Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table 4-3. Milestones for Preserving Existing Infrastructure

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Research Product or Information Gained FY 07-08 FY 09-10
Airport Technology    
Research nondestructive testing methods x x
Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR)    
Develop ASR identification, monitoring, and testing procedures x x
Develop ASR mitigation techniques for new pavements and methodology for rehabilitation of existing structures x  
Implement and educate the public and private sectors x x
Asphalt and Asphalt Reclamation    
Develop design system x  
Develop improved material tests x  
Validate in field trials x  
Long-Term Bridge Performance    
Database of quantifiable bridge performance information   x
Protocols for standardized bridge evaluation using NDE technologies x  
Improved asset management investment and maintenance decisionmaking for highway bridges   x
Steel Bridge Testing    
Improved technology for detecting fatigue cracks in steel bridges x x
Guide for use of NDE technologies in steel bridge inspection and evaluation   x
Guidance on cost-effective and timely repair and retrofitting of fatigue-cracked structures x x
Track and Structures    
Develop automated defect detection systems for rail and joint bars x x
Develop an automated track and wayside equipment mapping system x  
Develop a smart rail plug that will detect the longitudinal stress of continuously welded rail x  
Identify Solutions to Improve Transit Infrastructure Maintenance    
Improved track inspection and integrated maintenance systems   x