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2007 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Honorable Mentions

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Honorable Mention - The Subcommittee has also added a fourth non-cash level award for research efforts which are noteworthy but which do not warrant a Level I, II or III award. Honorable Mention applies to research that: (1) may not quite reach the level described for a Level III award; (2) show a promising area of research that the Subcommittee wants to encourage; or (3) show an area of research that the Subcommittees feels is too preliminary to warrant an award recommendation (yet).

Environmental Sampling  Underwater research  Field sampling  Students participating in science open house

Nominations Recommended for Honorable Mention (No Cash Award) -- Total of Forty-five
Nom. # Titles and Citations of Submitted Papers Eligible Authors* and Nominating Organizations Ineligible Authors and Organization Citation
S7EF0008 Titanium Dioxide (P25) Produces Reactive Oxygen Species in Immortalized Brain Microglia (BV2): Implications for Nanoparticle Neurotoxicity
Environmental Science & Technology, 40(14):4346-4352 (2006)
Bellina Veronesi (50%)

NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
T.C. Long (25%) - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gregory V. Lowry (25%) - Carnegie Mellon University
Navid Salah (11%) - Carnegie Mellon University
R.D. Tilton (3%) - Carnegie Mellon University  
Outstanding Toxicology Research That Links the Physical Properties of Particles With Their Biological Activity in Nerve Cells
S7EF0009 The ToxCast Program for Prioritizing Toxicity Testing of Environmental Chemicals
Toxicological Sciences, 95(1):5-12 (2007)
David Dix (30%)
Keith Houck (20%)
Robert Kavlock (20%)
Matthew Martin (10%)
Ann Richard (10%)
R. Woodrow Setzer (10%)

NCCT, Research Triangle Park, NC
  ToxCast: A Biologically and Chemically Based System for EPA Program Offices to Prioritize Toxicity Testing of Chemicals
S7EF0101 Assaying Particle-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Archived PM2.5 Filters
Journal of Chromatography A, 1033(1):9-17 (2004)
Joachim D. Pleil (60%)
Alan F. Vette (20%)

NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Stephen M. Rappaport (20%) - University of California at Berkeley Innovative Analytical Methodology for Assessing Population Based Ecologic Exposure to PAHs Using Archived PM2.5 Samples
S7ER0012 Sediment Microbial Enzyme Activity as an Indicator of Nutrient Limitation in Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands
Freshwater Biology, 51:1670-1683 (2006)
Brian H. Hill (50%)
Colleen M. Elonen (20%)
Terri M. Jicha (10%)
Anett S. Trebitz (10%)
Anne M. Cotter (5%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
Nick P. Danz (5%) - University of Minnesota Development of a Novel Indicator of Wetland Nutrient Limitation
S7ER0017 (1) Identification of Metabolites of Trenbolone Acetate in Androgenic Runoff from a Beef Feedlot
Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(1):65-68 (2006)
(2) Effects of the Feedlot Contaminant 17a-trenbolone on Reproductive Endocrinology of the Fathead Minnow
Environmental Science and Technology, 40(9):3112-3117 (2006)
Elizabeth J. Durhan (20%)
Kathleen M. Jensen (20%)
Elizabeth A. Makynen (15%)
Christy C. Lambright (10%)
Gerald T. Ankley (10%)
L. Earl Gray (5%)
Phillip C. Hartig (5%)
Michael D. Kahl (5%)
James M. Lazorchak (5%)
Vickie S. Wilson (5%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  Evaluation of the Ecological Risk of Synthetic Steroids Used in Livestock
S7ER0020 Status of the Amphipod Diporeia spp. In Lake Superior, 1994-2000
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 30(1):360-368 (2004)
Jill V. Scharold (60%)
Stephen J. Lozano (20%)
Timothy D. Corry (20%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  Utility of a Benthic Indicator for Assessing Ecosystem Health
S7ER0021 Use of Powdered Coconut Charcoal as a Toxicity Identification and Evaluation Manipulation for Organic Toxicants in Marine Sediments
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry., 23(9):2124-2131 (2004)
Kay Ho (25%)
Robert Burgess (20%)
Marguerite Pelletier (15%)
Jonathan Serbst (5%)
Mark Cantwell (5%)
Stephen Ryba (5%)

