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Report on DOT Significant Rulemakings

Table of Contents

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

28. Medical Certification Requirements as Part of the Commercial Driver's License

29. Unified Registration System

30. Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers to Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border

31. Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States

32. New Entrant Safety Assurance Process

33. Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors

34. Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement

35. Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents

36. Brokers of Household Goods Transportation by Motor Vehicle

37. Requirements for Intermodal Equipment Providers and Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating Intermodal Equipment

38. Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance

39. Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operations; Surge Brake Requirements

40. Qualifications of Drivers; Diabetes Standard

41. National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners

42. Interstate Van Operations

43. Consumer Complaint Information

44. Commercial Driver's License Testing and Learner's Permit Standards

45. Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Safety

46. Entry Level Driver Training

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Medical Certification Requirements as Part of the Commercial Driver's License Red
Popular Title: Medical CDL
RIN 2126-AA10
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 7/15/1994; End of Comment Period 11/14/1994.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require those commercial driver's license (CDL) drivers who are required to obtain a Federal medical certification to make the current status of that certification part of the commercial driver's licensing and renewal process, as required by Section 215 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. Incorporating the current medical certification status information into the State-administered Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS) driver record would improve highway safety by requiring those drivers who are required by Federal regulations to obtain a medical certificate to provide "proof" of that medical certification in order to obtain or retain a CDL. It would enable electronic verification of the current medical certification status as part of existing employer and enforcement programs. It would eliminate the requirement for those CDL operators who are required by Federal regulations to obtain a medical certificate to carry their medical examiner's certificate in addition to their CDL since an electronic record would verify that there is a valid medical certificate.
  Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/15/1993
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/30/2002  02/27/2006  03/02/2006 
To OMB 11/01/2002  08/02/2006  08/07/2006 
OMB Clearance 02/01/2003  11/07/2006  11/08/2006 
Publication Date 02/15/2003  11/15/2006  11/16/2006 
End of Comment Period 04/15/2003  02/14/2007  02/14/2007 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 71 FR 66723

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Unified Registration System Red
Popular Title: URS
RIN 2126-AA22
Stage: SNPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 8/26/96; End of Comment Period 10/25/96. NPRM: Publication Date 05/19/2005;End of Comment Period 08/17/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would replace three current identification and registration systems: the US DOT number identification system, the commercial registration system, and the financial responsibility system, with an online Federal unified registration system. This program would serve as a clearinghouse and depository of information on, and identification of, brokers, freight forwarders, and others required to register with the Department of Transportation. The Agency is revising this rulemaking to address amendments directed by SAFETEA-LU. The replacement system for the Single State Registration System, which the ICC Termination Act originally directed be merged under URS, will be addressed separately.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 01/01/1998
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/01/1996
Dates for SNPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/02/2007  06/18/2007   
To OMB 03/08/2007  07/18/2007   
OMB Clearance 06/08/2007  10/16/2007   
Publication Date 06/29/2007  10/30/2007   
End of Comment Period 09/28/2007  01/30/2008   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for SNPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers to Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border Red
Popular Title: Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers
RIN 2126-AA34
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/03/2001; End of Comment Period 07/02/2001. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 04/18/2002.
Abstract: This rulemaking changes FMCSA regulations to govern applications by Mexican carriers to operate beyond municipalities and commercial zones at the United State-Mexico border. It also revises the application form, OP-1MX, to be filed by these Mexican motor carriers. The revised form requires additional information about the applicant's business and operating practices to allow the FMCSA to determine if the applicant can meet the safety standards established for operating in interstate commerce in the United States. Carriers that had previously submitted an application would have to submit the updated form. These changes are needed to implement part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). On January 16, 2003, the Ninth Circuit Court remanded this rule, along with two other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare the environmental documents as ruled by the Ninth Circuit. FMCSA is waiting for Interim Final Rule experience after the border opens before deciding what to do next on this rulemaking. FMCSA originally planned to publish a final rule by November 20, 2003.
  Information Collection
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/07/2001
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States Red
Popular Title: Safety Monitoring
RIN 2126-AA35
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/03/2001; End of Comment Period 07/02/2001. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 04/18/2002.
Abstract: This rule would implement a safety monitoring system and compliance initiative designed to evaluate the continuing safety fitness of all Mexico-domiciled carriers within 18 months after receiving a provisional Certificate of Registration or provisional authority to operate in the United States. It also would establish suspension and revocation procedures for provisional Certificates of Registration and operating authority, and incorporate criteria to be used by FMCSA in evaluating whether Mexico-domiciled carriers exercise basic safety management controls. The interim rule included requirements that were not proposed in the NPRM but which are necessary to comply with the FY-2002 DOT Appropriations Act. On January 16, 2003, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals remanded this rule, along with two other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare the environmental documents. FMCSA is waiting for Interim Final Rule experience after the border opens before deciding what to do next on this rulemaking. FMCSA originally planned to publish a final rule by November 28, 2003.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/07/2001
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
New Entrant Safety Assurance Process Red
Popular Title: New Entrant
RIN 2126-AA59
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/13/2002; End of Comment Period 7/12/2002; IFR Effective Date 01/01/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would change the New Entrant Safety Assurance Process by raising the standard of compliance for passing the new entrant safety audit. It also would make clarifying changes to some of the existing new entrant regulations. The rule also proposes a separate application procedure and safety oversight system for non-North America-domiciled motor carriers. The proposed rule would improve the agency's ability to identify at-risk new entrant carriers and would ensure deficiencies in basic safety management controls are corrected before the new entrant is granted permanent registration. These changes would not impose additional operational requirements on any new entrant carrier. All new entrants would continue to receive educational information on how to comply with the safety regulations and be given an opportunity to correct any deficiencies found. FMCSA recognizes many new entrants are small businesses that are unaware of these requirements and continue to need our assistance.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/09/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/17/2004  09/09/2005  09/12/2005 
Returned to Mode     09/27/2005 
Resubmitted to OST   02/22/2006  03/03/2006 
To OMB 09/17/2004  08/04/2006  08/15/2006 
OMB Clearance 12/17/2004  12/15/2006  11/27/2006 
Publication Date 12/31/2004  12/26/2006  12/21/2006 
End of Comment Period 02/28/2005  02/26/2007  02/20/2007 
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Additional coordination necessary
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 71 FR 73730

