Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
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Table 3-7. Milestones for Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection

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Research Product or Information Gained FY 07-08 FY 09-10
Advanced Materials/Structural Safety    
Neck injury certification criteria for side-facing seats x  
Aeromedical Research    
Bioaeronautical results, reports, and recommendations to define mechanisms and benefits of improved crash survival systems x x
Enhanced escape slide/system performance, evacuation processes, and survivability technology x x
Fire Research and Safety    
Criteria for effective use of hand-held or fixed extinguishing systems to put out in-flight fires x  
Safety Research and Innovation Deployment    
Assess roadside hardware crashworthiness x x
Produce Safer Drivers    
Develop low-cost technology to require safety belt use to operate a CMV x  
Railroad System Issues    
Update fire safety standards for rail passenger cars x  
Develop emergency evacuation procedures using the new rollover rig   x
Train Occupant Protection    
Develop crash energy management design for bi-level car   x
Develop seat and interior design for rail passenger car x  
Identify Solutions to Improve Transit Safety    
Examine light rail and commuter rail crashworthiness improvements   x
Human Injury Research    
Identify injury risks for vulnerable automobile occupants and create injury criteria for advanced side impact dummies x x
Develop finite element computer model and associated software to assess brain injury mechanisms x x
Safety Systems    
Develop test and evaluation procedures for remote sensing occupant protection systems through cooperative research with industry stakeholders x x
Develop test and evaluation procedures for enhancing frontal vehicle-vehicle compatibility x x
Develop test and evaluation procedures for preventing occupant ejection in rollovers x