NHEERL, Narragansett, RI
Monique Perron (5%) - Harvard School of Public Health
Howard Cook (5%) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
John Lebo (5%) - Deceased
James Huckins (5%) - Retired
Jim Petty (5%) - USGS
Development of Methods to Characterize and Identify Organic Toxicants in Whole Sediments
S7ER0022 Method for Testing the Aquatic Toxicity of Sediment Extracts for Use in Identifying Organic Toxicants in Sediments
Environmental Science and Technology, 38(23):6256-6262 (2004)
Larry J. Heinis (40%)
Terry L. Highland (30%)
David R. Mount (30%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  Development of Methods for Isolating and Identifying Organic Toxicants in Contaminated Sediments
S7ER0026 Relationships Among Exceedences of Metals Criteria, the Results of Ambient Bioassays, and Community Metrics in Mining-Impacted Streams
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry., 23(7):1786-1795 (2004)
Michael B. Griffith (70%)
James M. Lazorchak (20%)

NCEA, Cincinnati, OH
Alan T. Herlihy (10%) - Oregon State University Research Showing the Consistency of Chemical Criteria, Ambient Bioassays and Community Metrics in the Nation's Waters
S7ER0027 (1) Benthic Versus Planktonic Foundations of Three Lake Superior Coastal Wetland Food Webs
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 30(1):31-43 (2004)
(2) Hydrology and Nutrient Effects on Food-Web Structure in Ten Lake Superior Coastal Wetlands.
Wetlands, 26(4):951-964 (2006)
Michael E. Sierszen (40%)
Gregory S. Peterson (10%)
Anett S. Trebitz (10%)
Mary F. Moffett (10%)
John A. Morrice (10%)
Corlis W. West (10%)
John C. Brazner (10%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  Analyses of Factors Governing Food Web Structure in Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands
S7ER0034 (1) Application of Elasticity Analyses and Perturbation Simulations in Determining Stressor Impacts on Population Growth Rate and Extinction Risk
Human and Ecological Risk Assesment, 12(5):983-999 (2006)
(2) From Individuals to Populations: Modeling Toxicity Data Across Two Levels of Biological Organization
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25(2):589-596 (2006)
Sandy Raimondo (60%)
Charles L. McKenney, Jr. (20%)
Mace G. Barron (20%)

NHEERL, Gulf Breeze, FL
  Advancing Our Understanding of, and Our Ability to Predict, Population Responses to Stressors
S7ES0038 Evaluating Predictive Errors of a Complex Environmental Model Using a General Linear Model and Least Square Means
Ecological Modelling, 186(3):366-374 (2005)
Christopher D. Knightes (60%)
Michael J. Cyterski (40%)

NERL, Athens, GA
  Presenting a Statistical Method Evaluating Predictive Bias of Environmental Models That Use Categorical Input Data
S7ES0039 (1) Including Transition Probabilities in Nest Survival Estimation: A Mayfield Markov Chain
Ecology, 86(6):1414-1421 (2005)
(2) The Effects of Uncertainty About Age at Transition on Bias in the Mayfield Family of Estimators
Ecological Modelling, 199:253-260 (2006)
Matthew A. Etterson (75%)
Richard S. Bennett (25%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  Development of a Unified Markov Chain Theoretical Framework for Estimating Avian Reproductive Success
S7ES0142 (1) Identification and Prediction of Fish Assemblages in Streams of the Mid-Atlantic Highlands, USA
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 135(1):40-48 (2006)
(2) Predictive Habitat Models for the Occurrence of Stream Fishes in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands
North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 25:1353-1366 (2005)
Micheal J. Cyterski (30%)
Brenda Rashleigh (25%)
Rajbir S. Parmar (15%)
John M. Johnston (15%)
M. Craig Barber (15%)

NERL, Athens, GA
  Development of Modeling Tools to Analyze Ecological Outcomes of Alternative Stream Management Strategies
S7HE0041 Detection of Androgenic Activity in Emissions from Diesel Fuel and Biomass Combustion
Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 25(8):2123-2131 (2006)
Clyde V. Owens, Jr. (40%)
Vickie S. Wilson (40%)
Christy Lambright (5%)
Mary Cardon (5%)
L. Earl Gray, Jr. (5%)
Brian K. Gullett (5%)