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors Red
Popular Title: Safety Auditors Certification
RIN 2126-AA64
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 05/20/2002; Extension of Compliance 06/17/02; End of Extended Compliance 07/17/02. IFR Extension of Statutory Compliance Date: Publication Date 7/28/2003. Notice of Environmental Assessment: Publication Date 10/02/2003; End of Comment Period 11/03/2003. Notice of Statutory Compliance Date: Publication Date 12/23/2003; Compliance Date 1/01/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require that any safety inspection, audit, or review be conducted by a certified inspector, auditor, or investigator. It specifically would give FMCSA authority to decertify an inspector, auditor, or investigator, including a third-party investigator, for failure to meet the prescribed certification standards. It is required by section 211 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. Based on comments to the IFR, the agency will issue a SNPRM that addresses issues not clarified in the IFR.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Complete NPRM : 12/09/2000
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/09/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/08/2005  06/04/2007   
To OMB 08/08/2005  07/10/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/07/2005  10/10/2007   
Publication Date 11/14/2005  10/17/2007   
End of Comment Period 01/13/2006  12/17/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement Green
Popular Title: USA PATRIOT Act Rule
RIN 2126-AA70
Stage: Interim Final Rule/4
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/05/2003; End of Comment Period 07/07/2003. IFR Delay of Compliance Date: Publication Date 11/07/2003; End of Comment Period 01/06/2004. IFR Delay of Compliance Date: Publication Date 08/19/2004; Interim Final Rule/3: Publication Date 08/19/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit States from issuing, renewing, transferring or upgrading a commercial driver's license (CDL) with a hazardous materials endorsement, unless the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has first conducted a background check on the applicant and determined the applicant does not pose a security risk warranting denial of the hazardous materials endorsement. FMCSA and TSA simultaneously published interim final rules. FMCSA has published another IFR corresponding to TSA's extension of compliance date. Since this rulemaking conforms to TSA's rulemaking, the rulemaking is dependent upon TSA action. This action is considered significant because of substantial public and congressional interest, and national security.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/26/2001
Dates for Interim Final Rule/4:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/22/2005    03/21/2005 
Publication Approved 05/26/2005    04/25/2005 
Publication Date 05/31/2005    04/29/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Interim Final Rule/4: 70 FR 22268

