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Report on DOT Significant Rulemakings

Table of Contents

Federal Aviation Administration

1. Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations for B-737 Airplanes and for Part 125 Operators

2. Revisions to Cockpit Voice Recorder and Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations

3. Aging Aircraft Program (Widespread Fatigue Damage)

4. Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area

5. Transport Airplane Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction

6. Enhanced Airworthiness Program for Airplane Systems (EAPAS) and SFAR 88

7. Drug Enforcement Assistance

8. Part 145: Repair Stations--Ratings and Quality System

9. Special Awareness Training for the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area

10. Security Related Considerations in the Design and Operation of Transport Category Airplanes

11. Congestion Management Rule for LaGuardia Airport

12. Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. XX -- Mitsubishi MU-2B Series Airplane Special Training, Experience, and Operating Requirements

13. Commuter Operations in Very Light Jets (VLJS)

14. Re-registration and Renewal of Aircraft Registration

15. Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Equipage Mandate To Support Air Traffic Control Service

16. Flight Crewmember Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements

17. Qualification, Service, and Use of Crewmembers and Aircraft Dispatchers

18. Part 121 Pilot Age Limit

Federal Highway Administration

19. National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity

20. Express Lane Demonstration Project

21. Projects of National and Regional Significance

22. Parks, Recreation Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historical Sites

23. Real-Time System Management Information Program

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

24. Medical Certification Requirements as Part of the Commercial Driver's License

25. Unified Registration System

26. Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers to Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border

27. Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States

28. New Entrant Safety Assurance Process

29. Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors

30. Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement

31. Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents

32. Brokers of Household Goods Transportation by Motor Vehicle

33. Requirements for Intermodal Equipment Providers and Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating Intermodal Equipment

34. Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance

35. Qualifications of Drivers; Diabetes Standard

36. National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners

37. Interstate Van Operations

38. Consumer Complaint Information

39. Commercial Driver's License Testing and Commercial Learner's Permit Standards

40. Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Safety

41. Minimum Training Requirements for Entry Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operations

42. Carrier Safety Fitness Determination

Federal Railroad Administration

43. Amendments to Design Standards for Pressurized Railroad Tank Cars

44. Passenger Train Emergency Systems

45. Grant Program for Local Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Projects

46. Regulatory Relief for Electronically Controlled Pneumatic Brake System Implementation

47. Hours of Service Record Keeping

Federal Transit Administration

48. Major Capital Investment Projects - New/Small Starts

49. Protection of Parks, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historical Sites

50. Contractor Performance Assessment for Capital Investment Program

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

51. Rear Convex Cross-View Mirrors

52. Roof Crush Resistance

53. Part 571.3 Definitions, Designated Seating Position

54. Side Impact Protection Upgrade - FMVSS No. 214

55. Reduced Stopping Distance Requirements for Truck Tractors

56. Subpart T Hybrid III-10C Dummy, 10-Year-Old Child

57. Automotive Fuel Economy Manufacturing Incentives for Alternative Fueled Vehicles

58. Light Truck Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards, Model Years 2012 and Beyond

Office of the Secretary

59. Accessibility of Passenger Vessels to Individuals with Disabilities

60. Use of Oxygen by Air Carrier Passengers

61. Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program

62. Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel

63. Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs

64. Accommodations in Air Travel for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind Individuals

65. Protection of Sensitive Security Information

66. Oversales and Denied Boarding Compensation

67. Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs: State Laws Requiring Drug and Alcohol Rule Violation Information

68.  Credit Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

69. Pipeline Safety: Protecting Unusually Sensitive Areas from Rural Onshore Hazardous Liquid Gathering Lines and Low-Stress Lines

70. Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Rail Transportation Safety and Security for Hazardous Materials Shipments

71. Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Storage of Explosives During Transportation