NRMRL, Research Triangle Park, NC
  Exceptional Research Demonstrating the Importance of Investigating Androgens Found in Diesel and Wood Combustion
S7HE0042 (1) Gene Expression Patterns Associated With Infertility in Humans and Rodent Models
Mutation Research, 549:225-240 (2004)
(2) Reproductive and Genomic Effects in Testes from Mice Exposed to the Water Disinfectant Byproduct Bromochloroacetic Acid
Reproductive Toxicology, 19:353-366 (2005)
(3) Gene Expression Profiling in Liver and Testis of Rats to Characterize the Toxicity of Triazole Fungicides
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 215:260-273 (2006)
David Dix (13%)
John C. Rockett (13%)
Judith E. Schmid (13%)
Douglas B. Tully (13%)
J. Christopher Luft (7%)
Hongzu Ren (7%)
Carmen R. Wood (7%)
Wenjun Bao (3%)
Lillian F. Strader (3%)
Deborah S. Best (3%)
Michael G. Narotsky (3%)
Douglas C. Wolf (3%)

NCCT, Research Triangle Park, NC
Pasquale Patrizio (3%) - Yale University Fertility Center
Norman B. Hecht (3%) - University of Pennsylvania
Chad Blystone (3%) - North Carolina State University
Amber Goetz (3%) - North Carolina State University
Developing Toxicogenomic Methods and Data Identifying Mechanisms of Reproductive Toxicity for Environmental Chemicals
S7HE0046 (1) The Acquisition and Application of Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (ADME) Data in Agricultural Chemical Safety Assessments
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 36(1):9-36 (2006)
(2) A Tiered Approach to Systemic Toxicity Testing for Agricultural Chemical Safety Assessment
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 36(1):37-68 (2006)
(3) A Tiered Approach to Life Stages Testing for Agricultural Chemical Safety Assessment
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 36(1):69-98 (2006)
Ralph Cooper (5%)
Hugh Barton (5%)
Douglas Wolf (5%)
Vicki L. Dellarco (5%)
Whang Phang (5%)
Susan Makris (5%)
Janet Diliberto (5%)
Stephanie Padilla (5%)
Karen Whitby (5%)
Karl Baetcke (5%)
Carole Kimmel (5%)

OPPTS, Washington, DC
  Development of a Scientifically Improved Method for Assessing the Safety of Pesticide Chemicals More Efficiently and Accurately, With Fewer Animals
S7HE0049 Evaluating the Relationship Between Variance in Enzyme Expression and Toxicant Concentration in Health Risk Assessment
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 10(1):39-55 (2004)
John C. Lipscomb (100%)

NCEA, Cincinnati, OH
  Communicating a Method to Incorporate in vitro Metabolic Data in Uncertainty Factors
S7HE0050 (1) An Approach for Developing a National Estimate of Waterborne Disease Due to Drinking Water and a National Estimate Model Application
Journal of Water and Health, 4(2):201-240 (2006)
(2) Estimates of Endemic Waterborne Risks from Community-Intervention Studies
Journal of Water and Health, 4(2):89-100 (2006)
(3) The Role of Disease Burden in Future Estimates of Endemic Waterborne Disease
Journal of Water and Health, 4(2):187-200 (2006)
Rebecca L. Calderon (25%)
Michael Messner (17%)
Glenn Rice (7%)
Susan Shaw (5%)
Matthew T. Heberling (5%)
Mary Rothermich (5%)
J. Michael Wright (5%)
Patricia A Murphy (5%)
Stig Regli (3%)
Valerie Blank (2%)
Kenneth Rotert (2%)

NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, MD
Gunther Craun (11%) - Gunther F. Craun & Associates
Jeff Soller (5%) - Soller Environmental
Michael Craun (3%) - Gunther F. Craun & Associates
Outstanding Contributions to the Agency's First National Estimate of Waterborne Disease for the United States
S7HE0052 Criteria and Air-Toxic Emissions from In-Use Automobiles in the National Low-Emission Vehicle Program
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 55:1263-1268 (2005)
Pete Gabele (40%)
Richard Baldauf (35%)
Richard Cook (15%)

NRMRL, Reseach Triangle Park, NC
William Crews (5%) - Not Provided
Richard Snow (5%) - Arcadis, Inc.
Substantial Contribution in the Assessment and Reduction of Health Risks Posed by Air Toxics From Motor Vehicles
S7IR0060 (1) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Generic Ecological Assessment Endpoints
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 10(6):967-981 (2004)
(2) Individuals Versus Organisms Versus Populations in the Definition of Ecological Assessment Endpoints
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 1(4):397-400 (2005)
Glenn Suter (37%)
Marjorie Wellman (7%)
Steve Wharton (7%)
Susan B. Norton (7%)
Anne Fairbrother (7%)
Donald J. Rodier (7%)
Scott Schwenk (7%)
Michael E. Troyer (7%)
Patricia L. Tyler (7%)
Douglas Urban (7%)

