Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Advancing Intermodal Cargo Information System Deployments Across Modes and Regions

Technical Memorandum #2: Technology Applications

photo of intermodal cargo portal with tracker trailer trucks moving through it

submitted to the FHWA Office of Freight Management & Operations For Cooperative Agreement No. DTFH61-01-X-00033 by the ATA Foundation in conjunction with the Chicago Area Transportation Study & Port Authority of Tacoma


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of Technical Memorandum
1.2 Organization of Technical Memorandum
2.0 Intermodal Port Technology Applications
2.1 Data Exchange Technology
2.2 Terminal Freight and Equipment Tracking
2.3 Port Information Management Systems
2.4 Inbound Port Technology Transaction Steps
3.0 Rail Container Tracking Technology and Services
3.1 Rail Container Tracking Technology
3.2 NetREDI
4.0 Drayage Industry Technology Applications
4.1 Drayage Industry Tracking Technology
4.2 Drayage Industry Information Systems
4.3 Drayage Industry Electronic Data Communications
5.0 Conclusions and Next Steps
Attachment A Outbound Drayage Technology Transaction Steps

List of Figures

Figure 1 NetREDI Demand Screen
Figure 2 GPS/Wireless Drayage Tracking Technology

Office of Operations