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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > CFBCI > Funding Opportunities > Past Funding Opportunities   

Past Funding Opportunities

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Below are links to Solicitations for Grant Applications from the U.S. Department of Labor which are not currently open, but are likely to be published again in 2007. For all of the grants listed, faith-based and community organizations are eligible to apply. There are no funding opportunities which are “exclusively” for faith-based organizations.

(Please note: The content of these grant opportunities may change substantially from year to year. Additionally, the High Growth Training Grant will definitely focus on new industries in 2007 and will not focus on the industries targeted last year.)

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Child Labor Education Initiative

The overarching goal of USDOL is to work toward the elimination of the worst forms of child labor internationally. All USDOL-funded projects are aimed at achieving this objective. Thus, in addition to providing direct education and training opportunities to children withdrawn from work and those at risk of engaging in exploitive work, the Child Labor Education Initiative has four goals: raise awareness of the importance of education for all children and mobilize a wide array of actors to improve and expand education infrastructures; strengthen formal and transitional education systems that encourage working children and those at risk of working to attend school; strengthen national institutions and policies on education and child labor; and ensure the long-term sustainability of these efforts.

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Employment & Training Administration

Grant Opportunities: Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) Technology-Based Learning (TBL) Initiative

ETA announces the availability of approximately $10 million in grant funds under the TBL Initiative to be awarded through a competitive process. The purpose of the Initiative is to expand access to training resulting in an increased number of workers trained, particularly in high-growth, high-demand occupations, and to meet the needs of industry for skilled employees. This Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) is designed to expand the vital role of TBL in helping workers quickly acquire the training and skills they need to be successful in today's global economy, and thereby increase the nation's economic competitiveness and growth. Desired outcomes include an increased amount of workforce training available online and/or enhanced with TBL, and an increased number of people trained in high-growth jobs through the use of TBL methods. Funds will be awarded to public, private for-profit, and private non-profit organizations, including educational institutions and registered apprenticeship sponsors. Partnership with the publicly-funded workforce investment system is required.

Expected Number of Awards: 20
Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,000,000
Award Ceiling: $500,000
Award Floor: $100,000
CFDA Number: 17.269 Location:
Full Announcement

Official Federal Register Postings:
Issue Date: June 20, 2008
Closing Date: August 19, 2008
Full Announcement

Issue Date: July 01, 2008
Closing Date: August 19, 2008
Amendment One

Issue Date: July 14, 2008
Closing Date: August 19, 2008
Amendment Two

Characteristics of Specialty Occupation Workers (H-1B)

ETA Announces Grants to Improve Academic, Social, and Career Pathway Outcomes

Background: The grants described below are intended for specific school districts that have been identified as "persistently dangerous" by the State Educational Agencies under section 9532 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The goal of the grants is to support mentoring, educational, employment, and other such prevention programs which seek to reduce violence in the schools.

Description: Both schools and faith and community-based organizations in partnership with the given school districts will be eligible to apply for the grant competition. One of the primary objectives of the program is to enhance learning opportunities for 9th graders, and provide internship experiences for juniors and seniors. Applications should explain a plan for mentoring programs, and an explanation of how programs will be able to reduce violence in the district.

Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from schools and FBCOs located in or partnered with the six eligible school districts. To see a full copy of the grant announcement and the grant application, please go to;jsessionid=

A list of the eligible schools is available on the full copy of the grant announcement.

Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No: 17.261 — WIA Pilots, Demonstrations, and Research Projects

Grant Amount: $49,500,000

Number of Awards: 10

Deadline: June 11, 2008

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ETA Grants Announced: Demonstration Projects Targeting Dislocated Workers

Background: The recently announced grants from the Employment and Training Administration are intended for organizations who offer retraining and job placement services to dislocated workers. The grants are intended for State Workforce Agencies, including those in the territories of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa.

Description: Applicants will be required to choose to apply in one of four categories (and possibly sub-categories as well). Applicants must submit an application for one (and only one) of the four following categories: "Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Dislocated Workers," "Getting Ahead of the Curve: Raising Educational/Skill Levels of Workers in Declining Industries", "Innovative Adult Learning Models for Dislocated Workers," or "Preventing Dislocations of TANF Recipients Moving Into Entry Level Jobs Subject to Economic Churn."