72. Hazardous Materials: Enforcement Regulations

73. Pipeline Safety: Distribution Integrity Management

74. Control Room Management/Human Factors

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Aviation Administration
Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations for B-737 Airplanes and for Part 125 Operators Red
Popular Title: Digital Flight Data Recorder/B-737
RIN 2120-AG87
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 11/18/1999; End of Comment Period 12/20/1999; SNPRM Publication Date 09/05/06; End of Comment Period 12/04/06
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the digital flight data recorder (DFDR) regulations for transport category airplanes to add a requirement for all Boeing 737 (B-737) series airplanes to record additional flight data parameters. It is based on safety recommendations issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) following the investigation of the 1994 USAir FLight 427 accident. This rulemaking is significant because of substantial public interest. A final rule had been scheduled for August 11, 2000. Since publication of the NPRM, the FAA has mandated significant changes to the rudder system on 737s. Accordingly, the proposed rule would apply to a different set of airplanes than originally anticipated. The FAA has requested comment on this change in applicability and updated economic information about the installation of the proposed monitoring equipment.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/15/1999
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/29/2000  11/03/3000  10/25/2000 
To OMB 06/28/2000  12/04/2000  12/26/2000 
Returned by OMB     09/18/2001 
Resubmitted to OST   04/30/2004  05/04/2004 
Returned to Mode     09/08/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3   12/01/2004  11/08/2004 
Resubmitted to OMB/2   04/29/2008   
OMB Clearance 07/28/2000  07/28/2008   
Publication Date 08/11/2000  08/14/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Revisions to Cockpit Voice Recorder and Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations Red
Popular Title: Cockpit Voice Recorder
RIN 2120-AH88
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 02/28/2005; End of Comment Period 04/29/2005; Extension of Comment Period 04/27/2005; End of Extended Comment Period 06/28/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) and digital flight data recorder (DFDR) regulations for certain air carriers, operators, and aircraft manufacturers. This rulemaking would increase the duration of CVR and flight data recorder (FDR) recordings; increase the data recording rate of certain DFDR parameters; require physical separation of the DFDR and CVR; improve the reliability of the power supply to both the CVR and DFDR; and, if data-link communication equipment is installed, require that all data-link communications received by an aircraft be recorded.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/30/1999
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/08/2006  07/06/2007  07/18/2007 
To OMB 10/09/2006  10/07/2007   
OMB Clearance 01/05/2006  01/07/2008   
Publication Date 01/19/2007  01/11/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Aging Aircraft Program (Widespread Fatigue Damage) Red
Popular Title: Aging Aircraft Widespread Fatigue
RIN 2120-AI05
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 4/18/2006; End of Comment Period 7/17/2006; Extended Comment Period 7/17/2006; End of Extended Comment Period 9/18/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require design approval holders to establish limits of validity (LOVs) of the engineering data that support the maintenance programs for certain transport category airplanes, and it would require them to determine if maintenance actions are needed to prevent widespread fatigue damage before an airplane reaches its LOV. This rulemaking would require operators of any affected airplane to incorporate the LOV and any necessary service information into their maintenance programs. This rulemaking would also prohibit operation of an affected airplane beyond the operational limit, unless an operator has incorporated an extended LOV and any necessary service information into its maintenance program.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/14/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/14/2007  03/10/2008   
To OMB 06/20/2007  04/14/2008   
OMB Clearance 09/20/2007  07/15/2008   
Publication Date 09/28/2007  08/10/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area Black
Popular Title: DC Flight Rules
RIN 2120-AI17
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date: 08/04/2005; End of Comment Period 11/02/2005; Publication Date for Extension of Comment Period 11/07/2005; End of Extended Comment Period 02/06/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would codify restrictions for certain aircraft operations in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area. This action is necessary because of the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks. The FAA intends by this action to help the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense protect national assets in the National Capital region. We are developing the rule in conjunction with the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/18/2003
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Transport Airplane Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction Red
Popular Title: Fuel Tank Flammability/Inerting
RIN 2120-AI23
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 11/23/2006; End of Comment Period 3/23/2006; Extension of Comment Period 3/21/2006; End of Extended Comment Period 5/08/2006. NPRM: Publication Date 11/23/2005;End of Comment Period 03/23/2006;Extension of Comment Period 03/21/2006;End of Extended Comment Period 05/08/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking will require that flammability reduction means be incorporated into existing airplanes, newly manufactured airplanes, and new designs. It establishes new design standards for future and pending applications for type certification as well as new operating rules for retrofitting existing airplanes.
  Economically Significant
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/17/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/14/2007  06/26/2007  07/13/2007 
Returned to Mode     08/13/2007 
Resubmitted to OST     08/27/2007 
Returned to Mode/2     09/10/2007 
Resubmitted to OST/2     09/25/2007 
To OMB 06/20/2007  10/25/2007   
OMB Clearance 09/20/2007  01/25/2008   
Publication Date 09/28/2007  02/08/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Enhanced Airworthiness Program for Airplane Systems (EAPAS) and SFAR 88 Red
Popular Title: EAPAS
RIN 2120-AI31
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 10/06/2005; End of Comment Period 02/03/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would change wiring system and fuel tank system requirements for transport category airplanes. It will organize and clarify design requirements for wire systems, by moving existing regulatory references to wiring into a single section of the regulations specifically for wiring and adding new certification rules to address aging issues in wire systems. This rulemaking would require holders of type certificates for certain transport category airplanes to conduct analyses and make necessary changes to existing Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) to improve maintenance procedures for wire systems. It would require operators to incorporate those ICA for wiring into their maintenance or inspection programs. It will also clarify requirements of certain existing operational rules for operators to incorporate ICA for fuel tank systems into their maintenance or inspection programs. The intent of this rulemaking is to help ensure the continued safety of commercial airplanes by improving the design, installation, and maintenance of their electrical wiring systems as well as by aligning those requirements as closely as possible with the requirements for fuel tank system safety.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/17/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/01/2007  05/14/2007  05/15/2007 
To OMB 03/05/2007  06/14/2007  07/11/2007 
OMB Clearance 06/08/2007  10/11/2007  10/10/2007 
Publication Date 06/18/2007  10/25/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Drug Enforcement Assistance Green
Popular Title: Drug Enf Assistance
RIN 2120-AI43
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 1/05/2007; End of Comment Period 3/06/2007.
Abstract: This rule would amend airmen certification and aircraft registration requirements. Two years after the final rule becomes effective, paper pilot certificates would no longer be used to exercise piloting privileges. Five years after the final rule becomes effective, certain other paper airmen certificates, such as those of flight engineers and mechanics, would no longer be used to exercise the privileges authorized by those certificates. To exercise the privileges after those respective dates, the airmen would have to hold upgraded, counterfeit-resistant plastic certificates. Student pilots would not be affected. In addition, those who transfer ownership of U.S.-registered aircraft would have five days from the transaction to notify the FAA Aircraft Registry. Those who apply for aircraft registration would have to include their printed or typed name with their signature. These changes are responsive to concerns raised in the FAA Drug Enforcement Assistance Act. The purpose of the changes is to upgrade the quality of data and documents to assist Federal, State, and local agencies to enforce the Nation's drug laws.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 09/18/1989
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/06/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/31/2007     
To OMB 01/31/2008     
OMB Clearance 05/02/2008     
Publication Date 05/16/2008     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Part 145: Repair Stations--Ratings and Quality System Black
Popular Title: Part 145
RIN 2120-AI53
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations for repair stations by revising the system of ratings and requiring repair stations to establish a quality program. This rulemaking would add changes critical to maintaining safety. These include: requiring a repair station to maintain a capability list; requiring a repair station to designate a chief inspector; requiring permanent housing for all repair stations for their facilities, equipment, materials, and personnel; and identifying reasons for denying a repair station certificate, especially when a previously held certificate has been revoked. In addition, the rulemaking would clarify recent revisions to the repair station regulations. This action is necessary to reflect changes in aviation technology and repair station business practices.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/18/2001
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/18/2008     
To OMB 01/20/2009     
OMB Clearance 03/20/2009     
Publication Date 03/25/2009     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Special Awareness Training for the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Green
Popular Title: Special Training for DC ADIZ
RIN 2120-AI63
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication date 7/5/2006; End of Comment Period 9/5/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish training requirements for any pilot who flies under visual flight rules within 100 nautical miles of Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport's omni-directional range/distance measuring equipment. The training primarily focuses on the procedures for flying in and around Washington, DC's Special Flight Rules Area and Flight Restricted Zone.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/19/2008     
To OMB 07/21/2008     
OMB Clearance 10/20/2008     
Publication Date 11/03/2008     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Security Related Considerations in the Design and Operation of Transport Category Airplanes Black
Popular Title: Security Considerations
RIN 2120-AI66
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would implement certain security related requirements governing the design of transport category airplanes. The requirements would provide improved airplane design features and greater protection of the cabin, flightdeck, and cargo compartments from the detonation of explosive or incendiary devices, penetration by projectiles, and intrusion by unauthorized persons. The FAA would also require operators to establish a "least risk bomb location" on all affected airplanes and to incorporate certain information into relevant operator's manuals. This rule would adopt several International Civil Aviation Organization standards and harmonize FAA and international regulations.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/04/2001
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Congestion Management Rule for LaGuardia Airport Black
Popular Title: LaGuardia Airport
RIN 2120-AI70
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 08/09/06; End of Comment Period 10/30/06; Comment Period Extended 10/24/06; End of Extended Comment Period 12/26/06.
Abstract: This rulemaking would provide a long-term solution to increased congestion and delay at New York's LaGuardia Airport (Laguardia). The rulemaking, if adopted, would establish an operational limit on the number of aircraft landing and taking off at the airport. To offset the effect of this limit, the rulemaking would increase utilization of the airport by encouraging the use of larger aircraft through implementing an airport-wide, average aircraft size requirement designed to increase the number of passengers that may use the airport within the overall proposed operational limits.
  Economically Significant
Information Collection
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/04/2005
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. XX -- Mitsubishi MU-2B Series Airplane Special Training, Experience, and Operating Requirements Red
Popular Title: MU-2B
RIN 2120-AI82
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 09/28/06; End of Comment Period 10/30/06; SNPRM: Publication Date 01/03/07; End of Comment Period 02/03/07
Abstract: This rulemaking would create new pilot training, experience, and operating requirements in a Special Federal Aviation Regulation applicable to the Mitsubishi MU-2B series airplane. Following an increased accident and incident rate in the MU-2B airplane, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) conducted a safety evaluation of the MU-2B series airplane and found that changes in the training and operating requirements for that airplane are needed. These regulations would improve pilot training for the MU-2B airplane.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/29/2006
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/28/2007  07/30/2007  08/17/2007 
To OMB 06/01/2007  11/08/2007   
OMB Clearance 06/08/2007  02/08/2008   
Publication Date 07/06/2007  02/27/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Commuter Operations in Very Light Jets (VLJS) Red
Popular Title: VLJ
RIN 2120-AI84
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would change the operation regulations to accommodate the entry into the airspace system of very light jets. These changes are necessary because of the introduction of a new type of airplane as a result of significant changes in the aviation industry. The rulemaking resulted, in part, from recommendations from the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee for Parts 14 CFR 135/125. The rulemaking would cover pilot crew, equipment, training, and dispatch requirements for the safe operation of this new type of airplane.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/15/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/29/2006  07/08/2008   
To OMB 01/31/2007  08/05/2008   
OMB Clearance 02/27/2007  11/05/2008   
Publication Date 03/13/2007  11/12/2008   
End of Comment Period 06/13/2007  02/10/2009   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Re-registration and Renewal of Aircraft Registration Red
Popular Title: Re-registration & Renewal of Aircraft Registration
RIN 2120-AI89
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend requirements concerning the registration of aircraft. The rulemaking is based on the need to increase and maintain the accuracy of aircraft registration information in the Civil Aviation Registry. This rulemaking would ensure aircraft owners periodically provide information regarding changes in registration. The rulemaking would respond to the concerns of law enforcement and other government agencies and would provide more accurate, up-to-date aircraft registration information to all users of the Civil Aviation Registry database.
  Information Collection
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/30/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/24/2007    01/24/2007 
Returned to Mode     03/07/2007 
Resubmitted to OST   05/11/2007  05/04/2007 
Returned to Mode/2     05/23/2007 
Resubmitted to OST/2   06/15/2007  06/12/2007 
Returned to Mode/3   06/26/2007  06/26/2007 
Resubmitted to OST/3   09/19/2007  09/19/2007 
To OMB 02/24/2007  10/19/2007   
OMB Clearance 05/24/2007  01/22/2008   
Publication Date 06/08/2007  02/05/2008   
End of Comment Period 08/08/2007  04/07/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Equipage Mandate To Support Air Traffic Control Service Red
Popular Title: ADS-B
RIN 2120-AI92
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment on aircraft to operate in certain classes of airspace within the United States National Airspace System. The rulemaking is necessary to accommodate the expected increase in demand for air transportation, as described in the Next Generation Air Transportation System Integrated Plan. The intended effect of this rule is to provide the Federal Aviation Administration with a comprehensive surveillance system that accommodates the anticipated increase in operations and would provide a platform for additional flight applications and services.
  Economically Significant
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/26/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/02/2007  06/01/2007  06/01/2007 
To OMB 05/02/2007  06/29/2007  07/05/2007 
OMB Clearance 08/02/2007  09/28/2007   
Publication Date 08/16/2007  10/05/2007   
End of Comment Period 11/16/2007  01/04/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Crewmember Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements Black
Popular Title: Duty Limitations And Rest Requirements
RIN 2120-AI93
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 12/20/1995; End of Comment Period 03/19/1996; Comment Period Extended 3/20/1996; End of Extended Comment Period 6/19/1996.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations on duty period limitations, flight time limitations, and rest requirements for flight crewmembers engaged in air transportation. The changes would respond to the need to ensure that the rules will continue to provide the minimum level of safety. This rulemaking responds to public and congressional interest in regulating flight crewmember rest requirements, NTSB Safety Recommendations, petitions for rulemaking, and scientific data. This action is considered significant because of substantial public interest. The FAA is considering proposing additional changes in response to comments received on the NPRM.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/28/1995
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Qualification, Service, and Use of Crewmembers and Aircraft Dispatchers Red
Popular Title: Part 121, Subparts N and O
RIN 2120-AJ00
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations for crewmember and dispatcher training programs in domestic, flag, and supplemental operations. The rulemaking would enhance traditional training programs by requiring the use of flight simulation training devices for flight crewmembers and including additional training requirements in areas that are critical to safety. The rulemaking would also reorganize and revise the qualification and training requirements. The changes are intended to contribute significantly to reducing aviation accidents.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/12/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/27/2007  09/28/2007  10/03/2007 
To OMB 05/29/2007  11/03/2007   
OMB Clearance 08/29/2007  02/03/2008   
Publication Date 09/10/2007  02/10/2008   
End of Comment Period 01/10/2008  05/10/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Part 121 Pilot Age Limit Red
Popular Title: Age 65
RIN 2120-AJ01
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would raise the upper age limit for pilots serving in air carrier operations (14 CFR part 121) to age 65, as long as the other pilot at the controls is under age 60. In addition, and to conform to ICAO standards, the FAA would make a minor amendment to airmen certification rules to require that air carrier pilots over age 60 hold an FAA first-class medical certificate.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/30/2007
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/13/2007  10/12/2007   
To OMB 10/15/2007  11/13/2007   
OMB Clearance 01/15/2008  02/13/2008   
Publication Date 01/25/2008  02/21/2008   
End of Comment Period 04/25/2008  05/21/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Highway Administration

