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Report on DOT Significant Rulemakings

Table of Contents

Federal Aviation Administration

1. Retrofit of Improved Seats in Air Carrier Transport Category Airplanes

2. Drug Enforcement Assistance

3. Aging Aircraft Safety

4. National Air Tour Safety Standards

5. Flight Crewmember Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements

6. False and Misleading Statements Regarding Aircraft Parts

7. Noise Limitations for Aircraft Operations in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park

8. Licensing and Safety Requirements for Launch

9. Child Restraint Systems

10. Training in the Recognition of Hazardous Material

11. Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations for B-737 Airplanes and for Part 125 Operators

12. Flight Simulation Device Qualification

13. Transponder Continuous Operation

14. Security Considerations for the Flightdeck on Foreign Operated Transport Category Airplanes

15. Ineligibility for an Airman Certificate Based on Security Grounds

16. Revisions to Cockpit Voice Recorder and Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations

17. Flight Deck Security on Large Cargo Airplanes

18. Stage 4 Aircraft Noise Standards

19. Extended Operations (ETOPS) of Multi-engine Airplanes

20. Aging Aircraft Program (Widespread Fatigue Damage)

21. Flightdeck Door Monitoring and Crew Discreet Alerting System

22. Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area

23. Fuel Tank Safety Compliance Extension (Final Rule) and Aging Airplane Program Update (Notice)

24. Transport Airplane Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction

25. Enhanced Airworthiness Program for Airplane Systems (EAPAS) and SFAR 88

26. Aging Aircraft Safety--Development of TC and STC Holder Data

27. Drug Enforcement Assistance

28. Congestion and Delay Reduction at Chicago O'Hare International Airport

29. Security Considerations in the Design of the Flightdeck on TCAs

Federal Highway Administration

30. National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

31. Commercial Driver's License Standards; Biometric Identifier

32. Commercial Learner Permits

33. Qualification of Drivers; Field of Vision

34. Medical Qualification Requirements as Part of the CDL Process

35. Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Safety

36. Unified Registration System

37. Transportation of Household Goods; Consumer Protection Regulations

38. Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers to Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border

39. Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States

40. New Entrant Safety Assurance Process

41. Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors

42. Certification of Compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS)

43. Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement

44. Penalties, Inspection, and Decal Display Requirements for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers

45. Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents

46. Enforcement of Operating Authority Requirements

47. Brokers of Household Goods Transportation by Motor Vehicle

48. Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of Intermodal Container Chassis

49. Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance

50. Hours of Service of Drivers

Federal Railroad Administration

51. Whistle Bans at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings

52. Standards for Development and Use of Processor-Based Signal and Train Control Systems

53. Locomotive Crashworthiness

54. Locomotive Event Recorders

55. Occupational Noise Exposure for Railroad Operating Employees

Federal Transit Administration

56. Rail Fixed Guideway Systems: State Safety Oversight

Maritime Administration

57. Regulations To Be Followed by All Departments, Agencies and Shippers Having Responsibility To Provide a Preference for U.S.-Flag Vessels in the Shipment of Cargoes on Ocean Vessels

58. Vessel Documentation: Lease Financing for Vessels Engaged in the Coastwise Trade; Second Rulemaking

59. Maritime Security Program

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

60. Rear Convex Cross-View Mirrors

61. Roof Crush Resistance

62. Upgrade Door Retention Performance

63. Frontal Offset Protection

64. Event Data Recorders

65. 5th Percentile Dummy Belted Barrier Crash Test Requirements -- Standard 208

66. Side Impact Protection Upgrade - FMVSS No. 214

67. Reforming the Automobile Fuel Economy Standards Program

68. Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems

69. Reduced Stopping Distance Requirements for Truck Tractors

70. Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standards, Model Year 2008 and possibly beyond

Office of the Secretary

71. Accessibility of Passenger Vessels to Individuals with Disabilities

72. Fees and Charges for Special Services

73. Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program

74. Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel

75. Review of Data Filed by Certificated or Commuter Air Carriers to Support Continuing Fitness Determinations Involving Citizenship Issues

76. Petition of the National Air Carrier Association for Rulemaking

77. Navigation of Foreign Civil Aircraft within the United States (14 CFR Part 375)

78. Accomodations in Air Travel for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals

79. Display of Joint Operations in Carrier-Owned Computer Reservations Systems Regulations (Part 256)

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

80. Gas Gathering Line Definition

81. Safeguarding Food from Contamination During Transportation

82. Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to Loading, Unloading, and Storage

83. Hazardous Materials: Transportation of Oxygen Cylinders and Oxygen Generators Aboard Aircraft

84. Hazardous Materials: Safety Requirements for External Product Piping on Cargo Tanks Transporting Flammable Liquids

85. Hazardous Materials; Transportation of Lithium Batteries

86. Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Lighters and Lighter Refills

87. Hazardous Materials: Infectious Substances; Harmonization with the United Nations

88. Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Rail Transportation Security of Toxic by Inhalation Materials