Eligibility: State Workforce Agencies (SWAs), including those from the territories listed above, are eligible to apply. Each SWA needs to identify the One-Stop Career Center and local workforce investment board and that would be participating in the proposed project. To see a full copy of the grant announcement, please go to;jsessionid=

Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No: 17.269 — Community Based Job Training Grants

Grant Amount: $20,000,000

Number of Awards: 20

Deadline: June 13, 2008;

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P.S. If you have questions about our programs or services, please e-mail for assistance. If you have any technical questions or problems, please e-mail for assistance.

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Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

HUD (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) Lists SuperNOFA: $1 billion in funding for 35 programs

Background: HUD’s SuperNOFA (Super Notice of Available Funding) has been released, and details $1 billion in available grants for FY 2008. The following details the various programs making these grants available. Eligibility varies by grant, so consult the full SuperNOFA link at the bottom.

Community Development Technical Assistance Programs ($27.9 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline




July 3, 2008


Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO/HOME) TA


July 3, 2008


McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance TA


July 3, 2008


Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) TA


July 3, 2008


Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) TA


July 3, 2008

14.218,.219, .225, and .248

*CFDA = Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Indian Community Development Block Grant Program ($62 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Indian Community Development Block Grant Program (ICDBG)


July 11, 2008


University and College Programs ($23 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)


July 2, 2008


Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC)


July 2, 2008


Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Institutions Assisting Communities


July 2, 2008


Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP)


July 2, 2008


Doctoral Programs ($400,000 total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Early Doctoral Student Research Grant Program (EDSRG)


June 12, 2008


Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant Program (DDRG)


June 12, 2008


Fair Housing Initiatives Programs ($21.8 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Fair Housing – Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)


July 9, 2008


Fair Housing – Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI)


July 9, 2008


Fair Housing – Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI)


July 9, 2008


Housing Counseling Programs ($50 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Local Housing Counseling Agencies (LHCA)


July 9, 2008


National and Regional Intermediaries


July 9, 2008


State Housing Finance Agencies (SHFA)


July 9, 2008


Multi-State Organizations (MSOs)


July 9, 2008


Housing Counseling Training


July 9, 2008


Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Control Programs ($142 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program


July 10, 2008


Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program


July 17, 2008


Operation Lead Elimination Action Program (LEAP)


July 10, 2008


Lead-Technical Studies


July 3, 2008


Healthy Homes Technical Studies


July 3, 2008


Lead Outreach Grant Program


July 17,2008


Healthy Homes Demonstration Program


July 17,2008


Economic Development and Self-Sufficiency Programs ($106 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program


June 12, 2008


Rural Housing & Economic Development (RHED)


May 30, 2008


ROSS Service Contractors


August 14, 2008


Public and Indian Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program


July 18, 2008


Targeted and Assisted Housing ($590.3 mil total)


Available Funds

Application Deadline


Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP)


July 11, 2008


Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)


July 18, 2008


Assisted-Living Conversion Program for Eligible Multifamily Projects


July 3, 2008


Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly


July 10, 2008


Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities


July 16, 2008


For further information, consult the full SuperNOFA:

For information regarding HUD’s specific programs, consult their website:

All available grant applications can be found at, or more specifically:;jsessionid=

New Grant Opportunity to Assist in the Placement and Retention of Women in Apprenticeships in the Non-Traditional Occupations

Background: The Women Apprenticeship in Non Traditional Occupations(WANTO) Act of 1992 authorizes DOL to disburse technical assistance grants to promote the recruitment, training, and retention of women in apprenticeship and nontraditional occupations. The WB and OA co-administer the WANTO program, and have the responsibility for implementing this grant process.

Description: The WANTO Act's purpose is to provide technical assistance to employers and labor unions to encourage employment of women in apprenticeships and non traditional occupations. One of the means of providing technical assistance is through competitive grants which focus on conducting innovative projects to improve the recruitment, selection, training, employment, and retention of women in apprenticeships in the construction industry.

Eligibility: Only CBO/RAP consortium, which must consist of a construction industry RAP sponsor; and a CBO ( which may be a faith-based organization (FBO) with demonstrated experience in providing training services, placement, and support services to women for construction industry jobs.