NCEA, Cincinnati, OH
  Researching and Clarifying the Ecological Bases for the U.S. EPA's Risk-Informed Decisions
S7MM0064 PCDD and PCDF Emissions from Simulated Sugarcane Field Burning
Environmental Science & Technology, 40:6228-6234 (2006)
Brian Gullett (75%)

NRMRL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Abderrahmane Touati (15%) - ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller
Janice Huwe (5%) - USDA, ARS
Heldur Hakk (5%) - USDA, ARS
Determining Methods to Quantify Emissions of PCDD/PCDF from Agricultural Burning
S7MM0065 (1) Calculation of Electron Affinities of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Solvation Energies of Their Radical Anions
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110(47):12927-12946 (2006)
(2) Electron Affinities of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Negative-Ion Chemical-Ionization Senstivities
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 255-256:123-129 (2006)
Leon D. Betowski (32%)
Mark Enlow (15%)
Lee Riddick (3%)

NERL, Las Vegas, NV
Donald H. Aue (45%) - University of California, Santa Barbara
Mark Enlow (5%) - Tyndall Air Force Base
Modeling Used to Predict the Sensitivities of PAHs Under Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometric Conditions
S7MM0067 Detection of Human Enteric Viruses in Stream Water with RT-PCR and Cell Culture
Journal of Water and Health, 2(1):37-47 (2004)
G. Shay Fout (30%)
Daniel R. Dahling (20%)

NERL, Cincinnati, OH
Kimberly Denis-Mize (30%) - Dey, L.P.
Donna S. Francy (20%) - U.S. Geological Survey
Demonstrating the Value of Field Matrix Spikes in Virus Occurrence Studies of Recreational or Drinking Water Sources
S7MM0069 Characterization of the Fugitive Particulate Emissions from Construction Mud/Dirt Carryout
Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 54:1394-1404 (2004)
John S. Kinsey (55%)
Kara L. Linna (15%)
William C. Squier (15%)

NRMRL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Gregory E. Muleski (10%) - Midwest Research Institute
Chatten Cowherd, Jr. (5%) - Midwest Research Institute
The First Directly Measured Fine PM Emission Factors from Paved Road Mud/Dirt Carryout
S7MM0073 Evaluation of Bacteriological Indicators of Disinfection for Alkaline Treated Biosolids
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 3(4):231-236 (2004)
Mark C. Meckes (60%)
Eric R. Rhodes (40%)

NRMRL, Cincinnati, OH
  Developing Data which Supports the Use of Alternative Indicator Microorganisms for Biosolids
S7MM0074 (1) Evaluation of Short-Term Ogawa Passive Photolytic, and Federal Reference Method Sampling Devices for Nitrogen Oxides in El Paso and Houston, Texas
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8(5):558-563 (2006)
(2) Evaluation of Ogawa Passive Sampling Devices as an Alternative Measurement Method for the Nitrogen Dioxide Annual Standard in El Paso, Texas
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Online October 3, (2006)
Mark E. Sather (40%)
E. Terrence Slonecker (20%)
Johnson Mathew (15%)

Region 6, Dallas, TX
Keith G. Kronmiller (10%) - Alion Science and Technology
Dennis D. Williams (10%) - Alion Science and Technology
Hunter Daughtrey (5%) - Alion Science and Technology
A More Simple and Less Expensive Monitoring Method for Ambient Nitrogen Oxides
S7MM0077 (1) Evaluation of Optically Acquired Zooplankton Size-Spectrum Data as a Potential Tool for Assessment of Condition in the Great Lakes
Environmental Management, 35(1):34-44 (2005)
(2) Comparisons of Zooplankton Community Size Structure in the Great Lakes
Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans Special Issue, 111:1-12 (2006)
Peder M. Yurista (60%)
John R. Kelly (20%)
Samuel E. Miller (20%)

