context, Technologies, and Marketplace

Michael Wolfe, North River Consulting Group

Prepared for:
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation


Some readers have a version of this report dated June 30, 2002.

The principal differences between the versions arise from additional material provided by Encrypta Electronics on July 12. The following information is provided to aid readers who may have marked up the earlier version:

The Encrypta changes affect pages 12-14, the Summary Matrices on pages M-1 and M-2, and the product sheet on page M-15. Page M-16 of this report is new. Additional changes are on pages 6-8 and M-13 - M-14.

This overview of the electronic cargo seal market was prepared by Michael Wolfe of The North River Consulting Group, a member of a Battelle team providing research and analysis support to the Federal Highway Administration, including the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office. The paper was prepared under contract DTFH61-97-C-00010, BAT-99-020.

Kate Hartman of the ITS Joint Program Office is the project manager. She may be reached at 202-366-2742, email

Mr. Wolfe may be reached at 781-834-4169, email

This paper is the third in a series. The first two, prepared by Mr. Wolfe for the FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations, are:

  • "Freight Transportation Security and Productivity," April 2002. Bruce Lambert is the project manager. He may be reached at 202-366-4241, email
  • "Technology to Enhance Freight Transportation Security and Productivity," April 2002, which is a stand-alone appendix to the preceding paper. Michael Onder is the project manager. He may be reached at 202-366-2639, email

Office of Operations