Grant Amount: $1,000,000

Number of Awards: 300,000

Deadline: June 6, 2008

Solicitation Is Available on and

ETA Announces Grant Competition for YouthBuild

Background: The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has announced the availability of approximately $47 million in grant funds for YouthBuild programs. YouthBuild programs assist at-risk youth to obtain education and skill training and advance towards post-secondary education and career pathways in construction and other high growth, high demand occupations while building affordable housing in their communities.

Description: Grant funds awarded under this Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) should be used to provide disadvantaged youth with: the education and employment skills necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency in occupations in high demand and postsecondary education and training opportunities; opportunities for meaningful work and service to their communities; and opportunities to develop employment and leadership skills and a commitment to community development among youth in low-income communities.

Eligibility: Applicants may be a public or private nonprofit agency or organization, including faith-based and community organizations. It is anticipated that awards will be made for three year grants (two years of operation with a twelve-month follow-up period) and with average individual grants ranging from approximately $700,000 - $1.1 million.

Deadline: The closing date for receipt of applications is July 3, 2007.

Please Note: A prospective applicant conference will be held on May 30, 2007 in Arlington, Virginia at the Doubletree Hotel (300 Army Navy Drive). Registration and additional information is available at YouthBuild Frequently Asked Questions can be found at

The April 26 Federal Register provides full background, application preparation and submission instructions, Federal review criteria, and additional resources.

Additional Resources:

ETA Announces Grant Competition for Youthful Offender Registered Apprenticeship, Alternative Education, and Project Expansion Grants

Background: The Employment and Training Administration announces the availability of approximately $20 million for Youthful Offender Grants. Over the next decade, the percentage of workers between the ages of 16 and 24 is expected to grow more rapidly than the overall workforce. The 21st century economic landscape is rapidly changing with technology and globalization altering the nature of work and the skills and training needed by workers to compete in this new reality. Ninety percent of the fastest growing jobs in the United States today require post-secondary education. Therefore, the rapidly growing youth labor force is emerging at a time where advanced education, skills, and abilities have a heightened importance in preparing the talent employers will need to populate their workforce.

Description: These grants will be awarded through a competitive process for three categories of projects-(1) Registered Apprenticeship (to increase the placement of young adults being released from the criminal justice system in registered apprenticeship); (2) Alternative Educational Pathways (to increase the educational achievement and attainment of youth in the juvenile justice system); and (3) Project Expansion (to replicate effective programs for serving juvenile offenders). Applicants can apply for grants in more than one of these categories, but separate applications must be submitted for each category.

Eligibility: Applicants may be faith-based and community organizations, national community-based organizations, State Apprenticeship Agencies, state workforce agencies, local workforce investment boards, state correctional agencies, Indian/Native American, Native Hawaiian, Alaskan Native and Pacific Islander Tribal Governments or organizations that are Federally recognized. Funding for the three categories of awards is expected to be as follows: Registered apprenticeship, four grants at $1 million each; Alternative Educational Pathways, six grants at $1 million ach; and Expansion, five grants at $2 million each. Applicants are required to submit budgets within this financial range.

Deadline: The closing date for receipt of applications is May 31, 2007 There will be a Prospective Applicant Webinar held for this grant competition. The date and access information for this Prospective Applicant Webinar will be posted on ETA’s Web site at

The May 2nd Federal Register provides full background, application preparation and submission instructions, Federal review criteria, and additional resources.

Preparing Ex-Offenders for the Workplace Through Beneficiary-Choice Contracting; Solicitation for Grant Applications

Background: The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration is pleased to announce a competition for grants totaling approximately $5 million for faith-based and community organizations and government agencies to address the specific workforce challenges of ex-offenders and produce positive outcomes with a particular focus on employment and reduced recidivism.

Description: Grant funds awarded under this competition will be used to implement a program of services for ex-offenders (ages 18 to 29) under a beneficiary-choice contracting model. The beneficiary choice contracting model involves providing program participants with an independent choice among multiple service providers for specific services. Participants will receive case management services from the grantee, but will choose among contracted specialized service providers for more in-depth services.

ETA intends to fund grants for five projects, to serve 225 individuals (age 18 to 29) through the adult criminal justice system, per year, at an average annual grant amount of $1,000,000 per site. Applicants may submit proposals within the range of $800,000 to $1,200,000.

