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Last Updated: October 03, 2008

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Region IV

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Welcome to FTA and Region IV!  In Region IV, we are proud of providing excellent customer service, because serving our customers is always our number one priority and our obligation.  Our grantees are our customers and they are our most important business; along with every citizen of the Southeastern United States who has an interest in, or a concern about, public transportation. 

Our core hours of operation are from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern time. However, you will often find many of our dedicated employees available at much earlier or much later times.  

If ya’ll have a question or a concern, just give us a call!

The Southeast is a growing rapidly and suffers increasingly from congested roadways. For example, the latest studies show that traffic congestion costs Metro Atlantans approximately 101.169 million person-hours of delay annually, equating to over $2.021 billion in costs resulting from those delays. 

Therefore, the requirements for new or larger public transportation are constantly increasing in the Southeast.  The Federal Transit Administration provides financial assistance to publically owned and operated transit systems by means of a number of grant programs, each funded by tax revenues paid by You.  The demand for transit services surged in 2008.  In Region IV ridership on transit systems operated by our grantees surged an amazing +12.2% over 2007. Soaring gasoline prices were the primary reason that citizens throughout the Southeast decided to give up driving their privately owned vehicles, abandon the frustration of being stuck in bumper-to-bumper gridlock traffic, and settle back in the comfortable seat of a bus or a train and leave the driving to their local transit provider. It is our sincerest hope that every new rider had many pleasant and satisfying experiences while riding transit and that commuting by using transit has become their permanent mode of choice.

If ya’ll really want to know, we fund transit grants through §§ (Sections) 5305 through 5320 and 5339 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). SAFETEA-LU authorizes the Federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety, and transit for the 5-year period 2005-2009.   No kiddin’, we don’t make this stuff up!

Therefore, it is incumbent upon the Federal Transit Administration, and Region IV, to be good stewards of your money. In Region IV we take our fiduciary responsibility to You very seriously!

The following are examples of how Region IV is assisting our public transit system grantees meet the challenges of the need for more and better transit service for YOU to use:

1.      In FY 2006, Region IV awarded 373 grants totaling $943,951,944. 

a.      Because of our focus on customer service the average complete and accurate grant application took Region IV only 22 calendar days from submission to award.

b.      Our internal goal for processing and awarding a complete and accurate grant application is 36 calendar days from the day it is submitted to us.

2.      In FY 2007, Region IV awarded 338 grants totaling $995,937,869 in an average of only 24 calendar days from submission to award.

3.      In FY 2008, Region IV awarded 504 grants totaling $1,125,566,752 in an average of only 30 calendar days from submission to award.

The funds provided from FTA grants to our customers helped hundreds of our grantees to build or improve transit systems throughout our Region.  We serve over 165 active grantees and administer more than 1,075 active grants, which provide Federal funding totaling more than $5.4 billion. 

The Region IV office is located in suite 800 of 230 Peachtree Street, in the heart of downtown Atlanta, GA. Our staff consists of 25 highly dedicated, motivated, and professional public servants. Each one of us is eager to help you.    If you are one of our grantees or simply a private a citizen of the United States, seeking information about FTA, Region IV, or about public transportation, we are also ready to serve your needs.  In FY 2009 and beyond, we look forward to working together with our customers to provide improved mobility options for the citizens of Region IV.

Areas Served:  States:  Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee Territories:  The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands

U.S. map with Region 4 areas served highlighted.

Contact Information                                

230 Peachtree, NW
Suite 800
Atlanta, GA 30303
Telephone (404) 865-5600
Fax (404) 865-5605

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