Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF1010.1 Policy.
TEXT PDF1010.2 Purpose.
TEXT PDF1010.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1010.4 NEPA Compliance Coordinator.
TEXT PDF1010.5 Major decision points.
TEXT PDF1010.6 Determination of requirement for EA or EIS.
TEXT PDF1010.7 Actions that do not require an EA or EIS.
TEXT PDF1010.8 Actions that normally require an EIS.
TEXT PDF1010.9 Preparation of an EIS.
TEXT PDF1010.10 Actions that normally require an EA.
TEXT PDF1010.11 Preparation of an EA.
TEXT PDF1010.12 Public involvement.
TEXT PDF1010.13 Trust decision-making procedures.
TEXT PDF1010.14 Review of proposals by project applicants.
TEXT PDF1010.15 Actions where lead agency designation is necessary.
TEXT PDF1010.16 Actions to encourage agency cooperation early in the NEPA process.
TEXT PDF1010.17 Actions to eliminate duplication with State and local procedures.