Eligibility: Applicants must be either a faith-based or community organization that is exempt from taxation pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) at the time of application submission, or a government agency (such as a Workforce Investment Board, One-Stop Career Center, corrections agency, State or local government, housing authority). The applicant will be the lead organization that will represent a partnership system that consists of the public workforce system, the local corrections agency and other social services providers (including faith-based and community organizations). At least one of the contracted specialized service providers offered to participants must offer a program that contains no religious content.

Informational Webinar: On Friday, April 27, 2007, ETA held a informational webinar on this Solicitation for Grant Applications.

Deadline: Applications for this solicitation must be submitted by May 25, 2007. For the grant application please visit or

National Farmworker Jobs Program

Background: The U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is requesting grant applications for operating the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). The NFJP is designed to serve economically disadvantaged persons who primarily depend on employment in agricultural labor performed within the United States, including Puerto Rico, and who experience chronic unemployment or underemployment. Qualifying participants are typically those persons employed on a seasonal or part-time basis in the unskilled and semi-skilled manual labor occupations in crop and animal production. Through training and other workforce development services, the program is intended to assist eligible migrants and seasonal farmworkers and their families to prepare for jobs likely to provide stable, year-round employment both within and outside agriculture.

Description: $74,302,000 is available for grants in 2007. Second year funding will be dependent on the availability of funding through the FY 2008 appropriation process.

Eligibility: State agencies, Local Workforce Investment Boards, faith-based and community organizations, institutions of higher learning, and other entities capable of delivering services on a statewide basis are all examples of organizations eligible to apply for WIA Section 167 grants.

The April 20th Federal Register provides full background, application preparation and submission instructions, Federal review criteria, and additional resources.

Grant for Small, Grassroots Organizations Partnering with the One-Stop System

In 2006, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) issued "Workforce Investment Act Grant for Small Grassroots to Organizations with the Ability to Connect to the One-Stop Career Center System." ETA awarded more than 4 million dollars to 55 grassroots organizations for this grant. For more information on last year’s grantees, read the press release.

High Growth Jobs Training Grants (HGJT)

HGJT Grants always focus on specific industries. Potential focuses include Long Term Health Care, Energy, Construction, Financial Services, and Homeland Security. These grants are released throughout the year.

This example of High Growth Jobs Training Grant from 2006 focuses on the Advanced Manufacturing industry. Any new HGJT Grants would focus on different industries and therefore have very different content.


For Fiscal Year 2007, the Youth-Build program has been transferred from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to the U.S. Department of Labor. The purpose of YouthBuild is to:

  1. Provide economically disadvantaged young adults with opportunities to obtain an educational experience that will enhance their employment skills, as a means to achieving self-sufficiency;
  2. Foster the development of leadership skills and commitment to community;
  3. Expand the supply of permanent affordable housing for homeless and low- and very low-income persons by providing implementation grants;
  4. Provide disadvantaged young adults with meaningful on-site training experiences in housing construction and rehabilitation that will enable them to render a service to their communities by helping to meet the housing needs of homeless persons and low-income families; and
  5. Give to the greatest extent possible, job training, employment, contracting, and other economic opportunities.
  • Previous Notice of Funding Opportunity for Youthbuild. There are likely to be significant differences under the new Department of Labor Management of this program.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • For more information, visit, which held an online forum to provide the public with the opportunity to comment on the YouthBuild program.

ETA Announces Grant Funds to Support Regional Approaches to Meet Workforce Challenges in Energy Sector and Address Shortage of Construction and Trade Workers

Under the President's High Growth Job Training Initiative (HGJTI), the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has announced the availability of approximately $10 million in grant funds for high-impact regional approaches to meet the workforce challenges of the energy industry and/or address the shortage of construction and skilled trade workers needed to maintain and expand the energy industry infrastructure.

The President's HGJTI is a strategic effort to prepare workers for new and increasing job opportunities in high-growth, high-demand, and economically vital industries and sectors of the American economy. Through the initiative, ETA identifies high-growth, high-demand industries, evaluates the skill needs of those industries, and funds local and national partnership-based demonstration projects that: (a) Address industry-specific workforce challenges within the context of regional talent and economic development strategies; and (b) prepare workers for good jobs with career pathways in these rapidly expanding or transforming industries. ETA will broadly disseminate the products, models, and effective approaches that result from HGJTI investments to employers, education and training providers, and the workforce system, building their capacity to respond to employers' workforce needs in high-growth, high-demand industries that are a part of regional economies.

