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This page lists all of NCEA's publications that match your search criteria, organized alphabetically by document title. To view a complete abstract and other detailed information, simply click on the title which will allow you to drill-down to the metadata record. Your search has returned 21 Matching Entries.

U.S. EPA. 2003 Framework for Cumulative Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington Office, Washington, DC, EPA/630/P-02/001F, 2003.

U.S. EPA. A Framework for Assessing Health Risk of Environmental Exposures to Children (Final). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-05/093F, 2006.

U.S. EPA. Case Study Application of the Basins Climate Assessment Tool, and Development of a Framework for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed..

Boutin, B., M. B. Brown, R. Clark, J. C. Lipscomb, R. Miltner, P. Murphy, L. R. Papa, D. Reasoner, AND R. Rheingans. Comparative Risk Framework Methodology and Case Study. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington Office, Washington, DC, 1998.

U.S. EPA. Draft Action Plan for the Development of a Framework for Metals Assessment and Guidance for Characterizing and Ranking Metals (External Review Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/630/P-02/003A, 2002.

U.S. EPA. Framework for Application of the Toxicity Equivalence Methodology for Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans and Biphenyls in Ecological Risk Assessment (External Review Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, 630/P-03/002A, 2003.

U.S. EPA. Framework for Assessing Risks of Environmental Exposure to Children..

U.S. EPA. Framework for Developing Suspended and Bedded Sediment (SABS) Water Quality Criteria. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/822-R-06-001.

U.S. EPA. Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/630/R-92/001, 1992.

U.S. EPA. Framework for Inorganic Metals Risk Assessment (External Review Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/630/P-04/068B, 2004.

U.S. EPA. Framework for Metals Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/120/R-07/001.

U.S. EPA. Framework for the Application of the Toxicity Equivalence Methodology for Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans, and PCBs in Ecological Risk Assessment..

U.S. EPA. Framework for Application of the Toxicity Equivalence Methodology for Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans, and Biphenyls in Ecological Risk Assessment. 2008.

Diamond, J. M. AND V. Serveiss. Identifying Sources of Stress to Native Aquatic Species Using a Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment Framework. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Accepted, (2002).

U.S. EPA. Peer Review Workshop Report on a Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/625/3-91/022 (NTIS PB92213198), 1992.

U.S. EPA. Public Comments on the Draft Action Plan for the Development of a Framework for Metals Assessment and Guidance for Characterizing and Ranking Metals..

U.S. EPA. Summary of the U.S. EPA Colloquia on a Framework for Human Health Risk Assessment (Volume 1, 1997). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-99/001, 1997.

U.S. EPA. Summary of the U.S. EPA Colloquium on a Framework for Human Health Risk Assessment (Volume 2, 1998). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, 1998.

U.S. EPA. Summary Report of the Meeting on Development of a Metals Assessment Framework. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, NCEA-F-1292, 2002.

U.S. EPA. Summary Report of the Peer Consultation Workshop on the Draft Framework for Cumulative Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, 2002.

U.S. EPA. Summary Report of the Technical Peer Review Workshop on the U.S. EPA Risk Assessment Forum Draft Framework for Cumulative Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/630/R-03/002, 2002.

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