Federal Highway Administration
National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Green
Popular Title: Retroreflectivity of Road Signs
RIN 2125-AE98
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 07/30/2004; End of Comment Period 10/28/2004; Extension of Comment Period 10/22/2004; End of Extended Comment Period 02/01/2005. SNPRM: Publication Date 05/08/2006;End of Comment Period 11/06/2006.
Abstract: This action would update the standards for retroreflectivity of traffic signs. Section 406(a) of the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1993, requires the Secretary of Transportation to revise the MUTCD to include a standard for a minimum level of retroreflectivity that must be maintained for traffic signs. The FHWA is interested in establishing standards for nighttime visibility of traffic signs. The FHWA will develop these standards by considering the results of research, engineering practices and comments received in response to this notice of proposed amendments. This rulemaking was downgraded on 9/14/07 and will not appear on next month's report.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/07/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/09/2007  08/01/2007  07/27/2007 
To OMB 08/10/2007  09/03/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/09/2007  12/03/2007   
Publication Date 11/30/2007  12/14/2007   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Highway Administration
Express Lane Demonstration Project Red
Popular Title: Tolling
RIN 2125-AF07
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: Pursuant to SAFETEA-LU, this rulemaking would establish requirements, standards, or performance specifications for automated toll collection systems implemented under the Express Lanes Demonstration Project.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Complete rulemaking : 02/06/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/31/2006  10/04/2006  09/13/2006 
Returned to Mode     01/17/2007 
Resubmitted to OST     03/30/2007 
Returned to Mode/2     04/03/2007 
Resubmitted to OST/2   05/11/2007  05/11/2007 
To OMB 03/02/2006  06/01/2007  06/01/2007 
OMB Clearance 06/02/2006  09/03/2007  08/31/2007 
Publication Date 06/09/2006  09/14/2007  09/20/2007 
End of Comment Period 08/09/2006  11/14/2007  11/19/2007 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 72 FR 53736

Federal Highway Administration
Projects of National and Regional Significance Red
Popular Title: PNRS
RIN 2125-AF08
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 7/24/2006; End of Comment Period 9/24/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would, pursuant to SAFETEA-LU, establish the manner in which the Secretary will evaluate and rate the transportation infrastructure projects based on the results of preliminary engineering, project justification, and the degree of non-Federal financial commitment.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final rule : 02/06/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/04/2007  12/19/2007   
To OMB 11/05/2007  01/25/2008   
OMB Clearance 02/04/2008  04/25/2008   
Publication Date 02/18/2008  04/30/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Highway Administration
Parks, Recreation Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historical Sites Red
Popular Title: 4(f) Parks
RIN 2125-AF14
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 7/27/2006; End of Comment Period 9/26/2006.
Abstract: This FHWA/FTA joint rulemaking would clarify the factors to be considered and the standards to be applied in determining the prudence and feasability of alternatives under section 4(f) (138 of title 23, U.S. Code, and section 303 of title 49, U.S. Code). Section 4(f) properties include certain parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites described in section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-670). Section 4(f) generally prohibits the use of such properties for transportation projects unless the Secretary of Transportation finds there is no feasible and prudent alternative and all possible planning to minimize the harm is undertaken.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final rule by : 08/10/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/03/2007  08/31/2007  08/31/2007 
To OMB 05/31/2007  10/01/2007   
OMB Clearance 08/29/2007  01/02/2008   
Publication Date 09/10/2007  01/16/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Highway Administration
Real-Time System Management Information Program Red
Popular Title: Real-Time Management
RIN 2125-AF19
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This action would establish a real-time system management information program to provide, in all States, the capability to monitor, in real-time, the traffic and travel conditions of the major highways of the United States. Section 1201 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) provides that the purpose of this program would be to improve the security of the surface transportation system, to address the congestion problems facing motorists, to support improved response to weather events and surface transportation incidents and to facilitate national and regional highway traveler information.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/31/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/11/2007  08/17/2007  08/07/2007 
Returned to Mode     09/14/2007 
Resubmitted to OST   09/21/2007  09/19/2007 
To OMB 02/11/2007  10/19/2007   
OMB Clearance 05/11/2007  01/19/2008   
Publication Date 05/31/2007  01/31/2008   
End of Comment Period 07/31/2007  03/29/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Medical Certification Requirements as Part of the Commercial Driver's License Green
Popular Title: Medical CDL
RIN 2126-AA10
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 7/15/1994; End of Comment Period 11/14/1994. NPRM: Publication date 11/16/2006; End of Comment Period 2/14/2007.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require those commercial driver's license (CDL) drivers who are required to obtain a Federal medical certification for the current status of that certification be made part of the commercial driver's licensing and renewal process, as required by Section 215 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. Incorporating the current medical certification status information into the State-administered Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS) driver record would improve highway safety by requiring those drivers who are required by Federal regulations to obtain a medical certificate to provide proof of that medical certification in order to obtain or retain a CDL. It would enable electronic verification of the current medical certification status as part of existing employer and enforcement programs. It would eliminate the requirement for those CDL operators who are required by Federal regulations to obtain a medical certificate to carry their medical examiner's certificate in addition to their CDL since an electronic record would verify that there is a valid medical certificate. FMCSA is currently reviewing comments to the docket.
  Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/15/1993
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/11/2007     
To OMB 01/14/2008     
OMB Clearance 04/14/2008     
Publication Date 04/28/2008     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Unified Registration System Red
Popular Title: URS
RIN 2126-AA22
Stage: SNPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 8/26/96; End of Comment Period 10/25/96. NPRM: Publication Date 05/19/2005;End of Comment Period 08/17/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would replace three current identification and registration systems: the US DOT number identification system, the commercial registration system, and the financial responsibility system, with an online Federal unified registration system. This program would serve as a clearinghouse and depository of information on, and identification of, brokers, freight forwarders, and others required to register with the Department of Transportation. The Agency is revising this rulemaking to address amendments directed by SAFETEA-LU. The replacement system for the Single State Registration System, which the ICC Termination Act originally directed be merged under URS, will be addressed separately.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 01/01/1998
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/01/1996
Dates for SNPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/02/2007  11/08/2007   
To OMB 03/08/2007  12/07/2007   
OMB Clearance 06/08/2007  03/07/2008   
Publication Date 06/29/2007  03/28/2008   
End of Comment Period 09/28/2007  07/01/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for SNPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers to Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border Red
Popular Title: Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers
RIN 2126-AA34
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/03/2001; End of Comment Period 07/02/2001. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 04/18/2002.
Abstract: This rulemaking would change FMCSA regulations to govern applications by Mexican carriers to operate beyond municipalities and commercial zones at the United State-Mexico border. It would also revise the application form, OP-1MX, to be filed by these Mexican motor carriers. The revised form would require additional information about the applicant's business and operating practices to allow the FMCSA to determine if the applicant can meet the safety standards established for operating in interstate commerce in the United States. Carriers that had previously submitted an application would have to submit the updated form. These changes are needed to implement part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). On January 16, 2003, the Ninth Circuit Court remanded this rule, along with two other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare the environmental documents as ruled by the Ninth Circuit. FMCSA is waiting for Interim Final Rule experience after the border opens before deciding what to do next on this rulemaking. FMCSA originally planned to publish a final rule by November 20, 2003.
  Information Collection
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/07/2001
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States Red
Popular Title: Safety Monitoring
RIN 2126-AA35
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/03/2001; End of Comment Period 07/02/2001. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 04/18/2002.
Abstract: This rule would implement a safety monitoring system and compliance initiative designed to evaluate the continuing safety fitness of all Mexico-domiciled carriers within 18 months after receiving a provisional Certificate of Registration or provisional authority to operate in the United States. It also would establish suspension and revocation procedures for provisional Certificates of Registration and operating authority, and incorporate criteria to be used by FMCSA in evaluating whether Mexico-domiciled carriers exercise basic safety management controls. The interim rule included requirements that were not proposed in the NPRM but which are necessary to comply with the FY-2002 DOT Appropriations Act. On January 16, 2003, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals remanded this rule, along with two other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare the environmental documents. FMCSA is waiting for Interim Final Rule experience after the border opens before deciding what to do next on this rulemaking. FMCSA originally planned to publish a final rule by November 28, 2003.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/07/2001
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Approved      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
New Entrant Safety Assurance Process Red
Popular Title: New Entrant
RIN 2126-AA59
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/13/2002; End of Comment Period 7/12/2002; IFR Effective Date 01/01/2003. NPRM: Publication Date 12/21/2006; End of Comment Period 2/20/2007.
Abstract: This rulemaking would change the New Entrant Safety Assurance Process by raising the standard of compliance for passing the new entrant safety audit. It also would make clarifying changes to some of the existing new entrant regulations. The rule also proposes a separate application procedure and safety oversight system for non-North America-domiciled motor carriers. The proposed rule would improve the Agency’s ability to identify at-risk new entrant carriers and would ensure deficiencies in basic safety management controls are corrected before the new entrant is granted permanent registration. These changes would not impose additional operational requirements on any new entrant carrier. All new entrants would continue to receive educational information on how to comply with the safety regulations and be given an opportunity to correct any deficiencies found. FMCSA recognizes many new entrants are small businesses that are unaware of these requirements and continue to need our assistance.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/09/1999
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/10/2007  02/10/2008   
To OMB 12/10/2007  03/10/2008   
OMB Clearance 03/17/2008  06/20/2008   
Publication Date 03/31/2008  06/30/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors Red
Popular Title: Safety Auditors Certification
RIN 2126-AA64
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 05/20/2002; Extension of Compliance 06/17/02; End of Extended Compliance 07/17/02. IFR Extension of Statutory Compliance Date: Publication Date 7/28/2003. Notice of Environmental Assessment: Publication Date 10/02/2003; End of Comment Period 11/03/2003. Notice of Statutory Compliance Date: Publication Date 12/23/2003; Compliance Date 1/01/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require that any safety inspection, audit, or review be conducted by a certified inspector, auditor, or investigator. It is required by section 211 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. Based on comments to the IFR, the agency will issue a SNPRM that addresses issues not clarified in the IFR.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Complete NPRM : 12/09/2000
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/09/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/08/2005  10/16/2007   
To OMB 08/08/2005  11/16/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/07/2005  02/19/2008   
Publication Date 11/14/2005  03/04/2008   
End of Comment Period 01/13/2006  05/06/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement Green
Popular Title: USA PATRIOT Act Rule
RIN 2126-AA70
Stage: Interim Final Rule/4
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/05/2003; End of Comment Period 07/07/2003. IFR Delay of Compliance Date: Publication Date 11/07/2003; End of Comment Period 01/06/2004. IFR Delay of Compliance Date: Publication Date 08/19/2004; Interim Final Rule/3: Publication Date 08/19/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit States from issuing, renewing, transferring or upgrading a commercial driver's license (CDL) with a hazardous materials endorsement, unless the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has first conducted a background check on the applicant and determined the applicant does not pose a security risk warranting denial of the hazardous materials endorsement. FMCSA and TSA simultaneously published interim final rules. FMCSA has published another IFR corresponding to TSA's extension of compliance date. Since this rulemaking conforms to TSA's rulemaking, the rulemaking is dependent upon TSA action. This action is considered significant because of substantial public and congressional interest, and national security.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/26/2001
Dates for Interim Final Rule/4:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/22/2005    03/21/2005 
Publication Approved 05/26/2005    04/25/2005 
Publication Date 05/31/2005    04/29/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Interim Final Rule/4: 70 FR 22268