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents Red
Popular Title: Supporting Documents
RIN 2126-AA76
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 4/20/1998; End of Comment Period 6/19/1998. SNPRM: Publication Date 11/03/2004; End of Comment Period 01/03/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the hours-of-service recordkeeping requirements to clarify what supporting documents motor carriers must have to validate hours of service records. It would clarify: That the duty of motor carriers is to verify the accuracy of drivers' hours of service (HOS) and records of duty status (RODS) if including automatic on-board records; that the driver's duty is to collect and submit to the motor carrier all supporting documents with the RODS; that carriers are required to maintain supporting documents with the RODS; and that a supporting document based on a self-monitoring system is required to be the primary method for ensuring compliance with the HOS regulations. It would allow the use of electronic documents as a supplement to, and in certain instances in lieu of, paper supporting documents in recognition of developing technologies. It would clarify the definitions of "supporting documents," "employee," and "driver," and the current requirement that each motor carrier use a self-monitoring system to verify HOS and RODS. This rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial industry interest and safety.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Rule to be issued and become effective : 02/26/1996
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/26/1994
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/09/2005  02/09/2006  02/03/2006 
Returned to Mode     03/06/2006 
Resubmitted to OST     03/20/2006 
Resubmitted to OST/2     04/26/2006 
Resubmitted to OST/3     05/04/2006 
To OMB 01/11/2006  06/15/2006  06/20/2006 
OMB Clearance 04/11/2006  09/30/2006  09/14/2006 
Publication Date 04/30/2006  01/16/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Awaiting development of additional data
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Brokers of Household Goods Transportation by Motor Vehicle Red
Popular Title: Household Goods Brokers
RIN 2126-AA84
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 12/22/2004; End of Comment Period 02/22/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would address the American Moving and Storage Association's petition for rulemaking and implement certain provisions of Subtitle B of SAFETEA-LU. FMCSA will determine in this rulemaking whether 49 CFR part 371 needs to be amended to protect consumers against unscrupulous brokers of household goods.
  Information Collection
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/12/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/02/2005  04/07/2006  04/18/2006 
To OMB 10/06/2005  07/18/2006  07/10/2006 
OMB Clearance 12/16/2005  02/18/2007  01/29/2007 
Publication Date 12/30/2005  02/28/2007   
End of Comment Period 02/28/2006  04/28/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Requirements for Intermodal Equipment Providers and Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating Intermodal Equipment Red
Popular Title: Intermodal Container Chassis
RIN 2126-AA86
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require entities that offer intermodal container chassis for transportation in interstate commerce to: file a Motor Carrier Identification Report (Form MCS-150); display a USDOT identification number on each chassis offered for such transportation; establish a systematic inspection, repair and maintenance program to ensure the safe operating condition of each chassis offered for transportation and maintain documentation of the program; and provide a means for effectively responding to driver and motor carrier complaints about the condition of intermodal container chassis. The rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial industry and congressional interest and because it involves other departmental modes. This rulemaking was redrafted to reflect changes made by recent reauthorization legislation.
  Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/26/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/15/2004  02/23/2006  02/27/2006 
Returned to Mode     03/28/2006 
Resubmitted to OST     04/12/2006 
To OMB 10/15/2004  08/04/2006  08/24/2006 
OMB Clearance 01/15/2005  12/16/2006  11/29/2006 
Publication Date 01/31/2005  12/27/2006  12/21/2006 
End of Comment Period 03/30/2005  03/21/2007  03/21/2007 
Explanation for any delay: Awaiting outcome of pending legislation
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 71 FR 76796

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance Red
Popular Title: Electronic On-Board Recorders
RIN 2126-AA89
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 9/01/2004; End of Comment Period 11/30/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to incorporate new performance standards for electronic on-board recording devices (EOBRs) to document compliance with the Federal hours-of-service rules. This would help ensure that performance standards for EOBRs are appropriate and reflect state-of-the-art communication and information management technologies. The rulemaking would consider the potential benefits and costs of requiring motor carriers to install and use EOBRs and evaluate alternative approaches including: 1) mandating such practice industrywide, 2) limiting the requirement to motor carriers with certain characteristics, and 3) allowing EOBR use to remain voluntary.
  Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Peer Review
Prompting action: Court Action
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/09/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/10/2005  02/17/2006  03/02/2006 
To OMB 11/09/2005  08/04/2006  08/08/2006 
OMB Clearance 02/07/2006  01/13/2007  12/21/2006 
Publication Date 02/17/2006  01/29/2006  01/18/2007 
End of Comment Period 03/20/2006  04/29/2007  04/18/2007 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 72 FR 2340

