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EFLHD quote: Much like people, every road, every highway, has it's own personality... it's own character. Understanding that character, connecting with it, respecting it, that is the work of the Federal Lands Highway.
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     Public and Private Partnership (PPP)

Public-private partnership is an agreement between a government agency and non-government organization to work together to achieve significant public benefits; including the reduction of congestion, reduction of emissions, and improvement of safety while securing the future of the nation’s transportation infrastructure.

A private partner can be a privately owned company or other non-government entity that wishes to deliver transportation-related projects to reduce emissions, improve congestion, protect the environment and benefit the national economy.

Heartland Corridor

The Federal Highway Administration, Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) has embarked on a partnership with the Norfolk Southern Railway Company to carry out environmental planning, design, and construction of the Heartland Corridor — a project to increase freight capacity on the vital Virginia to Ohio route. The Project will allow double-stacked freight trains to run between the Hampton Roads region in Virginia and Columbus, Ohio. The EFLHD is responsible for the coordination and facilitation of the overall schedule for the entire Project, as well as for the management of Federal funding.
