Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table 3-8. Milestones for Safety Rulemaking and Advanced Technologies

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Research Product or Information Gained FY 07-08 FY 09-10
Advanced Materials/Structural Safety    
See milestone for "Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection" under Safety RD&T Strategy 2.    
Aeromedical Research    
Advanced molecular biochemical techniques to enhance aviation forensic toxicology analysis x x
Airport Technology    
See milestones for "Vehicle, Equipment, and Infrastructure Factors" under Safety RD&T Strategy 1.    
Atmospheric Hazards/Digital System Safety    
Guidelines for testing, evaluation, and certification of digital flight controls and avionic systems x  
Commercial Space Transportation    
Research to support human space flight safety rulemaking   x
Fire Research and Safety    
Research and testing to support new FAA rule establishing reduced flammability limits for fuel tanks x  
Fire-test criteria for structural composites to ensure the same level of fire safety as metallic structures x  
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research    
Define airworthiness assurance requirements   x
Improve Safety of Commercial Motor Vehicles    
Implement strategies for sharing data and information to facilitate the deployment of onboard safety technologies x x
Test and evaluate tire pressure monitoring systems x x
Test and evaluate camera/video imaging systems to improve visibility x x
Hydrogen Initiative    
Develop safety test and evaluation procedures for hydrogen vehicles   x
Hydrogen R&D    
Distribute and update safety materials and provide safety training through the Hydrogen Safety Training Center x x
Develop nondestructive testing technologies for advanced hydrogen storage technologies x x
Conduct materials compatibility research and facilitate the development of statistically validated consensus codes and standards x x