NHEERL, Duluth, NH
  New Indicators, Technologies, and Strategies for the Next Generation of Great Lakes Assessment
S7MM0081 (1) A Simple Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for the Identification of Four Environmentally Relevant Fungal Contaminants
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 61(1):9-16 (2005)
(2) A Simple Polymerase Chain Reaction/Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Assay Capable of Identifying Medically Relevant Filamentous Fungi
Molecular Biotechnology, 31(1):21-27 (2005)
(3) A Simple Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequencing Analysis Capable of Identifying Multiple Medically Relevant Filamentous Fungal Species
Mycopathologia, 162(5):265-271 (2006)
Timothy R. Dean (75%)
Michael Kohan (14%)
Marc Y. Menetrez (5%)
Doris Betancourt (5%)
Barbara Roop (1%)

NRMRL, Research Triangle Park, NC
  The Identification and Characterization of Fungal Biological Contaminants Prevalent Within the Built Environment
S7OR0082 Preparing Highway Emissions Inventories for Urban Scale Modeling:  A Case Study in Philadelphia
Transportation Research Part D:  Transport and Environment, 11(6):396-407 (2006)
James Richard Cook (55%)
Madeleine L. Strum (10%)

OAR/OTAQ, Ann Arbor, MI
Allan Beidler (20%) - Computer Sciences Corporation
Jawad S. Touma (15%) - National Oceanic and Atmoospheric Administration
Research Which Greatly Improved the Agency's Ability to Develop Air Toxic Inventories for Mobile Sources at the Local Level
S7OR0084 (1) Inactivation of Spores of Bacillus anthracis Sterne, Bacillus cereus, and Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Israelensis by Chlorination
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(9):5587-5589 (2005)
(2) Inactivation of Bacillus globigii by Chlorination:  A Hierarchical Bayesian Model
Journal of Water Supply:  Research and Technology - AQUA, 55(1):33-43 (2005)
Eugene W. Rice (30%)
Mano Sivaganesan (30%)
Noreen J. Adcock (30%)

NHSRC, Cincinnati, OH
Laura J. Rose (10%) - U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Evaluation of Surrogates for Bacillus anthracis for Use in Disinfection Studies
S7OR0086 A Novel Technique for the Rapid Identification of Alpha Emitters Released During a Radiological Incident
Health Physics, 91(4):311-317 (2006)
George A. Dilbeck (35%)
Jerrold M. Leitch (10%)
Brian J. Moore (10%)
Patricia C. Honsa (5%)

OAR/ORIA, Las Vegas, NV
Bud Taylor (30%) - Washington State Public Health Laboratories
Marina Silverstone (10%) - Retired
A Rapid Assessment Tool Enabling the EPA to Respond More Efficiently to Nuclear Incidents Involving Alpha Contamination
S7OR0087 Estimating Streamflow and Associated Hydraulic Geometry, the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 42(3):755-768 (2006)
Yusuf M. Mohamoud (67%)
Rajbir S. Parmar (33%)

NERL, Athens, GA
  Contributing to the Solution of a Practical Problem:  Predictions in Ungauged Basins
S7OR0089 Basin-Wide Analysis of the Dynamics of Fecal Contamination and Fecal Source Identification in Tillamook Bay, Oregon
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(8):5537-5546 (2006)
Orin C. Shanks (35%)
Christopher Nietch (15%)

NRMRL, Cincinnati, OH
Kate Field (15%) - Oregon State University
Michael Simonich (15%) - Oregon State University
Don Reynolds (15%) - Tillamook County Performance Partnership
Melissa Younger (5%) - Oregon State University
Scientific and Technical Achievement in the Field of Water Quality Monitoring with Fecal Indicators
S7OR0093 Characterization of Airborne and Bulk Particulate from Iron and Steel Manufacturing Facilities
Environmental Science and Technology, 38(2):381-389 (2004)
Steven D. Machemer (100%)

NEIC, Denver, CO
  Potential of Respirable Particle Hazards from Steel Mills Suggesting a Need for Inhalation RfC's for Ca Oxide/Hydroxide
S7OR0095 Diagnosis of Trace Pb in Domestic Wells, Upper Gloucester Catchment, Maine, USA
Enviromental Geology, Online (2006)
William Sidle (100%)

NRMRL, Cincinnati, OH
  Pb Isotope Methods for Discrimination of Drinking Water Contamination Among Rural Water Districts
S7RA0106 Trends Analysis of Ambient 8 Hour Ozone and Precursor Monitoring Data in the South Central U.S.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9(2):143-150 (2007)
Mark E. Sather (95%)
Kevin Cavender (5%)