Grant funds awarded under this Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) should be used to implement and replicate high-impact, industry-driven training solutions that address identified workforce challenges in the energy industry or in the construction and skilled trade occupations that support the energy industry. Each solution must take place in the context of a regional talent development strategy designed to contribute to a strong regional economy. The solutions must be developed and implemented by a strategic regional partnership, which includes leaders from the workforce investment system, business and industry, and the education and training community, as well as other public and private sector partners that bring critical assets to the joint venture. Proposed solutions should take full advantage of existing workforce development models, promising practices, and tools. Solutions must implement an existing promising solution, model, or approach and take it to scale in the region, or adapt a solution that has been demonstrated to have positive impact on the identified workforce development challenges in another region.

Eligibility: Applicants may be public, private for-profit, or private non-profit organizations.

Grant Award Amount: It is anticipated that average individual awards will fall within the range of $500,000 to $1 million.

Due: The closing date for receipt of applications is March 25, 2008.

A Webinar for prospective applicants will be held for this grant competition on February 1, 2008. Access information for the Webinar will be available on

The January 23 Federal Register provides full background, outlines the eight parts of the Solicitation, presents the application requirements and evaluation criteria, and furnishes instruction for the submission of the application.

The Solicitation will also be available on and

Please note that the Solicitation includes the following text:

Partnerships with faith-based and community organizations are also encouraged. Grantees may elect to sub-award funds to faith-based and community organizations to perform a variety of grant services such as case management, mentoring, and English language programs, among others. Faith-based and community organizations can also provide wrap- around holistic and comprehensive support services, where appropriate. Please note, however, that identifying an organization as a partner does not waive applicable source selection requirements (See Part VI. B, NOTE).

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

SAMHSA/CSAP Announces Prevention and Prisoner Reentry Grants

Background: The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration/Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (SAMHSA/CSAP) is announcing a request for proposals for reentry programming. The program strives to achieve three goals: 1.) Establish and strengthen collaboration among faith and community based organizations, Federal, State, local governments to prevent and reduce substance abuse and crime. 2.) Reduce substance abuse among youth and, over time, among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse. 3.) Reduce recidivism rates of returning ex-offenders and to provide the critical services, resources and opportunities that will allow a returning ex-offender to transition successfully.

Description: The CSAP Prevention & Prisoner Reentry Program will provide $50,000 to between 12 and 15 faith and community based organizations that have existing prisoner reentry programs but who could benefit by incorporating collaboration with existing crime prevention efforts and receiving funding support to build their capacity to be more efficient and effective in their social service delivery. This will be accomplished through developing family-centered services that address the needs of the family as a whole; creating partnerships across service systems such as health, education, and workforce development; community and faith based organizations; and businesses and employers; strengthening the capacity of the family to function self sufficiently; engaging families in decisions and goal setting.

Eligibility: Applicants must be able to demonstrate the following:

  • That they are a 501C3 organization
  • That they are faith or community based through history and social engagement
  • That they have been in existence at least 3 years
  • That their proposal creates a Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS Prevention Community Outreach Strategy, linked to prisoner reentry.
  • That their annual organizational budget does not exceed $800,000
  • That their proposal will link with one a Weed & Seed, CADCA coalition, community based prevention coalition, or a parole and probation community initiative that is doing some prisoner reentry work.

Deadline: One page Letter of Intent must be received by August 10, 2007. All applications are due by September 4, 2007 at 4 pm.

Compassion Capital Fund Communities Empowering Youth Program

Background: In an effort to build the organizational capacity, sustainability and effectiveness of the program and the community collaborations it serves, the Communities Empowering Youth Program is seeking faith-based and community oriented partners. Applications need to represent the whole collaboration and identify the roles of everyone involved. The lead organization and its partners must have a track record of working to provide alternatives to gang involvement, youth violence, and child abuse and neglect and generally to further foster positive youth development for children and youth in their service area. CCF plans on distributing 30 awards totaling $7,500,000.

Eligibility: Faith-based and community organizations with proven track records of fostering positive youth development for children and youth in their area.

