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Title:DOT's Use of Government Travel Charge Cards
Date:August 28, 2003
Project ID:FI-2003-049
Summary:We issued the final report on our audit of DOT’s use of Government travel cards. While most DOT employees do not abuse their travel card privileges, we identified 96 employees who did abuse these privileges by charging personal purchases ($407,000 worth), withdrawing cash in excess of travel needs ($361,000 worth), or not paying their bills on time (22 employees). In response to our audit, DOT revised its travel card policy and initiated other corrective actions to address travel card abuses. To build on these initiatives and strengthen controls, we recommended that DOT use data-mining tools to identify abuses; block additional merchant categories from travel card use; implement salary offsets and split travel reimbursements for employees who are delinquent paying their travel bills; and take appropriate actions with the employees who abused their travel cards. DOT agreed with our recommendations and has begun taking corrective actions.
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