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Anonymous Joseph B. from LV said...

Amen. Those who are pro-Union and supposedly pro-worker, who say they care about the minimum wage and good jobs for Americans, for some reason are the same people who fight Immigration enforcement and real border security.

Just the other day in IOWA we saw a factory completely abusing it's illegal workforce with low wages and horrendous working conditions. Just like the article said, they are able to skirt labor laws because their employees are undocumented.

Thank goodness DHS is at least cracking down enough to send a message. I don't understand those who attack them for doing their job.

July 29, 2008 11:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are false document vendors being prosecuted? I have not heard of this, and would be interested in hearing more.

July 29, 2008 3:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang it!!!

They totally missed out on the "Operation Scheduled Departure" program...


How about we give them a second chance, and let them go back to their home country?

July 30, 2008 3:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK what about the high-tech workers that have been imported illegally into the US? Businesses claim they can't find Americans to do the jobs so they need to bring Indians in. But there are thousands of highly-skilled Americans out of work and the Indians are paid a fraction of the market wage in complete defiance of the H1-B laws. How about going after IBM, US BANK, Wells Fargo, SAIC, HP, SUN, and all the recruiting companies that help them. There is ZERO need for H1-B workers in this country today. Why is OUR Tax money financing offshore companies?

September 14, 2008 12:13 AM