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Title:Audit of FAA's RESULTS National Contracting Service
Date:September 21, 2006
Summary:On September 21, we issued our report on FAA's RESULTS National Contracting Service, a procurement program established to acquire support services. This audit was requested by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security. We found that the program was not properly structured to meet FAA's needs for faster, cheaper, and better acquisition of support services.

Additionally, FAA officials did not award contracts with sufficient competition or adequate price analysis, and deficiencies existed in the administration of individual contracts. Although FAA took steps during our audit to improve the procurement program by requiring additional executive oversight and training, we recommended that the Agency dissolve the procurement program due to its structural weaknesses and implement additional procedures and controls to improve oversight of all support services contract. FAA generally concurred with our recommendations and is taking actions that, when fully implemented, will address the problems discussed in the report.
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