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents Red
Popular Title: Supporting Documents
RIN 2126-AA76
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 4/20/1998; End of Comment Period 6/19/1998. SNPRM: Publication Date 11/03/2004; End of Comment Period 01/03/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would have amended the hours-of-service (HOS) recordkeeping requirements in response to the Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994 mandate that the Secretary issue rules to improve compliance with the existing supporting documents rules and to eliminate the continuing confusion surrounding their applicability. This rule proposed to clarify what supporting documents motor carriers must have to validate hours of service records. It would have clarified: That the duty of motor carriers is to verify the accuracy of drivers' hours or service and records of duty status (RODS), including automatic on-board records; that the driver's duty is to collect and submit to the motor carrier all supporting documents with the RODS; that carriers are required to maintain supporting documents with the RODS; and that a supporting document-based self-monitoring system is required to be the primary method for ensuring compliance with the HOS regulations. It would have allowed the use of electronic documents as a supplement to, and in certain instances in lieu of, paper supporting documents in recognition of developing technologies. It would have clarified the definitions of "supporting documents," "employee," and "driver," and the current requirement that each carrier use a self-monitoring system to verify HOS and RODs. The FMCSA is withdrawing this proposed rule for a comprehensive review of its Paperwork Reduction Act impacts and burdens. After the review, FMCSA plans to issue a new proposal that most efficiently addresses the paperwork burdens.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Rule to be issued and become effective : 02/26/1996
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/26/1994
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST   08/09/2007  08/09/2007 
Publication Approved 06/05/2007  10/17/2007   
Publication Date 06/12/2007  11/01/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Brokers of Household Goods Transportation by Motor Vehicle Black
Popular Title: Household Goods Brokers
RIN 2126-AA84
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 12/22/2004; End of Comment Period 02/22/2005. NPRM: Publication date 2/8/2007; End of Comment Period 5/9/2007
Abstract: This rulemaking would address the American Moving and Storage Association's petition for rulemaking and implement certain provisions of Subtitle B of SAFETEA-LU. FMCSA would determine in this rulemaking whether 49 CFR part 371 needs to be amended to protect consumers against unscrupulous brokers of household goods.
  Information Collection
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  Sec 4212 of PL 109-59 (2005) : 08/10/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/12/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Requirements for Intermodal Equipment Providers and Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating Intermodal Equipment Red
Popular Title: Intermodal Container Chassis
RIN 2126-AA86
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Approved 11/29/2006;Publication Date 12/21/2006;End of Comment Period 03/21/2007;Extension of Comment Period 04/13/2007;End of Extended Comment Period 05/21/2007.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require entities that offer intermodal container chassis for transportation in interstate commerce to: file a Motor Carrier Identification Report (Form MCS-150); display a USDOT identification number on each chassis offered for such transportation; establish a systematic inspection, repair, and maintenance program to ensure the safe operating condition of each chassis offered for transportation and maintain documentation of the program; and provide a means for effectively responding to driver and motor carrier complaints about the condition of intermodal container chassis. The rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial industry and congressional interest and because it involves other departmental modes. It is required by SAFETY-LU.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Issue regulations after notice and comment one year after date of enactment of SAFETY-LU. : 08/10/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/26/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/10/2007     
To OMB 01/10/2008     
OMB Clearance 04/10/2008     
Publication Date 04/24/2008     
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Other, higher priorities
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance Green
Popular Title: Electronic On-Board Recorders
RIN 2126-AA89
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 9/01/2004; End of Comment Period 11/30/2004. NPRM: Publication Approved 12/21/2006;Publication Date 01/18/2007;End of Comment Period 04/18/2007.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to incorporate new performance standards for electronic on-board recorders (EOBRs) to document compliance with the Federal hours-of-service rules. This would help ensure that performance standards for EOBRs are appropriate and reflect state-of-the-art communication and information management technologies. The rulemaking would consider the potential benefits and costs of requiring motor carriers to install and use EOBRs and evaluate alternative approaches including: 1) mandating such practice industry-wide, 2) limiting the requirement to motor carriers with certain characteristics, and 3) allowing EOBR use to remain voluntary.
  Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Peer Review
Prompting action: Court Action
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/09/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/03/2008     
To OMB 06/05/2008     
OMB Clearance 09/05/2008     
Publication Date 09/19/2008     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Qualifications of Drivers; Diabetes Standard Black
Popular Title: Diabetes Standard
RIN 2126-AA95
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 03/17/2006;End of Comment Period 06/15/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking action would amend FMCSA's medical qualification standards to allow drivers with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce, without seeking an exemption from the FMCSRs. This action is in response to Section 4129 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The diabetes standard is in review with FMCSA's Medical Review Board.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners Red
Popular Title: National Registry
RIN 2126-AA97
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish training, testing and certification standards for medical examiners responsible for certifying that interstate commercial motor vehicle drivers meet established physical qualifications standards; provide a database (or National Registry) of medical examiners that meet the prescribed standards for use by motor carriers, drivers, and Federal and State enforcement personnel in determining whether a medical examiner is qualified to conduct examinations of interstate truck and bus drivers; and require medical examiners to transmit electronically to FMCSA the name of the driver and a numerical identifier for each driver that is examined. The rulemaking would also establish the process by which medical examiners that fail to meet or maintain the minimum standards would be removed from the National Registry. This action is in response to section 4116 of SAFETEA-LU.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Sec. 4116 of PL 109-59 (2005) : 08/10/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/21/2006  10/04/2007   
To OMB 08/21/2006  11/04/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/20/2006  02/04/2008   
Publication Date 11/28/2006  02/18/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Other, higher priorities
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Interstate Van Operations Red
Popular Title: Interstate Van Operations
RIN 2126-AA98
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking would make the requirements concerning driver qualifications; driving of CMVs; parts and accessories necessary for safe operations; hours of service; and inspection, repair, and maintenance applicable to the operation of vehicles designed or used to transport between 9 and 15 passengers (including the driver) for direct compensation, in interstate commerce, regardless of the distance traveled. Currently the safety regulations apply to such vans when the vehicle is operated beyond a 75 air-mile radius of the driver's work reporting location. This action is in response to SAFETEA-LU.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/08/2007  11/23/2007   
To OMB 09/14/2007  12/17/2007   
OMB Clearance 12/17/2007  03/17/2008   
Publication Date 12/24/2007  04/01/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Consumer Complaint Information Red
Popular Title: Consumer Complaint Information
RIN 2126-AB01
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: The rulemaking would require each motor carrier of household goods to submit a quarterly report of specific identified information. This rule responds to SAFETEA-LU.
  Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/16/2006  08/08/2007  08/08/2007 
To OMB 11/16/2006  10/04/2007  09/27/2007 
OMB Clearance 02/16/2007  01/04/2008   
Publication Date 02/28/2007  01/18/2008   
End of Comment Period 04/30/2007  03/18/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Commercial Driver's License Testing and Commercial Learner's Permit Standards Red
Popular Title: Commercial Learner's Permit
RIN 2126-AB02
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish revisions to the commercial driver’s license knowledge and skills testing standards as required by section 4019 of TEA-21, implement fraud detection and prevention initiatives at the State driver licensing agencies as required by the SAFE Port Act of 2006, and establish new minimum Federal standards for States to issue commercial learner’s permits (CLPs), based in part on the requirements of section 4122 of SAFETEA-LU. In addition, to ensuring the applicant has the appropriate knowledge and skills to operate a commercial motor vehicle, this rule would establish the minimum information that must be on the CLP document and the electronic driver's record. The rule would also establish maximum issuance and renewal periods, establish a minimum age limit, address issues related to a driver's State of Domicile, and incorporate previous regulatory guidance into the Federal regulations. This rule would also address issues raised in the SAFE Port Act.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Sec 703 of PL 109-347, 120 stat.1884, at 1944) : 04/13/2008
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/21/2006  08/09/2007  08/21/2007 
To OMB 12/21/2006  10/24/2007   
OMB Clearance 03/21/2007  01/24/2008   
Publication Date 03/30/2007  02/15/2008   
End of Comment Period 05/30/2007  04/15/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Safety Red
Popular Title: Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Safety
RIN 2126-AB04
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit operators of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) from driving onto a railroad grade crossing unless there is sufficient space to drive completely through the crossing without stopping. It is intended to reduce the incidence of collisions between trains and CMVs. This rulemaking action is required by the Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Statutory : 02/16/1995
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/16/1994
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/01/2007  05/01/2008   
To OMB 06/07/2007  06/03/2008   
OMB Clearance 09/07/2007  09/03/2008   
Publication Date 09/17/2007  09/17/2008   
End of Comment Period 11/17/2007  12/17/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Minimum Training Requirements for Entry Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operations Red
Popular Title: Entry Level Driver Training
RIN 2126-AB06
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require behind-the-wheel training for persons who must hold a commercial driver's license to operate commercial motor vehicles. This action is in response to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit's December 2005 decision remanding the May 21, 2004, Final Rule, "Minimum Training Requirements for Entry-Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators" to the Agency for further consideration. The rulemaking will consider the effectiveness of CMV driver training in reducing crashes, the appropriate types and levels of behind-the-wheel training that should be mandated, and related costs.
Prompting action: Court Action
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/19/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/01/2007  05/01/2007  05/08/2007 
To OMB 02/28/2007  08/10/2007  08/09/2007 
OMB Clearance 05/31/2007  11/09/2007   
Publication Date 06/07/2007  11/23/2007   
End of Comment Period 09/07/2007  01/23/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Other, higher priorities
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Carrier Safety Fitness Determination Red
Popular Title: CSA 2010 Carrier Safety Fitness Determination
RIN 2126-AB11
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would revise 49 CFR Part 385, Safety Fitness Procedures, in accordance with the Agency's major new initiative, Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010. CSA 2010 is a new operational model FMCSA plans to implement that is designed to help the Agency carry out its compliance and enforcement programs more efficiently and effectively. Currently, the safety fitness rating of a motor carrier is determined based on the results of a very labor intensive compliance review conducted at the carrier's place of business. Aside from roadside inspections and new audits, the compliance review is the Agency's primary intervention. Under CSA 2010, FMCSA would propose to implement a broader array of progressive interventions, some of which allow FMCSA to make contact with more carriers. Through this rulemaking FMCSA would establish safety fitness determinations based on safety data consisting of crashes, inspections, and violation history rather than the standard compliance review. This will enable the Agency to assess the safety performance of a greater segment of the motor carrier industry with the goal of further reducing large truck and bus crashes and fatalities. In 1999, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended that FMCSA base its safety fitness determinations on carrier performance data derived from inspections and not solely the compliance review. NTSB recently classified FMCSA's response to this recommendation as Open-Unacceptable, because it is planning to implement it as part of a more comprehensive program. CSA 2010 will take additional time to put in place, but it ultimately will generate more useful data for making safety fitness determinations.
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/21/2007
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/12/2007  01/12/2008   
To OMB 12/15/2007  02/15/2008   
OMB Clearance 03/15/2008  05/15/2008   
Publication Date 03/29/2008  05/29/2008   
End of Comment Period 06/29/2008  08/29/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Awaiting development of additional data
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Railroad Administration

