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Climate Change Effects on Stream and River Biological Indicators: A Preliminary Analysis (Final Report)

Britta G. Bierwagen
by phone at:   703-347-8613
by fax at:   703-347-8694
by email at:  bierwagen.britta@epa.gov


EPA is announcing the release of a final report titled, "Climate Change Effects on Stream and River Biological Indicators: A Preliminary Analysis". The document was prepared by the National Center for Environmental Assessment's Global Climate Research Staff.

This final report is a preliminary assessment that describes how biological indicators are likely to respond to climate change, how well current sampling schemes may detect climate-driven changes, and how likely it is that these sampling schemes will continue to detect impairment.
Cover of the Climate Change on Aquatic Indicators Document The Clean Water Act mandates that states assess the biological, chemical, and physical condition of their aquatic resources using biological indicators that compare reference and non-reference sites to measure condition. The Office of Water developed guidance documents for establishing biocriteria in rivers and streams, lakes, estuaries, and wetlands, and is developing biocriteria for coral reefs. Climate change is projected to affect aquatic ecosystems through changes in water temperature, hydrological cycles, and degree days. This report is a preliminary analysis of how biological indicators are likely to respond to climate change, how well current sampling schemes may detect climate-driven changes, and how likely it is that these sampling schemes will continue to detect impairment. The results and recommendations are an initial step towards helping biocriteria programs modify assessment activities to account for climate change effects and ensure that management goals continue to be met. The report is intended for managers and scientists working on biological indicators, bioassessment, and biocrit


Mar 2007Workshop on "Climate Change Effects on Biological Indicators" in Baltimore, MD from March 27-29, 2007.
May 2007EPA conducted an internal review of the document.
Jun 2007Presentation at NABS (North American Benthological Society).
Aug 2007EPA releases an External Review Draft.
Oct 2007External peer review meeting is held.
Apr 2008EPA releases the final report.

Next Steps

This is the final report.

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U.S. EPA. Climate Change Effects on Stream and River Biological Indicators: A Preliminary Analysis (Final Report). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-07/085F.
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