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Title:Review of the RESULTS Multiple-Award Procurement Program
Date:July 15, 2005
Project ID:05F3029F000
Summary:On July 15, in response to a request from the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security, we initiated a review of FAA’s use of multiple-award umbrella procurement programs to acquire contract support services. Because of the magnitude of these procurement programs, we will focus on the RESULTS procurement program in this audit and review other FAA procurement programs later. Our objectives are to determine whether (1) the RESULTS program is properly established and managed, including the process used to pre-qualify over 140 contractors; (2) contract work is properly competed with well defined scope and controlled scope changes; (3) contracts are properly administered to ensure satisfactory performance and valid payment requests, and (4) contractors are performing the same work as Government employees at a higher rate to FAA.
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