Federal Railroad Administration
Amendments to Design Standards for Pressurized Railroad Tank Cars Red
Popular Title: Pressurized Tank Cars
RIN 2130-AB69
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the existing design standards for pressurized tank cars pursuant to section 9005 of SAFETEA-LU. This rulemaking would improve the crashworthiness protection of railroad tank cars designed to transport poisonous by inhalation (PIH) materials by establishing enhanced tank car performance standards for head and shell impacts, as well as operational restrictions for trains transporting PIH materials.
  Economically Significant
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  NPRM by : 02/10/2007
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/30/2008  10/09/2007   
To OMB 05/28/2008  11/19/2007   
OMB Clearance 08/26/2008  02/18/2008   
Publication Date 08/29/2008  02/25/2008   
End of Comment Period 10/28/2008  04/25/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Awaiting development of additional data
Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Railroad Administration
Passenger Train Emergency Systems Red
Popular Title: Passenger Train Emergency Systems
RIN 2130-AB72
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 08/24/2006;End of Comment Period 10/23/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would promote the safety of passengers and crew members in passenger train emergencies by enhancing FRA's regulations for passenger train emergency systems. The rulemaking would address passenger train emergency communication systems (public address and intercom systems), emergency evacuation systems (doors, emergency window exits, rescue access windows, and emergency roof access locations), and marking signage systems.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/26/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/08/2007  10/31/2007   
To OMB 04/27/2007  12/18/2007   
OMB Clearance 07/27/2007  03/19/2008   
Publication Date 08/06/2007  03/28/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Lack of resources
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Railroad Administration
Grant Program for Local Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Projects Red
Popular Title: Rail Relocation and Improvement
RIN 2130-AB74
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 01/17/2007;End of Comment Period 03/05/2007.
Abstract: This rulemaking would address the establishment of a grant program authorizing the Secretary to provide financial assistance to States for local rail line relocation and improvement projects. This rulemaking would create a new part to title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations; establish regulations governing financial assistance under Part 261, including the project selection criteria; and solicit applications for Capital Grants for Rail Line Relocation Projects. This rulemaking is required by Section 9002 of the Safe Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Act: A legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 9002 authorizes, but does not appropriate, $350,000,000 per year for each of the fiscal years (FY) 2006 through 2009 for the purpose of funding a grant program to provide financial assistance for local rail line relocation and improvement projects. Congress has not appropriated any funding for the program for FY 2006.
  Economically Significant
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Temporary Rules : 04/01/2006
Final Rule : 10/01/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/03/2007    07/02/2007 
Returned to Mode     07/27/2007 
Resubmitted to OST   08/29/2007  08/29/2007 
Returned to Mode/2     09/11/2007 
Resubmitted to OST/2   10/03/2007   
To OMB 08/11/2007  11/09/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/11/2007  02/09/2008   
Publication Date 11/27/2007  02/20/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Railroad Administration
Regulatory Relief for Electronically Controlled Pneumatic Brake System Implementation Red
Popular Title: ECP Brake Systems
RIN 2130-AB84
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish criteria for operating trains equipped with Electronically Controlled Pneumatic Brake System technology. This rulemaking would also provide regulatory relief, when necessary, to promote the transition to Electronically Controlled Brake System technology within the rail industry. This rulemaking relates to, but is separate from the waiver proceeding under Docket No. FRA-2006-26435.
  Economically Significant
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/17/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/24/2007  03/12/2007  03/12/2007 
Returned to Mode   04/04/2007  04/04/2007 
Resubmitted to OST   04/06/2007  04/11/2007 
To OMB 02/23/2007  05/16/2007  05/21/2007 
OMB Clearance 05/24/2007  08/21/2007  08/21/2007 
Publication Date 05/31/2007  09/04/2007  09/04/2007 
End of Comment Period 07/31/2007  11/05/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Awaiting development of additional data
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Railroad Administration
Hours of Service Record Keeping Green
Popular Title: Hours of Service Record Keeping
RIN 2130-AB85
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: : .
Abstract: This rulemaking would revise the hours of service record keeping regulations to allow for the use of electronic record keeping systems. It would also clarify the existing hours of service recordkeeping regulations to ensure that they are applied consistently to both paper and electronic records. It would also ensure that all records, whether created manually or electronically, would allow for proper enforcement of the hours of service law.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/02/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/31/2007     
Publication Date 05/15/2008     
End of Comment Period 06/16/2008     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Transit Administration