89. Prohibition on the Transportation of Primary Lithium Batteries Aboard Passenger Aircraft

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Aviation Administration
Retrofit of Improved Seats in Air Carrier Transport Category Airplanes Red
Popular Title: Retrofit of Improved Seats
RIN 2120-AC84
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/17/1988; End of Comment Period 10/14/1988; Reopening of Comment Period 10/30/1998; End of Reopened Comment Period 01/09/1999. SNPRM: Publication Date 10/04/2002; End of Comment Period 12/03/2002; Extension of Comment Period 12/03/2002; End of Extended Comment Period 03/03/2003.
Abstract: This action would require that all seats of transport category airplanes used in air carrier operations and in scheduled intrastate service comply with improved crashworthiness standards. The Airport and Airways Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987 directs the Secretary of Transportation to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to consider requiring all seats on board all air carrier aircraft to meet improved crashworthiness standards based upon the best available testing standards. The intended effect of this action is to increase passenger protection and survivability in survivable impact accidents. This rulemaking is considered significant because of its safety implications and statutory requirements.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  NPRM : 04/28/1988
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/30/1987
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/25/2004  12/15/2004  12/07/2004 
Returned to Mode     02/04/2005 
Resubmitted to OST     02/07/2005 
To OMB 07/26/2004  04/15/2005   
OMB Clearance 10/26/2004  07/15/2005   
Publication Date 11/09/2004  07/29/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Drug Enforcement Assistance Red
Popular Title: Drug Enforcement Assistance
RIN 2120-AD16
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 03/12/1990; End of Comment Period 05/11/1990.
Abstract: The FAA is withdrawing an NPRM to revise certain requirements concerning registration of aircraft, certification of pilots, and penalites for registration and certification violations. We are withdrawing the document because the relief that the NPRM would have provided has been achieved by other means or is addressed in an NPRM described elsewhere in the regulatory agenda (RIN 2120-AI43). FAA anticipates publishing this withdrawal and the new NPRM in the Federal Register after completing consideration of how to address recently enacted picture identification provisions.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 09/18/1989
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/18/1988
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/30/2004    08/25/2004 
Publication Approved 10/25/2004  11/15/2004  11/15/2004 
Publication Date 10/29/2004  03/15/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Aging Aircraft Safety Green
Popular Title: Aging Aircraft
RIN 2120-AE42
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 10/05/1993; End of Comment Period 02/02/1994; Reopening Comment Period 02/08/1994; End of Reopened Comment Period 3/04/1994. NPRM/2: Publication Date 4/02/1999; End of Comment Period 8/02/1999; Reopening of Comment Period 8/18/1999; End of Reopened Comment Period 10/08/1999. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 12/06/2002; End of Comment Period 02/04/2003. Publication Date for Extension of Comment Period 02/04/2003; End of Extended Comment Period 05/05/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking will adopt the interim final rule (IFR) published on December 6, 2002, as a final rule with changes. The IFR imposed statutory requirements for the Aging Aircraft Safety Act of 1991 for certain airplanes to undergo inspections and records reviews after their fourteenth year in service and at specified intervals after that. Also, the rule imposed a requirement to include supplemental inspections by specified deadlines in the maintenance programs for these airplanes. With this action, the FAA would respond to comments to the IFR, further clarify parts of the rule language, and substantially revise the supplemental inspection requirements.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Initiate rulemaking by : 04/24/1992
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/28/1991
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/11/2005    07/30/2004 
Returned to Mode     09/13/2004 
Resubmitted to OST     09/15/2004 
To OMB 03/11/2005  08/27/2004  10/06/2004 
OMB Clearance 06/10/2005  01/06/2005  01/06/2005 
Publication Date 06/24/2005  02/07/2005  02/02/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: 70 FR 5518

Federal Aviation Administration
National Air Tour Safety Standards Green
Popular Title: Air Tour Safety
RIN 2120-AF07
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 10/22/03; End of Comment Period 01/20/04; Extension of Comment Period 01/16/04; End of Extended Comment Period 04/19/04; Extension of Comment Period/2 04/20/04; End of Extended Comment Period/2 06/18/04.
Abstract: This rulemaking will consider new regulations for air tour and sightseeing operations that are currently allowed to operate under less stringent regulations than those applied to other types of commercial operations. Hot air balloons and gliders would not be included in this amendment.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/25/1994
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/26/2005     
To OMB 06/26/2005     
OMB Clearance 09/26/2005     
Publication Date 10/10/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Crewmember Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements Black
Popular Title: Flight Crewmember Duty Time
RIN 2120-AF63
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 12/20/1995; End of Comment Period 03/19/1996; Comment Period Extended 3/20/1996; End of Extended Comment Period 6/19/1996.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations on duty period limitations, flight time limitations, and rest requirements for flight crewmembers engaged in air transportation. The FAA proposes additional changes in response to comments received on the NPRM. The changes are necessary to ensure that the rules will continue to provide the minimum level of safety. This rulemaking responds to public and congressional interest in regulating flight crewmember rest requirements, NTSB Safety Recommendations, petitions for rulemaking, and scientific data. This action is considered significant because of substantial public interest.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/28/1995
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Aviation Administration
False and Misleading Statements Regarding Aircraft Parts Red
Popular Title: False Statements Plane Parts
RIN 2120-AG08
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/05/2003; End of Comment Period 08/04/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit certain false or misleading statements regarding civil aircraft, airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, component parts, and materials, including standard parts that are used, or may be used, on civil aircraft. It would also permit increased inspection by the FAA of records regarding the quality of aircraft parts. The additional requirements are needed to help prevent persons from representing parts as suitable for use on civil aircraft when in fact they may not be. The rulemaking is intended to provide assurance that aircraft owners and operators, and persons who maintain aircraft, have truthful information on which to determine whether a part may be used in a given civil aircraft application. This action is significant because of substantial public interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/22/1994
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/27/2004  01/21/2005  02/10/2005 
To OMB 08/24/2004  04/15/2005   
OMB Clearance 11/24/2004  06/15/2005   
Publication Date 12/10/2004  07/03/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Noise Limitations for Aircraft Operations in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park Red
Popular Title: Quiet Technology - GCNP
RIN 2120-AG34
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 12/31/1996; End of Comment Period 03/31/1997. SNPRM: Publication Date 03/24/2003; End of Comment Period 06/23/2003.
Abstract: This action is one part of an overall strategy to reduce further the impact of aircraft noise on the environment of Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) and to help the National Park Service achieve its statutory mandate imposed by Public Law 100-91 to provide for the substantial restoration of natural quiet and experience at GCNP. This rulemaking would establish a reasonably achievable standard for quiet technology to comply with the congressional mandate imposed by section 804 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (Public Law 106-181).
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/31/1996
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/30/2004  08/30/2004  08/18/2004 
Returned to Mode     09/08/2004 
Resubmitted to OST     09/08/2004 
Returned to Mode/2     09/10/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3     09/28/2004 
Returned to Mode/3     10/01/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/4     10/08/2004 
To OMB 09/29/2004  11/28/2004  11/17/2004 
OMB Clearance 12/28/2004  02/28/2005  02/14/2005 
Publication Date 01/06/2005  03/07/2005  03/29/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: 70 FR 16084

