
Four large earthquakes in the past 1500 years on a fault in metropolitan Manila, The Philippines

Figure 3. Simplified logs of the central parts of northeast wall 1 (A) and northeast wall 2 (B) of trench 1 at the Maislap site (logged at a scale of 1:10). To avoid clutter, only the larger or more important stratigraphic units are labeled (italics). Subunits, designated a, b, c, or d, show different lithologic facies of a unit; "Bt" marks units that are largely remnants of argillic B soil horizons. Heavy, shaded lines are fault traces and triangles show the location of charcoal samples collected for 14C dating. Half-filled triangles mark reworked charcoal samples that are probably >200 years older than the enclosing sediment (maximum age); unfilled triangles show modern charcoal samples that are probably burned roots or charcoal injected into position by burrowing animals (minimum age). Numbers next to sample symbols are 14C ages in 14C years B.P. The large numbers and progressively lighter shading show groups (1, 2, and 3) of gravelly channel deposits of similar age that were faulted in fault zones FZ1, FZ2, and FZ3 during three earthquakes (events A, B and C, Fig. 4). In wall 1, upward fault terminations are evidence for events B and C, whereas, in wall 2, terminations record all three events.
Simplified logs of the central parts of northeast wall 1 (A) and northeast wall 2 (B) of trench 1