Region 6, Dallas, TX
  A Better Understanding of the Ozone Pollution Problems in the South Central U.S. Through Trends Analysis of PAMS Data
S7RA0113 Toxicity Tests for Sediment Quality Assessments
"Book Chapter:" Ecotoxicological Testing of Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems: Emerging Techniques, Trends and Strategies, 1-42 (2005)
D. Scott Ireland (60%)
Kay Ho (40%)

NHEERL, Narragansett, RI
  Review of Assessment Techniques for Assessing Sediment Quality for Toxicologists and Policy Makers Across the World
S7RA0139 Temperature and Toxicology: An Integrative, Comparative, and Environmental Approach CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 338 PP Christopher J. Gordon (100%)

NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
  Publishing a Thorough Review of the Literature on the Effects of Temperture on the Toxicity of Environmental Pollutants
S7RM0117 Evaluation of Lead Availability in Amended Soils Monitored Over a Long-Term Time Period
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 110:257-270 (2005)
Edwin F. Barth (80%)

NRMRL, Cincinnati, OH
Paul A. Succop (10%) - University of Cincinnati Medical College
Mark L. Evans (10%) - Tetra Tech Environmental Inc.
Implementation of a Unique Monitoring Program to Evaluate the Sustainability of a Soil Amendment Process
S7TF0126 The Distribution, Solid-Phase Speciation, and Desorption/Dissolution of As in Waste Iron-Based Drinking Water Treatment Residuals
Chemosphere, 64:875-880 (2006)
Christopher A. Impellitteri (70%)
Kirk G. Scheckel (30%)

NRMRL, Cincinnati, OH
  Research on the Behavior of Arsenic in Drinking Water Treatment Wastes
S7TF0127 Arsenate and Arsenite Sorption on and Arsenite Oxidation by Iron(ll, lll) Hydroxycarbonate Green Rust
American Chemical Society Symposium Series 915:25-40 (2005)
Chunming Su (75%)
Richard T. Wilkin (25%)

  Cutting-Edge Research on Arsenic Interactions With Iron-Bearing Minerals
S7TF0130 Uncertainty from Synergistic Effects of Multiple Parameters in the Johnson and Ettinger (1991) Vapor Intrusion Model
Atmospheric Environment, 40(22):4098-4112 (2006)
James W. Weaver (50%)

NERL, Athens, GA
Fred D. Tillman (50%) - USGS Improving Assessment of Vapor Intrusion by Illuminating Uncertainties in Modeling
S7TF0131 (1) Detection and Quantification of a Thio-Arsenosugar in Marine Molluscs by IC-ICP-MS With an Emphasis on the Interaction of Arsenosugars With Sulfide as a Function of pH
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 21(9):869-875 (2006)
(2) In vitro Biotransformation of an Arsenosugar by Mouse Anaerobic Cecal Microflora and Cecal Tissue as Examined Using IC-ICP-MS and LC-ESI-MS/MS
The Analyst, 131(5):648-655 (2006)
John T. Creed (20%)
Patricia A. Creed (20%)
David J. Thomas (16%)
Mike Kohan (15%)
Karen Herbin-Davis (5%)

NERL, Cincinnati, OH
Sean D. Conklin (20%) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Michael W. Fricke (2%) - Scherling Corporation
Amanda H. Ackerman (2%) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Study of the Conversion of Arsenic Oxides to Arsenic Sulfides in Seafoods and in the Cecal Content of a Mouse
S7TF0136 Effects of Different Forms of Organic Carbon on the Partitioning and Bioavailability of Nonylphenol
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24(7):1609-1617 (2005)
Robert M. Burgess (25%)
Marguerite C. Pelletier (25%)
Jennifer L. Gundersen (25%)
Stephan A. Ryba (15%)

NHEERL, Narragansett, RI
Monique M. Perron (10%) - Harvard School of Public Health Innovative Research to Understand Factors Affecting the Bioavailability of the Emerging Contaminant Nonylphenol
Key to Acronyms used in the above Table
NCEA National Center for Environmental Assessment
NERL National Exposure Research Laboratory
NHEERL National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory
NHSRC National Hazardous Substance Research Center
NRMRL National Risk Management Research Laboratory
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OEI Offcice of Environmental Information
OPP Office of Pesticide Programs
ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
OSCP Office of Science Coordination and Policy
OSW Office of Solid Waste
OTAQ Office of Transportation and Air Quality
*Note: The percentages given after name represent the current percent of the total level of effort as documented in the EPA nomination.

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