Federal Aviation Administration
Licensing and Safety Requirements for Launch Red
Popular Title: Licensing Space Launches
RIN 2120-AG37
Stage: SNPRM/2
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 10/25/2000; End of Comment Period 2/22/2001. SNPRM: Publication Date 07/30/2002; End of Comment Period 10/28/2002.
Abstract: This action would establish requirements for licensing the conduct of a launch from a non-Federal launch site. The law requires anyone who proposes to conduct a launch within the United States, or a U.S. citizen proposing to conduct a launch from a site outside the United States, to obtain a license from DOT. This action would govern obtaining a license to conduct such a launch. Currently, commercial rocket launches take place from Federal Government installations operated by the Department of Defense and NASA. In this action, DOT proposes to implement rules regarding obtaining a license to conduct a launch from a commercial launch site, where DOT, rather than NASA or the military, has primary responsibility. FAA held a public meeting on this issue in March 2005. A draft rule is available in docket 7953 at After the public meeting, and after reviewing any comments received on the draft rule, FAA will consider its next steps.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/17/1999
Dates for SNPRM/2:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/21/2003  07/02/2004  07/19/2004 
Returned to Mode     11/16/2004 
Resubmitted to OST   06/07/2005   
To OMB 06/20/2003  07/01/2005   
OMB Clearance 09/19/2003  10/03/2005   
Publication Date 09/26/2003  10/21/2005   
End of Comment Period 12/26/2003  12/21/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Awaiting development of additional data
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for SNPRM/2: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Child Restraint Systems Black
Popular Title: Child Restraints
RIN 2120-AG43
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 02/18/1998; End of Comment Period 6/18/1998.
Abstract: This rulemaking would consider the use of child restraint systems in aircraft during all phases of flight (i.e., taxi, takeoff, landing, or any other time the seat belt sign is illuminated). Specifically, the agency would consider information about existing child restraint systems, the development of new and improved child restraint systems, and the ease with which existing or new child restraint systems can be used. The Department is currently considering and coordinating options for appropriate action.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/29/1997
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Training in the Recognition of Hazardous Material Red
Popular Title: Hazmat Training Requirements
RIN 2120-AG75
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/08/2003; End of Comment Period 07/07/2003; Extension of Comment Period 07/07/2003; End of Extended Comment Period 09/05/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the FAA's hazardous materials (hazmat) training requirements for air carriers and commercial operators certificated to operate under part 121 or part 135. In addition, the rulemaking would propose that repair stations certificated under part 145 document for the FAA that persons handling hazmat for transportation have been trained as required by the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs). The FAA is updating its regulations because hazmat transport and the aviation industry have changed significantly since the FAA promulgated its current hazmat training standards to ensure uniform compliance with training requirements.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/18/1999
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/12/2004  12/29/2004  12/30/2004 
Returned To OST     01/28/2005 
Returned to Mode     02/23/2005 
Resubmitted to OST/2     03/04/2005 
To OMB 12/10/2004  05/09/2005   
OMB Clearance 03/10/2005  08/09/2005   
Publication Date 03/24/2005  08/16/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations for B-737 Airplanes and for Part 125 Operators Red
Popular Title: Digital Flight Data Recorder/B-737
RIN 2120-AG87
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 11/18/1999; End of Comment Period 12/20/1999.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the digital flight data recorder (DFDR) regulations for transport category airplanes to add a requirement for all Boeing 737 (B-737) series airplanes to record additional flight data parameters. It is based on safety recommendations issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) following the investigation of the 1994 USAir FLight 427 accident. This rulemaking is significant because of substantial public interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/15/1999
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/29/2000  11/03/3000  10/25/2000 
To OMB 06/28/2000  12/04/2000  12/26/2000 
Returned by OMB     09/18/2001 
Resubmitted to OST   04/30/2004  05/04/2004 
Returned to Mode     09/08/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3   12/01/2004  11/08/2004 
Resubmitted to OMB/2   04/21/2005   
OMB Clearance 07/28/2000  07/21/2005   
Publication Date 08/11/2000  07/29/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Simulation Device Qualification Red
Popular Title: Simulator Qualification (Part 60)
RIN 2120-AH07
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 09/25/2002; End of Comment Period 12/24/2002; Extension of Comment Period 11/15/2002; End of Extended Comment Period 02/24/2003.
Abstract: This action will amend the regulations establishing flight simulation device qualification requirements for all certificate holders in a new part. The basis of these requirements currently exists in different parts of the FAA's regulation and in advisory circulars. The proposed changes would consolidate and update flight simulation device requirements. This action is significant because of substantial public interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/01/1998
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/23/2004  04/29/2005   
To OMB 09/23/2004  05/27/2005   
OMB Clearance 12/23/2004  08/29/2005   
Publication Date 12/30/2004  09/07/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Transponder Continuous Operation Red
Popular Title: Transponder Continuous Operation
RIN 2120-AH67
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 1/14/2003; End of Comment Period 3/17/2003; Extension of Comment Period 3/18/2003; End of Extended Comment Period 4/18/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the instrument and equipment requirements for airplanes operated in domestic, flag, and supplemental operations. Specifically, the rulemaking would require affected airplanes to have the capability to help assure immediate activation of the designated air traffic control (ATC) hijack alert code, and continuous transmission of that code to ATC during a hijack situation. This action would respond to the heightened threat to U.S. civil aviation. The FAA believed that this capability would help provide ATC personnel with more time to initiate a national security response to a potential airplane hijack situation. However, following a review of the comments, the FAA is considering withdrawing the NPRM because of uncertainty about whether it is justified.
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/01/2001
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/08/2003    10/10/2003 
Returned to Mode     10/18/2003 
Resubmitted to OST     02/01/2004 
Returned to Mode/2     02/17/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3     02/19/2004 
Returned to Mode/3     04/08/2004 
Publication Approved 09/03/2003  11/23/2005   
Publication Date 10/14/2003  12/01/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Security Considerations for the Flightdeck on Foreign Operated Transport Category Airplanes Red
Popular Title: Flightdeck Security (Part 129)
RIN 2120-AH70
Stage: Disposition of Comments
Previous Stage: Final Rule: Publication Date 06/21/2002. Final Rule/2: Publication Date 12/30/2002; End of Comment Period 02/28/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend earlier rules requiring improved flightdeck security and operational and procedures changes to prevent unauthorized access to the flightdeck on passenger-carrying aircraft operated by foreign carriers under the provisions of part 129. This final rule is intended to ensure that the same flightdeck security enhancements apply to foreign air carriers as apply to U.S. air carriers. Because this rule was issued without prior notice and comment to address imminent security concerns, it contained a request for public comments.
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/15/2002
Dates for Disposition of Comments:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/16/2004  12/30/2004  12/10/2004 
Publication Approved 01/21/2005  04/15/2005  03/29/2005 
Publication Date 01/28/2005  04/20/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Disposition of Comments: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Ineligibility for an Airman Certificate Based on Security Grounds Red
Popular Title: Cert. Revocation for Security
RIN 2120-AH84
Stage: Disposition of Comments
Previous Stage: Final Rule with Request for Comments: Publication Date 01/24/2003; End of Comment Period 03/25/2003.
Abstract: This action provides the authority to revoke a pilot certificate or deny an application for a pilot certificate based on a written determination by the Transportation Security Administration that an individual poses a security risk related to aviation. This final rule addresses the security concerns of who should hold a pilot certificate issued by the FAA and is necessary to enhance security in air transportation. This rulemaking is significant because of substantial public interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/11/2001
Dates for Disposition of Comments:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/30/2004    08/16/2004 
Publication Approved 11/30/2004  04/18/2005  03/29/2005 
Publication Date 12/07/2004  04/25/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Disposition of Comments: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Revisions to Cockpit Voice Recorder and Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations Red
Popular Title: Cockpit Voice Recorder
RIN 2120-AH88
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) and digital flight data recorder (DFDR) regulations for certain air carriers, operators, and aircraft manufacturers. It would increase the duration of CVR and flight data recorder (FDR) recordings; increase the data recording rate of certain DFDR parameters; require physical separation of the DFDR and CVR; improve the reliability of the power supply to both the CVR and DFDR; and, if data-link communication equipment is installed, require that all data-link communications received by an aircraft be recorded.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/30/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/03/1999    08/28/2002 
Returned to Mode     09/05/2002 
Resubmitted to OST     10/05/2002 
Returned to Mode/2     02/07/2003 
Resubmitted to OST/3     02/27/2004 
Returned to Mode/3     03/12/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/4     03/17/2004 
Returned to Mode/4     03/18/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/5     03/19/2004 
Returned to Mode/5     03/19/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/6     06/10/2004 
To OMB 11/04/2002  07/12/2004  09/16/2004 
OMB Clearance 02/04/2003  12/16/2004  12/15/2004 
Publication Date 02/09/2003  03/08/2005  02/28/2005 
End of Comment Period 04/09/2003  05/23/2005  04/29/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 70 FR 9752

Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Deck Security on Large Cargo Airplanes Red
Popular Title: Large Cargo Airplanes
RIN 2120-AH96
Stage: Disposition of Comments
Previous Stage: Final Rule with Request for Comments: Publication Date 07/18/2003; End of Comment Period 09/16/2003.
Abstract: This action would provide an optional means of compliance to operators of all cargo airplanes that are required to have a reinforced security flightdeck door by April 9, 2003. This rule would allow those operators to either install reinforced doors or adopt enhanced procedures approved by the Transportation Security Administration.
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/10/2002
Dates for Disposition of Comments:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/16/2004  11/19/2004  12/10/2004 
Publication Approved 01/21/2005  04/15/2005  03/29/2005 
Publication Date 01/28/2005  04/20/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Disposition of Comments: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Stage 4 Aircraft Noise Standards Yellow
Popular Title: Stage 4
RIN 2120-AH99
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 12/01/2003; End of Comment Period 03/01/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish a new noise standard for subsonic jet airplanes and subsonic transport category large airplanes. This noise standard would ensure that the latest available noise reduction technology is incorporated into new aircraft designs. This noise standard, Stage 4, would apply to any person submitting an application for a new airplane type design on and after January 1, 2006. The standard could be chosen voluntarily prior to that date. This noise standard is intended to provide uniform noise certification standards for Stage 4 airplanes certificated in the United States and those airplanes that meet the new International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 16 Chapter 4 noise standard.
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/28/2002
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/27/2004  11/05/2004  11/02/2004 
To OMB 10/27/2004  02/08/2005  02/03/2005 
OMB Clearance 01/27/2005  05/10/2005   
Publication Date 03/18/2005  05/19/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Extended Operations (ETOPS) of Multi-engine Airplanes Red
Popular Title: ETOPS
RIN 2120-AI03
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 11/17/03; End of Comment Period 1/13/04; Extension of Comment Period 01/15/04; End of Extension of Comment Period 3/15/04.
Abstract: This rulemaking would govern the design, maintenance, and operation of airplanes and engines for flights that go certain long distances beyond an adequate airport. This rulemaking would extend some requirements that previously applied only to two-engine airplanes to airplanes with more than two-engines. This rulemaking would implement existing best practices and policy, industry recommendations and international standards to assure that long-range flight will operate safely.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/10/2000
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/15/2004  05/27/2005   
To OMB 01/12/2005  07/01/2005   
OMB Clearance 04/18/2005  10/03/2005   
Publication Date 04/29/2005  10/17/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Aging Aircraft Program (Widespread Fatigue Damage) Red
Popular Title: Aging Aircraft Widespread Fatigue
RIN 2120-AI05
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require incorporation of a program to preclude widespread fatigue damage into the FAA-approved maintenance program of each operator of large transport category airplanes. This action is the result of concern for the continued operational safety of airplanes that are approaching or have exceeded their design service goal. This rulemaking would require a limit of validity in flight cycles or hours of the structural maintenance program, where the operator must incorporate added inspections and/or modification/replacement actions into its maintenance program to allow continued operation.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/15/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/01/2004  04/04/2005   
To OMB 11/29/2004  05/04/2005   
OMB Clearance 03/01/2005  08/05/2005   
Publication Date 03/15/2005  08/26/2005   
End of Comment Period 05/13/2005  10/10/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Flightdeck Door Monitoring and Crew Discreet Alerting System Red
Popular Title: Crew Monitoring
RIN 2120-AI16
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require passenger-carrying transport category airplanes used in domestic, flag, and supplemental operations to have a means to allow the flightcrew to visually monitor the door area outside the flightdeck. This would allow the flightcrew to identify persons requesting entry into the flightdeck, and to detect suspicious behavior or potential threats. In addition, operations requiring the presence of flight attendants, the rulemaking would require that the flight attendants have a means to discreetly notify the flightcrew of suspicious activity or security breaches in the cabin. The rulemaking would address standards adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/22/2002
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/14/2003  04/01/2004  03/25/2004 
Returned to Mode     06/15/2004 
Resubmitted to OST     06/25/2004 
To OMB 08/19/2003  04/15/2005  03/30/2005 
OMB Clearance 10/18/2003  06/30/2005   
Publication Date 10/29/2003  07/18/2005   
End of Comment Period 12/29/2003  09/18/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Other, higher priorities
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area Red
Popular Title: DC Flight Rules
RIN 2120-AI17
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking will codify restrictions for certain aircraft operations in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. This action is necessary because of the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks. The FAA intends by this action to help the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense protect national assets in the National Capital region.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/18/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/27/2003  10/08/2003  10/22/2004 
Returned to Mode     10/27/2004 
Resubmitted to OST   12/01/2004  11/08/2004 
Returned to Mode/2 02/10/2005  12/01/2004  11/16/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3   12/01/2004  12/15/2004 
Returned to Mode/3     03/24/2005 
To OMB 02/24/2004  04/12/2005   
OMB Clearance 05/21/2004  07/12/2005   
Publication Date 06/04/2004  07/23/2005   
End of Comment Period 08/04/2004  09/23/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Fuel Tank Safety Compliance Extension (Final Rule) and Aging Airplane Program Update (Notice) Green
Popular Title: Aging Airplane
RIN 2120-AI20
Stage: Final Rule with Request for Comments
Previous Stage: Final Rule with Request for Comments: Publication Date 07/30/2004; End of Comment Period 08/30/2004; Extension of Comment Period 08/23/2004; End of Extended Comment Period 09/29/2004.
Abstract: This action extends the compliance dates for operators to comply with special maintenance program requirements for transport airplane fuel tank systems. This extension is from December 6, 2004 to December 30, 2007. This action is necessary to allow affected operators enough time, after receipt of fuel tank systems maintenance programs from manufacturers, to incorporate necessary revisions into their maintenance programs. In addition, this action will tell the public about the findings of the FAA's review of our Aging Airplane Program and the resulting rulemaking projects. This rulemaking was upgraded from nonsignificant.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/04/2003
Dates for Final Rule with Request for Comments:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/10/2004    06/10/2004 
To OMB 07/12/2004    06/30/2004 
OMB Clearance 10/12/2004  09/30/2004  07/14/2004 
Publication Date 10/19/2004  10/08/2004  07/30/2004 
End of Comment Period 12/20/2004  08/30/2004  08/30/2004 
Extension of Comment Period     08/23/2004 
End of Extended Comment Period     09/29/2004 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule with Request for Comments: 69 FR 45936