Due By: Applications are due by July 10, 2007

Contact: Thom Campbell at 800-281-9519 or

Transitional Living Program and Maternity Group Homes

Background: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families' (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) is accepting applications for the Transitional Living Program (TLP) and for Maternity Group Homes (MGH). TLPs proved an alternative to involving runaway and homeless youth in the law enforcement, child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice systems. TLPs must provide a safe and appropriate shelter for up to 18 months of services with adult supervision. Services such as life and interpersonal skill building, career counseling and job skills, and medical care should be offered to the youth. Maternity Group Homes provide the same services as TLPs in addition to providing parenting instruction and child care among other services. The ACF is offering 105 awards totaling $16,000,000.

Eligibility: Faith-based and community organizations are eligible to apply.

Due By: Applications are due on July 30, 2007

Contact: Victoria Marquez at 866-796-1591 or

Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) Program

Background: The Office of Community Services' (OCS) Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) program helps low-income individuals achieve economic self-sufficiency. Grantees assist participants in overcoming the identified personal and systemic barriers to employment, job retention and self-sufficiency. Funding should be used to provide technical and financial assistance to private employers in the community in an effort to create employment and business opportunities for low-income individuals. Grantees also create a revolving loan fund and make at or below market rate loans to eligible beneficiaries for business development activities. Grantees must allot a minimum of twenty percent of the JOLI funds received for the provision of financial assistance to program participants. Interest accrued on revolving loan funds must be used to continue or expand the activities of the approved project. Grantees may focus their projects on the following strategy areas: new business ventures, business expansion and self-employment/Micro-enterprise. Grants are awarded through a competitive process with 12 awards totaling $4,881,000.

Eligibility: Grants are awarded through a competitive process to non-profit organizations having 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) status with the Internal Revenue Service. Institutions of higher education are excluded from the process. Faith-based organizations are eligible to apply.

Due By: Applications are due by June 20, 2007

Contact: Rafael J. Elizalde,

HHS Announces Funding Opportunity under Communities Empowering Youth Program

Background: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services has announced a new opportunity for grants under the Compassion Capital Fund. Under the Communities Empowering Youth (CEY) program, the ACF will award funds to build the organizational capacity of experienced groups, their collaborating faith-based and/or community partners and the resulting community collaborations to better meet the needs of America's disadvantaged youth. CEY funding is to be used by the lead organization and its partners to increase the overall effectiveness of their community collaboration in addition to increasing the organizational capacity of the individual members. Capacity building activities are designed to increase the collaboration's and the individual organization's sustainability and effectiveness as well as enhance their ability to provide social services to better serve those most in need.

Description: The grants will be awarded based on the ability of the applicant to assist is collaborating faith-based and community partners through training, technical assistance, and financial assistance. Training and technical assistance is to focus on four CEY critical areas: 1) Leadership development, 2) Organizational Development, 3) Program Development, and 4) Community Engagement. ACF has anticipated awarding grants totaling $7,500,000. Thirty applicants will receive funding for 36-month projects with three 12 month budget periods. The ceiling for individual awards is $250,000 per budget period.

Eligibility: The applicant organization must take the lead on the CEY community collaboration and must represent the community collaboration as a whole. This means they will be responsible for program and financial oversight of the grant award. Lead organizations must fall into a least one of the following categories: 1) Public and State-controlled institutions of higher education, 2) Indian/Native American Tribal governments and organizations, 3) Non-profits other than institutions of higher education, 4) Private institutions of higher education, 5) For-profit organizations, and 6) others that have a track record of working to provide alternatives to gang involvement, youth violence, child abuse and neglect, and foster positive youth development within their service area.

Deadline: All applications are due by July 10, 2007.

Visit the ACF Website for additional details on the Communities Empowering Youth grant.

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U.S. Department of Justice

Support for Mentoring Initiatives
Deadline: June 8, 2007
Summary: This solicitation invites applicants to propose the implementation of initiatives that will assist in the development and maturity of community programs to provide mentoring services to populations that are underserved due to locations, shortage of mentors, special physical or mental challenges of the targeted population, or other such situations identified by the community in need of mentoring services.

Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs
Deadline: June 8, 2007
Summary: The purpose of the this grant is to foster innovations and advancements in juvenile justice and child protection-related practice at the local, state, and tribal government levels. OJJDP is particularly interested in programs or strategies that address substance abuse problems in an integrated, comprehensive, communitywide approach that focuses on change not only at the individual level, but also at the family and community levels.

