Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF1280.1 What is the purpose of this part?
TEXT PDF1280.2 What property is under the control of the Archivist of the United States?
TEXT PDF1280.4 Can children under the age of 14 use NARA facilities?
TEXT PDF1280.6 May I bring a seeing-eye dog or other assistance animal?
TEXT PDF1280.8 Will my belongings be searched?
TEXT PDF1280.10 Are there special rules for driving on NARA property?
TEXT PDF1280.12 Is parking available?
TEXT PDF1280.14 May I use the shuttle bus to travel to the National Archives at College Park or to the National Archives Building in Washington, DC?
TEXT PDF1280.16 Are there additional rules posted?
TEXT PDF1280.18 May I bring guns or other weapons onto NARA property?
TEXT PDF1280.20 What is your policy on illegal drugs and alcohol?
TEXT PDF1280.22 Is gambling allowed on NARA property?
TEXT PDF1280.24 Is smoking allowed on NARA property?
TEXT PDF1280.26 May I pass out fliers on NARA property?
TEXT PDF1280.28 Where can I eat and drink on NARA property?
TEXT PDF1280.30 Are soliciting, vending, and debt collection allowed on NARA property?
TEXT PDF1280.32 What other behavior is not permitted?
TEXT PDF1280.40 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1280.42 When do the rules in this subpart apply?
TEXT PDF1280.44 May I film, photograph, or videotape on NARA property for commercial purposes?
TEXT PDF1280.46 What are the rules for filming, photographing, or videotaping on NARA property for personal use?
TEXT PDF1280.48 How do I apply to film, photograph, or videotape on NARA property for news purposes?
TEXT PDF1280.50 What will I be allowed to film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes?
TEXT PDF1280.52 What are the rules for filming, photographing, or videotaping on NARA property for news purposes?
TEXT PDF1280.60 Where do I enter the National Archives Building in Washington, DC?
TEXT PDF1280.62 When is the Exhibition Hall open?
TEXT PDF1280.64 What entrance should I use to enter the National Archives at College Park?
TEXT PDF1280.66 May I use the National Archives Library?
TEXT PDF1280.68 May I use the cafeteria at the National Archives at College Park?
TEXT PDF1280.70 When does NARA allow other groups to use its public areas for events?
TEXT PDF1280.72 What are the general rules for using NARA public areas?
TEXT PDF1280.74 How do I apply to use NARA public areas in Washington, DC, area facilities?
TEXT PDF1280.76 What will I have to pay to use a NARA public area for an event?
TEXT PDF1280.78 How will NARA handle my request to use a lecture room, the auditorium, the Theater, or the Archivist's Reception Room?
TEXT PDF1280.80 May I ask to use the Exhibition Hall?
TEXT PDF1280.90 What are the rules of conduct while visiting the Presidential libraries?
TEXT PDF1280.92 When are the Presidential library museums open to the public?
TEXT PDF1280.94 When do Presidential libraries allow other groups to use their public areas for events?
TEXT PDF1280.96 Supplemental rules.
TEXT PDF1280.100 What are the rules of conduct at NARA regional records services facilities?
TEXT PDF1280.102 When do NARA regional records services facilities allow other groups to use their public areas for events?