Federal Aviation Administration
Transport Airplane Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction Red
Popular Title: Fuel Tank Flammability/Inerting
RIN 2120-AI23
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking will require that flammability reduction means be incorporated into existing airplanes, newly manufactured airplanes, and new designs. It proposes new design standards for future and pending applications for type certification as well as new operating rules for retrofitting existing airplanes.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/17/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/22/2004  12/30/2004  02/02/2005 
Returned to Mode     02/22/2005 
Resubmitted to OST      
To OMB 10/22/2004  06/16/2005   
OMB Clearance 01/21/2005  09/16/2005   
Publication Date 01/28/2005  09/23/2005   
End of Comment Period 03/28/2005  11/26/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Enhanced Airworthiness Program for Airplane Systems (EAPAS) and SFAR 88 Red
Popular Title: EAPAS
RIN 2120-AI31
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would change wiring system and fuel tank system requirements for transport category airplanes. It would organize and clarify design requirements for wire systems by moving existing regulatory references to wiring into a single section of the regulations specifically for wiring and adding new certification rules to address aging issues in wire systems. This rulemaking would require holders of type certificates for certain transport category airplanes to conduct analyses and make necessary changes to existing Instruction for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) to improve maintenance procedures for wire systems. It would require operators to incorporate those ICA for wiring into their maintenance or inspections programs. It would also clarify requirements of certain existing operational rules for operators to incorporate ICA for fuel tank systems into their maintenance or inspection programs. The intent of this rule is to help ensure the continued safety of commercial airplanes by improving the design, installation, and maintenance of their electrical wiring systems as well as by aligning those requirements as closely as possible with the requirements for fuel tank system safety.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/28/2001
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/27/2004  02/07/2005  01/25/2005 
To OMB 11/27/2004  04/15/2005   
OMB Clearance 03/01/2005  07/15/2005   
Publication Date 03/18/2005  07/22/2005   
End of Comment Period 05/18/2005  11/24/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Aging Aircraft Safety--Development of TC and STC Holder Data Red
Popular Title: STC Holder Data
RIN 2120-AI32
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require type certificate holders and supplemental type certificate holders of certain transport category airplanes to develop data to support damage-tolerance-based inspections and procedures for their airplanes' baseline structure, including repairs, alterations and modifications to the baseline structure. It would also help ensure that maintenance of the airplanes age sensitive parts and components have been adequate and timely. These actions are needed to assure that 14 CFR Part 121 certificate holders have the necessary data to comply with the damage tolerance requirements of the Aging Airplane Safety rule.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/17/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/29/2004  07/07/2005   
To OMB 11/26/2004  08/12/2005   
OMB Clearance 02/25/2005  11/11/2005   
Publication Date 03/17/2005  11/25/2005   
End of Comment Period 06/17/2005  01/26/2006   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Drug Enforcement Assistance Red
Popular Title: Drug Enf Assistance
RIN 2120-AI43
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would change the pilot certification and aircraft registration requirements. Pilots would have two years to replace their paper certificates with upgraded, counterfeit-resistant certificates. Student pilots would not be affected. Others who hold airman certificates, such as flight engineers and mechanics, would have five years. Those who transfer ownership of U.S.-registered aircraft would have five days from the transaction to notify the FAA Aircraft Registry. Those who apply for aircraft registration would have to include their printed or typed name with their signature. The purpose of the changes is to assist Federal, State, and local agencies to enforce the Nation's drug laws. The FAA anticipates publishing this NPRM in the Federal Register after completing consideration of how to address recently enacted picture identification provisions.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 09/18/1989
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/18/1988
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/01/2004    08/25/2004 
Returned to Mode     08/26/2004 
Resubmitted to OST     08/27/2004 
To OMB 11/01/2004  11/15/2004  11/29/2004 
Withdrawn from OMB     02/24/2005 
OMB Clearance 01/03/2005     
Publication Date 01/10/2005     
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Awaiting development of additional data
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Aviation Administration
Congestion and Delay Reduction at Chicago O'Hare International Airport Green
Popular Title: O'Hare Airport
RIN 2120-AI51
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would create operational limits on the number of peak hour arrivals at O'Hare International Airport (ORD) as an interim measure to manage congestion and delays. This rulemaking replaces the Administrator's August 2004 order with slightly different requirements. The rulemaking will alter and extend the limitations on arrivals into O'Hare while FAA continues to consider various market-based mechanisms to allocate capacity and evaluate the impact of the O'Hare modernization plan (OMP) and its goal of increasing capacity. The rulemaking is intended to be temporary and sunset on April 6, 2008.
  Economically Significant
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/08/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/14/2004    12/21/2004 
To OMB 02/02/2005    01/03/2005 
OMB Clearance 05/02/2005    03/18/2005 
Publication Date 05/16/2005  04/04/2005  03/25/2005 
End of Comment Period 07/18/2005  06/03/2005  05/24/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 70 FR 15519

Federal Aviation Administration
Security Considerations in the Design of the Flightdeck on TCAs Green
Popular Title: Flightdeck/Disp
RIN 2120-AI54
Stage: Disposition of Comments
Previous Stage: Final Rule: Publication Date 01/12/2004; End of Comment Period 03/12/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking will provide an optional means of compliance to operators of all cargo airplanes that are required to have a reinforced security flight deck door by April 9, 2003. This rule allows those operators to either install reinforced doors or adopt enhanced security procedures approved by the Transportation Security Administration. This rulemaking is related a final rule RIN 2120-AH56, which was published in January 2004.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/05/2002
Dates for Disposition of Comments:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/16/2004    12/10/2004 
Publication Approved 01/21/2005  04/15/2005  03/29/2005 
Publication Date 01/28/2005  04/20/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Disposition of Comments: None

