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The Federal Railroad Administration Train traveling over bridge through mountainous pine

In 1996, FRA established the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC) to develop consensus recommendations on safety issues. RSAC contains representatives from all major groups interested in rail safety. FRA seeks RSAC's recommendations on specific tasks; on each task RSAC can decided whether or not to accept it and begin work. On those tasks that it accepts, RSAC members appoint a working group of those most inovlved wit the subject covered by the task. If the working group's recommendations are unanimously adopted by that group and by a majority of the full RSAC, they are sent to the FRA Administrator. While FRA is free to accept or reject RSAC's recommendations, FRA is fully engaged in the working group process to ensure that the recommendations are consistent with FRA's goals for the rulemaking project. As as result, FRA's proposed and final rules that arise from RSAC recommendations usually incorporate those recommendations substantially. For more information on the RSAC, click the link below to visit its website.

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590