Federal Transit Administration
Major Capital Investment Projects - New/Small Starts Red
Popular Title: New/Small Starts
RIN 2132-AA81
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 01/30/2006; End of Comment Period 03/10/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish a simplified evaulation process for projects seeking less than $75 million in New Starts funds. The rule will set out FTA's evaluation and rating process for proposed projects based on the results of project justification and local financial commitment. This action is mandated by SAFETEA-LU.
  Economically Significant
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final rule by : 04/07/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/29/2006  10/13/2006  10/16/2006 
Returned to Mode     11/16/2006 
Resubmitted to OST/2   12/08/2006  12/14/2006 
To OMB 10/03/2006  01/19/2007  01/09/2007 
Withdrawn from OMB 05/22/2007  05/22/2007  05/22/2007 
Resubmitted to OMB/2   06/12/2007  06/08/2007 
OMB Clearance 01/03/2007  08/01/2007  07/16/2007 
Publication Date 01/10/2007  08/15/2007  08/03/2007 
End of Comment Period 04/10/2007  11/15/2007  11/01/2007 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 72 FR 43328

Federal Transit Administration
Protection of Parks, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historical Sites Red
Popular Title: 4(f) Parks
RIN 2132-AA83
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 7/27/2006; End of Comment Period 9/25/2006.
Abstract: This FTA/FHWA joint rulemaking would clarify the factors to be considered and the standards to be applied in determining the prudence and feasability of alternatives under section 4(f) (138 of title 23, U.S. Code, and section 303 of title 49, U.S. Code). Section 4(f) properties include certain parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites described in section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-670). Section 4(f) generally prohibits the use of such properties for transportation projects unless the Secretary of Transportation finds there is no feasible and prudent alternative and all possible planning to minimize the harm is undertaken.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule by : 08/10/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/03/2007  08/31/2007  08/31/2007 
To OMB 05/31/2007  10/01/2007   
OMB Clearance 08/29/2007  01/02/2007   
Publication Date 09/10/2007  01/16/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Transit Administration
Contractor Performance Assessment for Capital Investment Program Green
Popular Title: Contractor Performance
RIN 2132-AA96
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: On August 10, 2005, the President signed the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act-A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 3011 of SAFETEA-LU made a number of changes to 49 U.S.C. 5309 ("Section 5309"), which authorizes the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA's) capital investment grant program. SAFETEA-LU emphasized the need to improve the accuracy of the estimates of ridership and costs used to support the selection of a major capital investment ("New Start") as a locally preferred alternative (LPA) for Section 5309 funds. Federal transit law supports the use of incentives to encourage the development of more reliable cost and ridership estimates for New Starts funded under Section 5309. A number of provisions in Section 5309 recognize that contractors to grant recipients play an important role in increasing the reliability of forecasting methods to estimate costs and utilization of New Starts projects. This rulemaking would establish a new part 612 in the Code of Federal Regulations. It would encourage accurate cost and ridership estimates through the award of additional New Starts funds to project sponsors, which they can choose to pass along to their contractors.
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/17/2007
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/01/2008  10/04/2007  09/18/2007 
To OMB 04/10/2008  11/01/2007   
OMB Clearance 07/10/2008  02/01/2008   
Publication Date 07/20/2008  02/15/2008   
End of Comment Period 09/20/2008  04/15/2008   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Rear Convex Cross-View Mirrors Red
Popular Title: Convex Mirrors
RIN 2127-AG41
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 09/12/2005; End of Comment Period 11/14/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would upgrade the rearward visibility of commercial straight trucks. The agency believes that requiring a rear detection system will reduce fatalities, injuries, and property damage by giving truck operators the ability to detect objects behind the truck. Various possible counter-measures are being examined now in follow-up testing, including visual and non-visual object detection systems. This action will be withdrawn. After further research is completed and evaluated, the agency will determine what further action is warranted.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/28/1996
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/06/2006  11/01/2007   
Publication Approved 06/09/2006  12/21/2007   
Publication Date 06/14/2006  12/28/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Roof Crush Resistance Red
Popular Title: Roof Crush Resistance
RIN 2127-AG51
Stage: SNPRM
Previous Stage: Request for Comments: Publication Date 10/22/01; End of Comment Period 12/06/01. NPRM: Publication Date 8/23/05; End of Comment Period 11/21/05.
Abstract: This rulemaking would upgrade vehicle roof crush requirements. It is part of the agency's comprehensive response to mitigate the number of fatalities and injuries resulting from vehicle rollovers. Rollover crashes constitute about 3 percent of passenger vehicle crashes, but about one third of the fatalities. Light trucks are more prone to rollover, and their percentage of the U.S. fleet continues to increase. This crash mode constitutes a disproportionate segment of the Nation's highway safety problem. This rulemaking is significant because of public interest in vehicle safety. Previously NHTSA had a final rule scheduled on 8/31/2007.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  FR by : 07/01/2008
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/13/1996
Dates for SNPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/09/2007  04/02/2007  03/26/2007 
Returned to Mode     04/17/2007 
Resubmitted to OST   09/03/2007  08/31/2007 
To OMB 02/09/2007  10/12/2007   
OMB Clearance 02/26/2007  01/15/2008   
Publication Date 02/28/2007  01/30/2008   
End of Comment Period 04/30/2007  03/28/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for SNPRM: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Part 571.3 Definitions, Designated Seating Position Red
Popular Title: Definitions, Designated Seating Position
RIN 2127-AI94
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 06/22/2005; End of Comment Period 08/22/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend part 571.3 Definitions, to redefine the term "designated seating position" (DSP) in order to establish an objective criteria that is more enforceable.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/16/2002
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/08/2006  03/16/2007  03/21/2007 
Returned to Mode     04/17/2007 
Resubmitted to OST   08/31/2007  08/09/2007 
To OMB 10/20/2006  10/01/2007   
OMB Clearance 01/22/2007  01/03/2008   
Publication Date 01/31/2007  01/17/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Side Impact Protection Upgrade - FMVSS No. 214 Red
Popular Title: Side Impact Protection Upgrade
RIN 2127-AJ10
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 5/17/2004; End of Comment Period 10/14/2004; Reopening of Comment Period 1/2005; End of Reopened Comment Period 4/12/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require in FMVSS No. 214 a vehicle-to-pole oblique impact test to reduce the number of fatal and serious head injuries, which are not addressed in FMVSS No. 201. Two Federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS) -- No. 201, "Occupant Protection in Interior Impact" and No. 214, "Side Impact Protection" -- specify requirements for side impact protection. At present, FMVSS No. 214 specifies a moving deformable barrier (MDB) test addressing mainly the chest injury problem. The head injury reduction is partially addressed in FMVSS No. 201.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Publish by : 07/01/2008
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/05/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/13/2005  12/02/2005  12/02/2005 
Returned to Mode     06/30/2006 
Resubmitted to OST   05/11/2007  05/09/2007 
To OMB 11/25/2005  06/15/2007  05/25/2007 
OMB Clearance 02/21/2006  09/17/2007  08/30/2007 
Publication Date 02/28/2006  09/10/2007  09/11/2007 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: 72 FR 51907