Federal Highway Administration

Federal Highway Administration
National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Red
Popular Title: Retroreflectivity of Road Signs
RIN 2125-AE98
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This action would update the standards for retroreflectivity of traffic signs. Section 406(a) of the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1993, requires the Secretary of Transportation to revise the MUTCD to include a standard for a minimum level of retroreflectivity that must be maintained for traffic signs. The FHWA is interested in establishing standards for nighttime visibility of traffic signs. The FHWA will develop these standards by considering the results of research, engineering practices and comments received in response to this notice of proposed amendments.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/07/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/05/2004  03/08/2004  03/10/2004 
To OMB 03/05/2004  04/08/2004  05/24/2004 
OMB Clearance 06/04/2004  08/24/2004  07/20/2004 
Publication Date 05/26/2004  07/28/2004  07/30/2004 
End of Comment Period 07/26/2004    10/28/2004 
Extension of Comment Period     10/22/2004 
End of Extended Comment Period     02/01/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 45623

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Commercial Driver's License Standards; Biometric Identifier Red
Popular Title: CDL - Biometric Identifier
RIN 2126-AA01
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 5/15/89; End of Comment Period 7/14/89; Information Notice 3/08/1991.
Abstract: FMCSA is withdrawing this rulemaking because it has determined that the agency has met the statutory objective through other efforts. Moreover, FMCSA does not want to take action that might interfere with other ongoing government efforts to use biometrics in personal identification documents. It would have established minimum uniform standards for a biometric identification system for CMV operators, as directed by section 9105 of the Truck and Bus Safety and Regulatory Reform Act of 1988. In 1989, the FHWA published an ANPRM soliciting comments on a pilot demonstration project using biometric identifiers that included retinal eye scans and fingerprint technologies. After reviewing the comments, FHWA determined at the time that technology had not progressed to where a nationwide identification system could be cost-effective and provide the benefits for which a system was intended. On 03/08/91, FHWA published a document entitled "ANPRM; additional information" with results of the pilot study and summary of comments to the 1989 ANPRM, to demonstrate how the technologies studied fell short of the demands in the commercial licensing environment at the time. Section 4011(c) of TEA-21, which amended 49 USC 31308, requires each CDL issued by the States after January 1, 2001, to have unique identifiers (which may include biometric identifiers). The FMCSA undertook a pilot study on digital facial images and sets of fingerprints from volunteers in California, Georgia and West Virginia. California provided the lead for this study. The pilot study was completed, and a final report was issued in December 2002. FMCSA was considering setting biometric storage and transmission standards which States would use if they voluntarily wish to store fingerprint images and transmit such images to other States upon request. This action is considered significant because of substantial public interest and national security. FMCSA originally planned to publish an NPRM by 01/23/04.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final rule : 12/31/1990
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/18/1988
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/01/2005    03/01/2005 
Publication Approved 03/31/2005     
Publication Date 04/07/2005     
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Commercial Learner Permits Green
Popular Title: Commercial Permits
RIN 2126-AA03
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 8/22/1990; End of Comment Period 10/22/90; Comment Period Extended 10/23/90; End of Extended Comment Period 11/30/90.
Abstract: FMCSA has decided to withdraw this discretionary rulemaking because it is not expected to achieve a significant impact on safety. In addition, a separate, high-priority Departmental project on national standards for driver's licenses may well overtake this effort. The rulemaking would have established Federal minimum standards for States to issue commercial driver's licenses (CDLs). FMCSA had scheduled a SNPRM for publication by 08/15/05.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/06/1990
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/08/2005     
Publication Approved 12/14/2005     
Publication Date 12/30/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Qualification of Drivers; Field of Vision Green
Popular Title: Field of Vision
RIN 2126-AA05
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 2/28/92; End of Comment Period 4/28/92. Notice of Information: Publication Date 6/05/96.
Abstract: FMCSA has decided to withdraw this discretionary rulemaking and refer the issue to its Medical Review Board that is currently under development. The agency believes this would be a more appropriate first step in addressing this issue. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued an ANPRM in February of 1992 to consider whether to amend the driver qualification requirements regarding the vision standard, as part of a review of the medical qualification standards for interstate CMV drivers. A temporary waiver program was initiated to permit the agency to observe and collect data on the driving experience of a group of vision-deficient drivers who met certain preconditions, and was concluded on March 31, 1996. FHWA considered further research to develop comprehensive performance-based visual standards for all commercial drivers. Information about the proposed research plan and public hearing on the subject was published on June 5, 1996 ( 61 FR 28547). FHWA contracted with a medical center to develop medically-based recommendations for amending the current Federal vision requirements. Recommendations were delivered in October 1998.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/01/1991
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/25/2005     
Publication Approved 08/24/2005     
Publication Date 08/31/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Medical Qualification Requirements as Part of the CDL Process Red
Popular Title: Medical CDL
RIN 2126-AA10
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 7/15/94; End of Comment Period 11/14/94.
Abstract: This rulemaking would provide for a Federal medical certification as part of the commercial driver's license (CDL) program, and implement Section 215 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. Incorporating medical qualification verification and documentation into State-administered CDL procedures will improve highway safety by preventing medically-unqualified individuals from obtaining a CDL. It will also eliminate the requirement for CDL operators to carry their medical certificate in addition to their CDL. FMCSA originally planned to publish a NPRM by February 15, 2003.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/15/1993
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Safety Red
Popular Title: Rail-Highway Crossing
RIN 2126-AA18
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 7/30/98; End of Comment Period 11/27/98. Notice of Public Meeting: Publication Date 10/29/99; Meeting Date 11/09/99.
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit operators of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) from driving onto a railroad grade crossing unless there is sufficient space to drive completely through the crossing without stopping. It is intended to reduce the incidence of collisions between trains and CMVs. This rulemaking action is required by the Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994; however, FMCSA and FRA have not found a feasible or cost-beneficial way to meet the the statutory requirement. This action is considered significant because of substantial public interest and safety issues. FMCSA originally planned to publish a NPRM by March 31, 2003.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Complete Final Rule : 02/16/1995
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/26/1994
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Unified Registration System Red
Popular Title: URS
RIN 2126-AA22
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 8/26/96; End of Comment Period 10/25/96.
Abstract: This rulemaking would replace three current identification and registration systems -- the USDOT identification number system, the registration/licensing system, and the financial responsibility system -- with a unified registration system. It would consolidate and simplify current Federal registration processes and increase public accessibility to data about interstate and foreign motor carriers, property brokers, and freight forwarders. In addition, the agency will consider comments on how it might replace a fourth system -- the single-State registration system -- in a manner consistent with conditions imposed by statute.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 01/01/1998
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/01/1996
