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Title:Falsification of FAA Airman Medical Certificate Applications by Disability Recipients
Date:July 17, 2007
Project ID:CC-2007-063
Summary:On July 17, 2007, the Inspector General (IG) testified before the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation, about the falsification of FAA Airman Medical Certificate applications by disability recipients. Specifically, the IG discussed three key points for mitigating the safety risks posed by airmen who falsify their Airman Medical Certificate applications to conceal disqualifying medical conditions: (1) FAA’s Airman Medical Certification Program is a key safeguard to ensure pilots are medically fit to fly; (2) our joint investigation with Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General, Operation Safe Pilot, disclosed a potential systemic problem that requires greater attention and oversight by FAA; and (3) FAA can take several actions to ensure that disabled pilots are not circumventing the medical certification process.
Full document: PDF PDF document

Related Information: OIG