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Reduced Stopping Distance Requirements for Truck Tractors Red
Popular Title: Reduced Stopping Distance for Truck Tractors
RIN 2127-AJ37
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date: 12/15/2005; End of Comment Period 4/14/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would reduce stopping distance requirements for truck tractors equipped with air brake systems. Advances in heavy vehicle braking systems show that improved stopping performance is attainable for these vehicles. Such improvements would reduce the stopping distance disparity with light vehicles, and would result in fewer deaths and injuries and reduce property damage due to fewer crashes between truck tractors and light vehicles.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/02/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/12/2007  10/29/2007   
To OMB 02/23/2007  12/07/2007   
OMB Clearance 05/25/2007  03/10/2008   
Publication Date 05/31/2007  03/31/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Subpart T Hybrid III-10C Dummy, 10-Year-Old Child Green
Popular Title: Hybrid Dummy
RIN 2127-AJ49
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 07/13/2005; End of Comment Period 09/12/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would incorporate the Hybrid III ten-year old dummy into Part 572 for potential application in Federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS) such as FMVSS No. 213, Child restraint systems. Anton's Law, signed by the President on December 4, 2002, specified in Section 4 that within 24 months, the Secretary of Transportation shall develop and evaluate an anthropomorphic test device that simulates a 10-year old child for use in testing child restraints used in passenger motor vehicles. The evaluation and testing of such a device has been completed by NHTSA. This rulemaking would include rationale for the dummy performance response requirements; detailed dummy design drawings and specifications; and a procedures manual for the dummy inspection, assembly and disassembly.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/16/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/20/2007     
To OMB 01/31/2008     
OMB Clearance 04/30/2008     
Publication Date 05/15/2008     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Automotive Fuel Economy Manufacturing Incentives for Alternative Fueled Vehicles Red
Popular Title: AMFA Extension
RIN 2127-AK00
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would extend the alternative fueled vehicles incentive created by the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 for Model years 2011 - 2014, at a maximum incentive of 0.9 miles per gallon (mpg) per fleet. This rulemaking would extend the incentive to vehicle manufacturers under 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)section 538.9 for an additional four years. The incentive allows manufacturers to calculate a higher average fuel economy level for dual-fueled vehicles, as defined at 49 USC section 32901(a)(8), permitting up to a 0.9 mpg increase in their overall corporate average fuel economy (CAFE). NHTSA is required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to either extend the incentive or explain to Congress why it has not done so by December 31, 2007.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Per the Energy Policy Act of 2005, NHTSA is obligated to publish a final rule by December 31, 2007 or explain why it has not done so. : 12/31/2007
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/07/2007
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/01/2007  10/15/2007   
To OMB 06/25/2007  11/21/2007   
OMB Clearance 07/27/2007  02/22/2008   
Publication Date 07/31/2007  02/29/2008   
End of Comment Period 09/30/2007  04/30/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Light Truck Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards, Model Years 2012 and Beyond Green
Popular Title: CAFE Model Years 2012 and Beyond
RIN 2127-AK08
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would address Light Truck Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards pursuant to the President’s Executive Order No. 13432.
  Economically Significant
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  CAFE standards must be set at least 18 months prior to the start of a model year. However, this action is also subject to a direction by the President of the United States to complete rulemaking in 2008. : 11/01/2008
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/01/2007
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/20/2007  10/18/2007   
To OMB 10/15/2007  11/14/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/14/2007  12/14/2007   
Publication Date 11/15/2007  12/15/2007   
End of Comment Period 01/15/2008  02/15/2008   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Office of the Secretary

Office of the Secretary
Accessibility of Passenger Vessels to Individuals with Disabilities Red
Popular Title: Accessibility-passenger vessels
RIN 2105-AB87
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 11/29/2004;End of Comment Period 03/28/2005;Publication Date for Extension of Comment Period 03/28/2005;End of Extended Comment Period 07/28/2005.
Abstract: The Department's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) final rule, published September 6, 1991, reserved portions of the rule concerning passenger vessels. The ADA covers passenger vessels, but issuing accessibility requirements for vessels involves complex issues unlike those affecting land transportation. This rulemaking would address these issues and propose feasible requirements to make passenger vessels accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/26/1990
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/15/2006  07/30/2006  07/17/2006 
To OMB 06/01/2006    09/29/2006 
OMB Clearance 09/01/2006  12/29/2006  12/21/2006 
Publication Date 09/17/2006  01/19/2007  01/23/2007 
End of Comment Period 12/17/2006  04/19/2007  04/23/2007 
Extension of Comment Period   04/23/2007  04/13/2007 
End of Extended Comment Period   06/22/2007  06/22/2007 
Public Hearing/Reopening of Comment Period   11/15/2007   
End of Reopened Comment Period   11/30/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 72 FR 28333

Office of the Secretary
Use of Oxygen by Air Carrier Passengers Red
Popular Title: Oxygen by Air Carrier Passengers
RIN 2105-AC29
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 09/07/2005;End of Comment Period 11/07/2005;Extension of Comment Period 10/21/2005 ; End of Extended Comment Period 01/30/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would address the carriage and use of certain respiratory devices (i.e., ventilators, respirators, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines and certain portable oxygen concentrators) by passengers aboard commercial aircraft. It would also address difficulties experienced by passengers needing supplemental oxygen on airline flights, including costs associated with in-flight medical oxygen.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/01/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/26/2007  11/15/2007   
To OMB 05/01/2007  12/15/2007   
OMB Clearance 08/01/2007  03/15/2008   
Publication Date 08/05/2007  03/25/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Office of the Secretary
Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program Black
Popular Title: Aviation Data
RIN 2105-AC71
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 07/15/1998; End of Comment Period 09/14/1998; End of Reply Comment Period 10/13/1998. NPRM: Publication Date 02/17/2005;End of Comment Period 04/18/2005;Extension of Comment Period Publication Date 07/18/2005; End of Extended Comment Period 9/18/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking requested public comments from reporting carriers and aviation data users on the nature, scope, source, and means for collecting, processing, and distributing airline traffic, fare, and financial data. Specifically, it invited comments on whether existing airline traffic, fare, and financial data should be amended, supplemented, or replaced; whether selected forms and reports should be retained, modified, or eliminated; whether OST should require all aviation data to be filed electronically; and how the aviation data system should be reengineered to enhance efficiency and to reduce costs for both the Department and the airline industry.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/15/1998
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Office of the Secretary
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel Red
Popular Title: ACAA - Foreign Carriers
RIN 2105-AC97
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 11/04/2004; End of Comment Period 02/02/2005; Extension of Comment Period Publication Date 01/13/2005; End of Extended Comment Period 03/04/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would add coverage under the Air Carrier Access Act to foreign air carriers and comprehensively update and revise 14 CFR Part 382. It would also clarify or propose new provisions in such areas as movable aisle armrests, preboarding announcements, and accessibility of carrier web sites. This rulemaking is being incorporated into RIN 2105-AC29.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/05/2000
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/01/2006  11/15/2007   
To OMB 06/15/2006  12/15/2007   
OMB Clearance 09/15/2006  03/15/2008   
Publication Date 10/07/2006  03/15/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Office of the Secretary
Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs Red
Popular Title: Specimen Validity Testing
RIN 2105-AD26
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/28/2003. NPRM: Publication Date 10/31/2005; End of Comment Period 12/31/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend certain provisions of its drug and alcohol testing procedures to change instructions to laboratories, medical review officers, and employers with respect to adulterated, substituted, diluted, and invalid specimen results. This action would create consistency with specimen validity requirements established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and modify some measures taken in other rulemaking actions. Also, this rulemaking would include rulemaking action specified in RINs 2105-AD47 and 2105-AD55.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/13/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/25/2007  12/27/2007   
To OMB 04/25/2007  01/20/2008   
OMB Clearance 07/25/2007  04/20/2008   
Publication Date 07/30/2007  04/30/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Lack of resources
Lack of staffing
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Office of the Secretary
Accommodations in Air Travel for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind Individuals Red
Popular Title: Deaf, Hard of Hearing
RIN 2105-AD41
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 2/23/2006; End of Comment Period 4/24/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking would expand accomodations provided to deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind air travelers under the Air Carrier Access Act. The purpose of this rulemaking would be to improve access for air travelers who are deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind during all phases of air travel, from the airport to the flight itself. This rule would apply to certain foreign and domestic air carriers. Also, the rulemaking action would respond to a petition for rulemaking. This rulemaking is being incorporated into RIN 2105-AC29.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/11/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/26/2007  11/15/2007   
To OMB 05/01/2007  12/15/2007   
OMB Clearance 08/01/2007  03/15/2008   
Publication Date 08/05/2007  03/25/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Office of the Secretary
Protection of Sensitive Security Information Black
Popular Title: SSI-TSA
RIN 2105-AD59
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/18/2004; End of Comment Period 07/19/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would publish a Final Rule addressing the May 2004 Interim Final Rule and respond to any comments. As of January 31, 2007, this rulemaking is on hold pending the receipt of additional information from DHS. The schedule cannot be further updated until this information is received.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/02/2002
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Office of the Secretary
Oversales and Denied Boarding Compensation Green
Popular Title: DBC
RIN 2105-AD63
Stage: ANPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would address whether the Department of Transportation (Department) should amend its rules relating to oversales and denied boarding compensation to cover flights operated with aircraft seating 30 through 60 passengers, which are currently exempt from the rule. It would also address whether the Department should increase the maximum required compensation and make other changes.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/19/2006
Dates for ANPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/30/2007    04/06/2007 
To OMB 04/30/2007  05/16/2007  06/18/2007 
OMB Clearance 07/30/2007  06/13/2007  06/25/2007 
Publication Date 08/06/2007  06/20/2007  07/10/2007 
End of Comment Period 10/06/2007  08/20/2007  09/10/2007 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for ANPRM: 72FR37491