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/15/2002  09/13/2002  10/16/2002 
Returned to Mode     11/26/2002 
Resubmitted OST     10/04/2004 
Returned to Mode/2     10/07/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3     12/06/2004 
To OMB 03/15/2002  01/19/2005  02/03/2005 
OMB Clearance 04/24/2002  05/03/2005   
Publication Date 04/30/2002  05/10/2005   
End of Comment Period 07/01/2002  05/31/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Transportation of Household Goods; Consumer Protection Regulations Yellow
Popular Title: Household Goods
RIN 2126-AA32
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 5/15/98; End of Comment Period 7/14/98; Extension and Reopening of Comment Period 8/12/98; End of Extended Comment Period 10/13/98. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 6/11/2003; End of Comment Period 8/11/2003. IFR Compliance Date Delayed: Publication Date 9/30/2003. IFR Technical Amendments: Publication Date 03/05/2004. Technical Amendments Clarified and New Compliance Date: Publication Date 4/02/2004.
Abstract: This rule would make final the interim regulations governing interstate transportation of household goods, which specify how motor carriers that transport household goods must assist individual customers who ship household goods. The agency received several petitions for reconsideration of the Interim Final Rule (IFR) and made technical amendments to the IFR to address the concerns of petitioners.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/01/1998
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/01/2004    11/09/2004 
To OMB 12/01/2004  04/12/2005  04/04/2005 
OMB Clearance 03/01/2005  07/12/2005   
Publication Date 03/08/2005  07/22/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Application by Certain Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers to Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border Red
Popular Title: Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers
RIN 2126-AA34
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/03/2001; End of Comment Period 07/02/2001. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 04/18/2002.
Abstract: This rulemaking changes FMCSA regulations to govern applications by Mexican carriers to operate beyond municipalities and commercial zones at the United State-Mexico border. It also revises the application form, OP-1MX, to be filed by these Mexican motor carriers. The revised form requires additional information about the applicant's business and operating practices to allow the FMCSA to determine if the applicant can meet the safety standards established for operating in interstate commerce in the United States. Carriers that had previously submitted an application would have to submit the updated form. These changes are needed to implement part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). On January 16, 2003, the Ninth Circuit Court remanded this rule, along with two other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare the environmental documents as ruled by the Ninth Circuit. FMCSA is waiting for Interim Final Rule experience after the border opens before deciding what to do next on this rulemaking. FMCSA originally planned to publish a Final Rule by November 28, 2003.
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/07/2001
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States Red
Popular Title: Safety Monitoring
RIN 2126-AA35
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 05/03/2001; End of Comment Period 07/02/2001. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 04/18/2002.
Abstract: This rule would implement a safety monitoring system and compliance initiative designed to evaluate the continuing safety fitness of all Mexico-domiciled carriers within 18 months after receiving a provisional Certificate of Registration or provisional authority to operate in the United States. It also would establish suspension and revocation procedures for provisional Certificates of Registration and operating authority, and incorporate criteria to be used by FMCSA in evaluating whether Mexico-domiciled carriers exercise basic safety management controls. The interim rule included requirements that were not proposed in the NPRM but which are necessary to comply with the FY-2002 DOT Appropriations Act. On January 16, 2003, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals remanded this rule, along with two other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare the environmental documents. FMCSA is waiting for Interim Final Rule experience after the border opens before deciding what to do next on this rulemaking. FMCSA originally planned to publish a Final Rule by November 28, 2003.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: International Agreement
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/07/2001
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
New Entrant Safety Assurance Process Red
Popular Title: New Entrant
RIN 2126-AA59
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/13/2002; End of Comment Period 7/12/2002; IFR Effective Date 01/01/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish minimum requirements for new entrant motor carriers to ensure that they are knowledgeable about applicable Federal motor carrier safety standards. After ensuring that they are knowledgeable, the new entrants would be able to operate for 18 months in which time they must pass a safety review in order to receive permanent operating authority. A rule is necessary to clarify that all foreign motor carriers planning to operate in interstate commerce (except Mexico-domiciled motor carriers who are covered under the NAFTA rules) will be subject to these requirements.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/09/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/17/2004  04/28/2005   
To OMB 09/17/2004  05/26/2005   
OMB Clearance 12/17/2004  08/26/2005   
Publication Date 12/31/2004  09/02/2005   
End of Comment Period 02/28/2005  11/02/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors Red
Popular Title: Safety Auditors Certification
RIN 2126-AA64
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 05/20/2002; Extension of Compliance 06/17/02; End of Extended Compliance 07/17/02. IFR Extension of Statutory Compliance Date: Publication Date 7/28/2003. Notice of Environmental Assessment: Publication Date 10/02/2003; End of Comment Period 11/03/2003. Notice of Statutory Compliance Date: Publication Date 12/23/2003; Compliance Date 1/01/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking requires that any safety inspection, audit, or review be conducted by a certified investigator. It specifically gives FMCSA authority to decertify an investigator, including a third-party investigator, for failure to meet the prescribed certification standards. It is required by section 211 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. Based on comments to the IFR, the agency will issue an NPRM that addresses issues not raised in the IFR.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Complete NPRM : 12/09/2000
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/09/1999
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/08/2005  01/17/2007   
To OMB 08/08/2005  02/17/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/07/2005  05/17/2007   
Publication Date 11/14/2005  05/31/2007   
End of Comment Period 01/13/2006  07/31/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Certification of Compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) Red
Popular Title: FMVSS Certification
RIN 2126-AA69
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 03/19/2002; End of Comment Period 05/20/2002.
Abstract: FMCSA has decided to withdraw this rulemaking as a result of Congressional action in section 132 of the 2005 Consolidated Appropriations Act. This rulemaking would have required motor carriers to ensure that each CMV they operate in interstate commerce displays a label certifying that the vehicle complies with all applicable FMVSSs in effect on the date of manufacture. It would also have ensured that all motor carriers operating CMVs in the United States use only vehicles that were certified by the manufacturer as meeting all applicable Federal safety performance requirements.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/01/2001
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/03/2005     
Publication Approved 07/22/2005     
Publication Date 07/29/2005     
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement Green
Popular Title: USA PATRIOT Act Rule
RIN 2126-AA70
Stage: Interim Final Rule/4
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 05/05/2003; End of Comment Period 07/07/2003. IFR Delay of Compliance Date: Publication Date 11/07/2003; End of Comment Period 01/06/2004. IFR Delay of Compliance Date: Publication Date 08/19/2004; Interim Final Rule/3: Publication Date 08/19/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit States from issuing, renewing, transferring or upgrading a commercial driver's license (CDL) with a hazardous materials endorsement, unless the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has first conducted a background check on the applicant and determined the applicant does not pose a security risk warranting denial of the hazardous materials endorsement. FMCSA and TSA simultaneously published interim final rules. FMCSA is now publishing another IFR corresponding to TSA's extension of compliance date. This action is considered significant because of substantial public and congressional interest, and national security.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/26/2001