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operations; Surge Brake Requirements Red
Popular Title: Surge Brakes
RIN 2126-AA91
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 10/07/2005; End of Comment Period 12/06/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to allow the use of automatic hydraulic inertia brake systems (surge brakes) on trailers operated in interstate commerce, in response to a petition for rulemaking from the Surge Brake Coalition. Currently, surge brakes are not considered by FMCSA to comply with the requirements that all brakes on a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) be capable of operating at all times, and that a single valve (or brake application control mechanism) apply the brakes on the towing unit and trailer, simultaneously. The intent of this rulemaking is to adopt performance-based brake system requirements to allow the use of surge brakes on certain combinations of CMVs, based upon engineering test data submitted by the Surge Brake Coalition.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/27/2004
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/02/2006  07/03/2006  06/30/2006 
To OMB 07/03/2006  12/15/2006  12/07/2006 
OMB Clearance 10/03/2006  03/15/2007  02/02/2007 
Publication Date 10/16/2006  03/22/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Qualifications of Drivers; Diabetes Standard Black
Popular Title: Diabetes Standard
RIN 2126-AA95
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 03/17/2006;End of Comment Period 06/15/2006.
Abstract: This rulemaking action would amend FMCSA's medical qualification standards to allow drivers with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce, without seeking an exemption from the FMCSRs. This action is in response to Section 4129 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners Red
Popular Title: National Registry
RIN 2126-AA97
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish training, testing and certification standards for medical examiners responsible for certifying that interstate commercial motor vehicle drivers meet established physical qualifications standards; provide a database (or National Registry) of medical examiners that meet the prescribed standards for use by motor carriers, drivers, and Federal and State enforcement personnel in determining whether a medical examiner is qualified to conduct examinations of interstate truck and bus drivers; and require medical examiners to transmit electronically to FMCSA the name of drivers and a numerical identifier for each driver that is examined. The rulemaking would also establish the process by which medical examiners that fail to meet or maintain the minimum standards would be removed from the National Registry. This action is in response to section 4116 of SAFETEA-LU.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/21/2006  02/07/2007   
To OMB 08/21/2006  03/07/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/20/2006  06/05/2007   
Publication Date 11/28/2006  06/15/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Interstate Van Operations Green
Popular Title: Interstate Van Operations
RIN 2126-AA98
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking would make the requirements concerning driver qualifications; driving of CMVs; parts and accessories necessary for safe operations; hours of service; and inspection, repair, and maintenance applicable to the operation of vehicles designed or used to transport between 9 and 15 passengers (including the driver) for direct compensation, in interstate commerce, regardless of the distance traveled. Currently the safety regulations apply to such vans when the vehicle is operated beyond a 75 air-mile radius of the driver's work reporting location. This action is in response to SAFETEA-LU.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/08/2007     
To OMB 09/14/2007     
OMB Clearance 12/17/2007     
Publication Date 12/24/2007     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Consumer Complaint Information Red
Popular Title: Consumer Complaint Information
RIN 2126-AB01
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: The rulemaking would establish a system and a database for filing and logging consumer complaints relating to household goods motor carriers; require each motor carrier of household goods to submit a quarterly report of specific identified information; and develop a procedure to forward a complaint to the motor carrier and to the appropriate State authority. This rule responds to SAFETEA-LU.
  Information Collection
Privacy Impact
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/16/2006  04/09/2007   
To OMB 11/16/2006  05/10/2007   
OMB Clearance 02/16/2007  08/09/2007   
Publication Date 02/28/2007  08/20/2007   
End of Comment Period 04/30/2007  10/19/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Commercial Driver's License Testing and Learner's Permit Standards Red
Popular Title: Commercial Learner's Permit
RIN 2126-AB02
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish revisions to the commercial driver's license knowledge and skills testing standards as required by section 4019 of TEA-21 and new minimum Federal standards for States to issue commercial learner's permits (CLPs) based in part on the requirements of section 4122 of SAFETEA-LU. In addition to ensuring the applicant has the appropriate knowledge and skills to operate a commercial motor vehicle, this rule would establish the minimum information that must be on the CLP document and the electronic driver's record. The rule would also establish maximum issuance and renewal periods, establish a minimum age limit, address issues related to a driver's State of Domicile, and incorporate previous regulatory guidance into the Federal regulations. This rule would also address issues raised in the SAFE Port Act.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Information Collection
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/21/2006  04/07/2007   
To OMB 12/21/2006  05/07/2007   
OMB Clearance 03/21/2007  08/07/2007   
Publication Date 03/30/2007  08/17/2007   
End of Comment Period 05/30/2007  10/17/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Safety Red
Popular Title: Railroad Highway Grade Crossing Safety
RIN 2126-AB04
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit operators of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) from driving onto a railroad grade crossing unless there is sufficient space to drive completely through the crossing without stopping. It is intended to reduce the incidence of collisions between trains and CMVs. This rulemaking action is required by the Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994. This action is considered significant because of substantial public interest and safety issues.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Statutory : 02/16/1995
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/16/1994
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/01/2007     
To OMB 06/07/2007     
OMB Clearance 09/07/2007     
Publication Date 09/17/2007     
End of Comment Period 11/17/2007     
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Entry Level Driver Training Red
Popular Title: Entry Level Driver Training
RIN 2126-AB06
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require behind-the-wheel training for persons who must hold a commercial driver's license to operate commercial motor vehicles. This action is in response to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit's December 2005 decision remanding the May 21, 2004, Final Rule, "Minimum Training Requirements for Entry-Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators" to the Agency for further consideration. The rulemaking will consider the effectiveness of CMV driver training in reducing crashes, the appropriate types and levels of behind-the-wheel training that should be mandated, and related costs.
  Economically Significant
Prompting action: Court Action
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/19/2006
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/01/2007  03/01/2007   
To OMB 02/28/2007  03/31/2007   
OMB Clearance 05/31/2007  06/30/2007   
Publication Date 06/07/2007  07/07/2007   
End of Comment Period 09/07/2007  10/07/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None