Prevention and Intervention Programs
Deadline: June 8, 2007
Summary: The purpose of this grant is to foster innovations and advancements in juvenile justice and child protection-related practice at the community level. OJJDP is interested in programs that focus on reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors to prevent youth from becoming victims or from entering the juvenile justice system. Special consideration will be given to intermediary organizations that provide mini grants to encourage community organizations, including faith-based organizations, to support juvenile delinquency prevention and/or intervention efforts.

National Juvenile Justice Programs
Deadline: June 8, 2007
Summary: The purpose of the grant is to provide support to programs that focus on combating juvenile delinquency, reducing the victimization of children, and improving the juvenile justice system. They also must support OJJDP’s mission to provide national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization.

High-Risk Youth Offender Reentry and Family Strengthening Initiatives
Deadline: June 8, 2007
Summary: Under this initiative, OJJDP will fund (1) high risk youth offender reentry strategies and programs designed to promote collaboration among Departments of Juvenile Corrections, faith-based and community-based organizations and providers committed to providing services for youth offenders upon release and (2) family strengthening strategies and programs. OJJDP will give priority to family strengthening programs that focus on families of at-risk youth; it is particularly interested in programs that address family strengths and needs in an integrated, comprehensive manner.

Edward Byrne Memorial Discretionary Grants Program
Deadline: June 25, 2007
Summary: This grant program helps local communities improve the capacity of local justice systems and provides for national support efforts including training and technical assistance programs strategically targeted to address local needs.

Weed and Seed Communities Competitive Program
Deadlines: Notice of Intent—May 31, 2007
Draft—August 9, 2007
Application (only on—11:59 pm ET, August 30, 2007
Summary: The Weed and Seed strategy aims to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, criminal drug-related activity, and gang activity. The Weed and Seed strategy is a community-based, comprehensive multi-agency approach.

Expansion and Maintenance of the Model Programs Guide
Deadline: June 8, 2007; 8:00 pm ET, February 28, 2007
Summary: This grant seeks applicants to maintain and further develop the Model Programs Guide, an online database of evidence-based juvenile justice programs.

Justice Department Announces Public Education Campaign Grants to Fight Immigration-Related Employment Discrimination

The Justice Department announced today that it is making available $725,000 in funding for grant programs designed to promote public education efforts regarding immigration-related employment discrimination.

The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), a section of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, announced the availability of funds for public education programs regarding employees' rights and employers' obligations under the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The program is open to public service groups, faith-based organizations, associations, and others providing information services to employers and/or potential victims of immigration-related employment discrimination. Last year, grants ranging from $45,000 to $85,000 were awarded to 11 organizations serving communities throughout the country.

In some cases, the INA prohibits discrimination against work-authorized individuals on the basis of citizenship status or national origin in hiring, firing and recruiting or referring for a fee. In addition, the provision prohibits employers from requiring over-documentation in the employment eligibility verification process. The INA also prohibits retaliation against protected conduct under the INA.

The deadline for grant applications is Tuesday, May 29, 2007. The grant announcement is available on OSC's Web site at or

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Occupational Safety & Health Administration

OSHA Susan Harwood Grants

OSHA Susan Harwood Grants are awarded to provide training and education programs for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces. OSHA selects the safety and health topics and holds a national competition to award grants. This grant usually becomes available in the summer. More information...

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Social Security Administration Streamlines the Employment Network Request for Proposal Process

The Social Security Administration receives and processes all Employment Network (EN) Request for Proposal (RFP) applications and communicates directly with respective EN applicants. MAXIMUS is no longer performing this function.

How to Apply

Organizations interested in applying to become Employment Networks should mail their RFP directly to the Social Security Administration for review.

  1. Download the EN RFP at the federal procurement Web site
  2. Submit one (1) original and one (1) copy of the completed RFP to the address listed below (Do NOT mail EN applications to MAXIMUS):
  3. Social Security Administration
    P.O. Box 17778
    Baltimore, MD 21235-7778

Upon submission, applicants should direct questions pertaining to their EN application to the Social Security Administration contact listed below:

Social Security Administration
Mildred Owens
Office of Employment Support Programs (OESP)
Phone: (410) 965-6451
Fax: (410) 966-1278

For updates on TTW contractors and program news visit the following Web sites:

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Department of Veteran Affairs

VETS announces competition for Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program

Background: Urban or Non-Urban HVRP grants are intended to address two objectives: (1) to provide services to assist in reintegrating homless veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force, and (2) to stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address the complex problems facing homeless veterans as well as addressing the universal and the local or regional problems that have had a negative impact on homeless veterans reentering the workforce.

