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Visitor Arrivals Program (I-94 Form)
Most Current Publications      Monthly Statistics    

The International Visitor Arrivals Program provides the U.S. government and the public with the official U.S. monthly and final overseas visitor arrivals to the U.S. Tourism Industries (TI) manages the program in cooperation with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Data results are reported in a monthly publication "Summary of International Travel to the United States" - highlighting overseas visitor arrivals by country of residence, ports of entry, mode of transportation, type of visa, and more. Subscribers include: airlines, airports, U.S. destinations - state and city, major attractions, federal and state governments and consultants.

  • Inception of the program 1980 (related historical data exists since 1960).
  • Subscriptions are available in monthly, quarterly, and annual printed reports; Plus TI can provide customized reports and data tapes.
  • Report prices: 2007 prices for standard reports range from $535 to $895 for printed reports and from $950 to $1,575 for excel reports.
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