Office of the Secretary
Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs: State Laws Requiring Drug and Alcohol Rule Violation Information Black
Popular Title: State Reporting
RIN 2105-AD67
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: The rulemaking would propose a revision to 49 CFR Part 40 and FTA and FMCSA drug/alcohol testing rules to permit employers to comply with state laws requiring transmission of information on violations of DOT drug/alcohol rules concerning commercial drivers to state safety and licensing agencies.
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/09/2007
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Office of the Secretary
Credit Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects Red
Popular Title: TIFIA Update
RIN 2105-AD70
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the TIFIA rule to implement recent statutory changes and incorporate certain other changes that the DOT believes will improve the efficiency of the program and its usefulness to borrowers. This rulemaking would also extend applicability of the rule to the Maritime Administration.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/17/2007
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/18/2007  10/22/2007   
To OMB 06/18/2007  11/22/2007   
OMB Clearance 09/18/2007  02/22/2008   
Publication Date 09/28/2007  03/05/2008   
End of Comment Period 11/28/2007  04/08/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Pipeline Safety: Protecting Unusually Sensitive Areas from Rural Onshore Hazardous Liquid Gathering Lines and Low-Stress Lines Red
Popular Title: Petroleum Gathering Lines and Low Stress Lines
RIN 2137-AD98
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 09/06/2006; End of Comment Period 11/06/2006. SNPRM: Publication Approved 05/15/2007;Publication Date 05/18/2007;End of Comment Period 06/18/2007.
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish limited safety rules for rural onshore hazardous liquid gathering pipelines and low stress pipelines that are within a defined buffer of an unusually sensitive area. These areas include drinking water and ecological resource areas, which are particularly vulnerable to a pipeline release. The safety requirements would address the most common threats to the integrity of these pipelines.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/04/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/10/2007  12/10/2007   
To OMB 10/12/2007  01/11/2008   
OMB Clearance 01/10/2008  04/11/2008   
Publication Date 01/18/2008  04/18/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Rail Transportation Safety and Security for Hazardous Materials Shipments Red
Popular Title: Rail routing rule
RIN 2137-AE02
Stage: Interim Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM Final Rule: Publication Date .
Abstract: In consultation with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), PHMSA would revise the current requirements on the safe and secure transportation of hazardous materials transported in commerce by rail. It may require rail carriers to (1) compile annual data on certain shipments of hazardous materials and use the data to analyze safety and security risks along rail transportation routes where those materials are transported; (2) assess alternative routing options and make routing decisions based on those assessments; and (3) clarify the current security plan requirements to address en route storage and delays in transit. This rulemaking was scheduled to have a final rule published by 12/24/2007. However, to address matters raised by the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, PHMSA will first issue the rule as an IFR.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  For final rule stage: Sect. 1551 of Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (Pub.L110-53, 121 Stat. 266) : 05/03/2008
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/01/2004
Dates for Interim Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/10/2007  09/25/2007  09/25/2007 
To OMB 08/13/2007  10/29/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/12/2007  01/28/2008   
Publication Date 11/19/2007  02/06/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Interim Final Rule: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Storage of Explosives During Transportation Red
Popular Title: Storage of Explosives
RIN 2137-AE06
Stage: ANPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would address the current safety and security risks associated with the storage of explosives during transportation. In the last internet report, we were moving forward with an NPRM with a publication date scheduled in June 2007. We have decided to reopen the comment period for the ANPRM to accommodate a public meeting that will assist with the development of the NPRM.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/01/2005
Dates for ANPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/23/2005    05/24/2005 
Returned to Mode     05/24/2005 
Resubmitted to OST     05/26/2005 
Returned to Mode/2     06/14/2005 
Resubmitted to OST/2   06/30/2005  06/22/2005 
To OMB 06/24/2005  10/11/2005  10/17/2005 
OMB Clearance 09/22/2005  01/17/2006  11/09/2005 
Publication Date 09/29/2005  01/24/2006  11/16/2005 
End of Comment Period 11/28/2005  02/14/2006  02/14/2006 
Public Hearing/Reopening of Comment Period   12/28/2007   
End of Reopened Comment Period   02/29/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for ANPRM: 70 FR 69493

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Enforcement Regulations Red
Popular Title: Package Inspection Authority
RIN 2137-AE13
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: Pursuant to a mandate in SAFETEA-LU (section 7118 of P.L. 109-59), this rulemaking would establish procedural regulations to implement authority provided to DOT to open packages believed to contain hazardous materials; remove such packages from transportation; gather information; order the package transported to a facility for examination and analysis; obtain assistance from qualified persons; and issue emergency restrictions, prohibitions, recalls, or out-of-service orders to abate an imminent hazard.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Temporary Rule : 10/11/2005
Final Rule : 08/10/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/06/2006  11/19/2007   
To OMB 07/11/2006  12/21/2007   
OMB Clearance 10/11/2006  03/21/2008   
Publication Date 10/18/2006  04/08/2008   
End of Comment Period 12/19/2006  06/09/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Pipeline Safety: Distribution Integrity Management Red
Popular Title: Distribution Integrity Management
RIN 2137-AE15
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish integrity management program requirements appropriate for gas distribution pipeline operators. This rulemaking would require gas distribution pipeline operators to develop and implement programs to better assure the integrity of their pipeline systems.
  Economically Significant
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/02/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/02/2007  10/23/2007   
To OMB 03/09/2007  11/26/2007   
OMB Clearance 06/11/2007  02/26/2008   
Publication Date 06/20/2007  03/07/2008   
End of Comment Period 09/20/2007  05/07/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Awaiting outcome of pending legislation
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Control Room Management/Human Factors Green
Popular Title: None
RIN 2137-AE28
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require operators of natural gas pipelines, hazardous liquid pipelines, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities, to identify and employ specific procedures to improve control room operations, controller training, and controller qualifications. It would require operators to develop, implement, and submit to PHMSA (or the appropriate State), a human factors management plan designed to reduce risks associated with human factors. This would require operators to include in their plans a maximum limit on the hours of service for individuals employed as controllers. It would also require operators to periodically review their management of computer-based control system alarms and to verify that the control systems provide accurate and timely information to controllers. This rulemaking would further require each operator to validate the implementation of the program elements applicable to their individual control system.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2007
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/30/2007     
To OMB 01/04/2008     
OMB Clearance 04/04/2008     
Publication Date 04/11/2008     
End of Comment Period 06/11/2008     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None