Description: The U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans' Employment Training Service annouces a grant competition, which provides that "the Secretary of Labor shall conduct, directly or through grant or contract, such programs as the Secretary determines appropriate to provide job training, counseling, and placement services(including job readiness and literacy and skill training) to expedite the reintegration of homeless veterans into the labor force.

Eligibility: Applications for funds will be accepted from State and Local Workforce Investment Boards, local public agencies, for profit/commerical entities, and non-profit organizations, including faith-based and community organizations. For more information regarding grant eligibility, please go to

Catalogue of Federal Domestica Assistsance (CFDA) No: 17.805 -- Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project

Grant Amount: $3,500,000

Number of Awards: $75,000

Deadline: May 14, 2008

VA's Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program

Background: The VA is announcing the availability of funds for assistance under the Capital Grant component of VA's Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program. It is offered annually (as funding permits) by the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Programs to fund community agencies providing services to homeless veterans. Its purpose is to promote the development and provision of supportive housing and/or supportive services with the goal of helping homeless veterans achieve residential stability, increase their skill levels and/or income, and obtain greater self-determination. The program has two levels of funding: the Grant Component and the Per Diem Component.

Description: The funds from these grants should be used to finance those community agencies which offer services such as housing, case management, education, crisis intervention, counseling, and other such assistance to homeless veterans.

Eligibility: Those eligible include non-profit organizations, state and local government agencies as well as Indian Tribal governments that wish to start new programs to provide supportive housing or supportive services for homeless veterans. In addition, 75% of clients served in the program must be veterans. Only programs with supportive housing (up to 24 months) or service centers are eligible for these funds.

Deadline: Applications are due to the Grant and Per Diem Field Office by 4 p.m. Eastern Time on June 28, 2007.

Please Note: An application package must include an original completed and collated grant application (plus three completed collated copies) and a cover letter clearly stating under which funding priority applicants wish to be considered.

For grant applications, visit: or

For more information contact Dr. Guy Liedke, VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, Department of Veterans Affairs, 10770 N. 46th Street, Suite C-200, Tampa, FL 33617; (toll free: 1-877-332-0334)

Housing Assistance

Background: The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is requesting applications for grants to operate the housing assistance portion of the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). The NFJP serves economically disadvantaged persons who primarily depend on employment in agricultural labor performed within the United States, including Puerto Rico, and who experience chronic unemployment or underemployment. Housing assistance is a supportive service offered to assist migrant and seasonal farmworkers to retain employment or enter into or complete training.

Description: $4,950,000 is available for grants in 2007. Second year funding will be dependent on the availability of funding through the FY 2008 appropriation process. The FY 2007 Continuing Appropriations Resolution, Public Law 110–5, provides that no less than 70 percent of this amount shall be used for permanent housing activities. Therefore, approximately $3,465,000 will be available for permanent housing activities, and $1,485,000 will be available for temporary and emergency housing activities.

Eligibility: Applicants need not be a current or prior housing assistance grantee to be eligible for a grant award under this solicitation. State workforce agencies and State Workforce Boards, Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIBs), and faith-based and community organizations are examples of the entities eligible to apply for a grant award.

Deadline: The closing date for receipt of applications is May 29, 2007

The April 20th Federal Register provides full background, application preparation and submission instructions, Federal review criteria, and additional resources.

Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HRVP)

The purpose of the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) is to expedite the reintegration of homeless veterans into the labor force. Funds were awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies, and nonprofit organizations, including faith-based and community organizations, which have familiarity with the area and population to be served and can administer an effective program. The grantees provide a variety of services, including job search and placement assistance, career counseling, remedial education, classroom and on-the-job training, and support services such as transportation assistance so that veterans can keep the unsubsidized jobs they get through the programs. In 2006, there were three sub-competitions. One was for "New Applicants" only, one was for "Urban" grantees and the other was for "Non-Urban Grantees."

Veterans' Workforce Investment Program

The Veterans' Workforce Investment Program (VWIP) grants are intended to address two objectives: (a) to provide services to assist in reintegrating eligible veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force; and (b) to stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address the complex employability problems facing eligible veterans.

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