Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane and freight train
Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Intermodal Freight Technology Working Group

Who We Are and What We Do

Past Meetings

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The Intermodal Freight Technology Working Group (IFTWG) is a public-private partnership focused on the identification and evaluation of technology-based options for improving the efficiency, safety, and security of intermodal freight movement. Working from this common goal, the IFTWG engages in efforts to marry industry and government priorities in a way that leverages collective experience and shared investment.

The IFTWG accomplishes this goal by:

  • Cooperatively analyzing the intermodal freight transportation system to identify physical and information exchange choke points;
  • Actively engaging leaders of industry, government, academia, and consulting in the open exchange of ideas;
  • Exploring the feasibility of creative solutions to high-priority challenges across all modes;
  • Developing and executing pilot technology demonstrations through public-private partnerships; and
  • Sharing information, best practices, and lessons learned with the freight community at large.

How We Do It

The IFTWG works collaboratively with government and private industry to address real-world challenges and share the results of its efforts with transportation stakeholders. Broad participation is encouraged to gather as much crossmodal information as possible and to limit the burden on participants. The IFTWG leadership is sensitive to the demands on participants' time and strives to structure activities to control the time and expense associated with providing support to the group.

Some of the measures used to achieve these objectives include:

  • Committed leadership from private industry and government representatives focused on promoting fiscally sound, sustainable solutions;
  • A defined project vetting process to ensure that the most pressing issues are addressed through well-conceived, practical pilot demonstrations;
  • Access to tools and expertise that allows for comprehensive analysis of the potential effects of evaluated options to business practices and technology implementation;
  • Semiannual meetings held in conjunction with widely attended industry events with agendas that focus on producing results; and
  • Inter-sessional Webcast events that promote ongoing, interactive collaboration and allow participants to take part without incurring travel expenses.

How to Become a Part of the IFTWG

Diversity in backgrounds and viewpoints is fundamental to the success of the group. Participation is open to all, and active engagement in the debate of issues and solutions is strongly encouraged. There are no membership requirements or dues, and every opinion has value.

There are only two prerequisites to participation: (1) a genuine concern for the long-term health of the intermodal freight transportation system, and (2) the willingness to engage in collaborative problem solving. Interested stakeholders can learn more about the IFTWG and get involved in the group's activities in several ways:

  • Attend the semiannual meetings that are typically scheduled to coincide with events hosted by the Intermodal Association of North America (IANA) (;
  • Take part in the group's Webcasts, schedules for which are available through Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) Office of Freight Management and Operations (see info below); or
  • Contact FHWA's Office of Freight Management and Operations.

Additional Resources

For More Information, Contact

Randy Butler
(202) 366-9215

Office of Operations