Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF1250.1 Scope of this part.
TEXT PDF1250.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1250.4 Who can file a FOIA request?
TEXT PDF1250.6 Does FOIA cover all of the records at NARA?
TEXT PDF1250.8 Does NARA provide access to all the executive branch records housed at NARA facilities?
TEXT PDF1250.10 Do I need to use FOIA to gain access to records at NARA?
TEXT PDF1250.12 What types of records are available in NARA's FOIA Reading Room?
TEXT PDF1250.14 If I do not use FOIA to request records, will NARA treat my request differently?
TEXT PDF1250.20 What do I include in my FOIA request?
TEXT PDF1250.22 Where do I send my FOIA request?
TEXT PDF1250.24 Will you accept a FOIA request through email?
TEXT PDF1250.26 How quickly will NARA respond to my FOIA request?
TEXT PDF1250.28 Will NARA ever expedite the review of the records I requested?
TEXT PDF1250.30 How do I request expedited processing?
TEXT PDF1250.32 How quickly will NARA process an expedited request?
TEXT PDF1250.34 How will I know if NARA is going to release the records I requested?
TEXT PDF1250.36 When will NARA deny a FOIA request?
TEXT PDF1250.38 In what format will NARA provide copies?
TEXT PDF1250.50 Will I be charged for my FOIA request?
TEXT PDF1250.52 How much will I have to pay for a FOIA request for NARA operational records?
TEXT PDF1250.54 General information on fees for NARA operational records.
TEXT PDF1250.56 Fee schedule for NARA operational records.
TEXT PDF1250.58 Does NARA ever waive FOIA fees for NARA operational records?
TEXT PDF1250.60 How will NARA determine if I am eligible for a fee waiver for NARA operational records?
TEXT PDF1250.70 What are my appeal rights under FOIA?
TEXT PDF1250.72 How do I file an appeal?
TEXT PDF1250.74 Where do I send my appeal?
TEXT PDF1250.76 May I email my FOIA appeal?
TEXT PDF1250.78 How does NARA handle appeals?
TEXT PDF1250.80 How does a submitter identify records containing confidential commercial information?
TEXT PDF1250.82 How will NARA handle a FOIA request for confidential commercial information?
TEXT PDF1250.84 Service of subpoena or other legal demand for NARA operational records.