Dates for Interim Final Rule/4:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/22/2005    03/21/2005 
Publication Approved 05/26/2005     
Publication Date 05/31/2005     
End of Comment Period 07/29/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Interim Final Rule/4: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Penalties, Inspection, and Decal Display Requirements for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Red
Popular Title: CVSA decals
RIN 2126-AA72
Stage: Interim Final Rule
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend part 396 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to incorporate requirements, as codified in parts 365 and 385, that all CMVs operated by Mexico-domiciled motor carriers holding authority to transport property or passengers beyond the commercial zones of U.S. municipalities on the United States-Mexico border must display a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) decal issued by a certified inspector. Adding this requirement to part 396 will enable FMCSA to assess civil penalties against Mexico-domiciled long-haul motor carriers that operate vehicles without the necessary CVSA decal. This rulemaking would also clarify that carriers will be required to obtain the necessary inspection decal before proceeding beyond border ports of entry or the nearby CMV safety inspection facility. By providing for more effective enforcement of the inspection decal requirements, this rule will help ensure that these motor carriers operate safe vehicles in the United States.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/09/2002
Dates for Interim Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/15/2002  03/02/2005   
To OMB 10/15/2002  03/31/2005   
OMB Clearance 01/15/2003  07/01/2005   
Publication Date 02/01/2003  07/11/2005   
End of Comment Period 04/01/2003  09/11/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Interim Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Hours of Service of Drivers; Supporting Documents Green
Popular Title: Supporting Documents
RIN 2126-AA76
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 4/20/1998; End of Comment Period 6/19/1998. SNPRM: Publication Date 11/03/2004; End of Comment Period 01/03/2005.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the hours-of-service recordkeeping requirements to clarify what supporting documents motor carriers must have to validate hours of service records. It will clarify: That the duty of motor carriers is to verify the accuracy of drivers' hours of service (HOS) and records of duty status (RODS) if including automatic on-board records; that the driver's duty is to collect and submit to the motor carrier all supporting documents with the RODS; that carriers are required to maintain supporting documents with the RODS; and that a supporting document based on a self-monitoring system is required to be the primary method for ensuring compliance with the HOS regulations. It would allow the use of electronic documents as a supplement to, and in certain instances in lieu of, paper supporting documents in recognition of developing technologies. It would clarify the definitions of "supporting documents," "employee," and "driver," and the current requirement that each motor carrier use a self-monitoring system to verify HOS and RODS. This rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial industry interest and safety.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Rule to be issued and become effective : 02/26/1996
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/26/1994
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/09/2005     
To OMB 01/11/2006     
OMB Clearance 04/11/2006     
Publication Date 04/30/2006     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Enforcement of Operating Authority Requirements Red
Popular Title: Operating Authority Enforcement
RIN 2126-AA78
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 08/28/2002; End of Comment Period 10/28/2002.
Abstract: This rulemaking would require that a motor carrier who is subject to registration requirements at 49 U.S.C. 13902 may not operate a CMV in interstate commerce unless it has registered with FMCSA. It also would prohibit motor carriers from operating beyond the scope of their registered authorization. Moreover, if vehicles are discovered operating in violation of such registration requirements, they would be placed out of service, and the carrier may be subject to additional penalties. This action makes State enforcement of registration requirements a condition of MCSAP eligibility.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/29/2002
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/14/2003  02/01/2007   
To OMB 08/14/2003  03/06/2007   
OMB Clearance 11/14/2003  06/06/2007   
Publication Date 11/28/2003  06/29/2007   
Explanation for any delay: Other, higher priorities
Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Brokers of Household Goods Transportation by Motor Vehicle Green
Popular Title: Household Goods Brokers
RIN 2126-AA84
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 12/22/04; End of Comment Period 02/22/2005.
Abstract: The agency has granted the American Moving and Storage Association's petition for rulemaking. FMCSA will determine in this rulemaking whether the general property broker regulations under Part 371 need to be amended to protect consumers of household goods.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/12/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/02/2005     
To OMB 10/06/2005     
OMB Clearance 12/16/2005     
Publication Date 12/30/2005     
End of Comment Period 02/28/2006     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of Intermodal Container Chassis Red
Popular Title: Intermodal Container Chassis
RIN 2126-AA86
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require entities that offer intermodal container chassis for transportation in interstate commerce to: file a Motor Carrier Identification Report (Form MCS-150); display a USDOT identification number on each chassis offered for such transportation; establish a systematic inspection, repair and maintenance program to ensure the safe operating condition of each chassis offered for transportation and maintain documentation of the program; and provide a means for effectively responding to driver and motor carrier complaints about the condition of intermodal container chassis. The rulemaking is considered significant because of substantial industry and congressional interest and because it involves other departmental modes.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/26/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/15/2004  05/20/2005   
To OMB 10/15/2004  06/20/2005   
OMB Clearance 01/15/2005  09/19/2005   
Publication Date 01/31/2005  09/26/2005   
End of Comment Period 03/30/2005  11/25/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Electronic On-Board Recorders for Hours-of-Service Compliance Green
Popular Title: Electronic On-Board Recorders
RIN 2126-AA89
Stage: ANPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking is considering potential amendments to FMCSA regulations concerning the use of electronic on-board recording devices as a way to document compliance with the Federal hours-of-service rules. The agency is seeking information on issues to be considered in the development of improved performance specifications for these recording devices. This will help ensure that future requirements for the use of on-board recorders are appropriate when applied to emerging technologies. This action is considered significant because of substantial industry and public interest and its importance in responding to a recent court decision.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Prompting action: Court Action
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/09/2004
Dates for ANPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST     08/24/2004 
To OMB     08/27/2004 
OMB Clearance     08/27/2004 
Publication Date 09/01/2004    09/01/2004 
End of Comment Period 11/30/2004    11/30/2004 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for ANPRM: 69 FR 53386

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Hours of Service of Drivers Green
Popular Title: HOS
RIN 2126-AA90
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking will re-examine the April 2003 hours of service (HOS) final rule in response to a July 16, 2004, decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that overturned the rule, specifically due to concerns about the regulations' impact on the health of drivers. The April 2003 HOS rule remains in effect until no later than September 30, 2005, pursuant to the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2004, by which time FMCSA intends to complete this rulemaking.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Prompting action: Court Action
Legal Deadline:  Effective only until : 09/30/2005
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/09/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/24/2004    11/24/2004 
To OMB 12/13/2004  12/17/2004  12/17/2004 
OMB Clearance 01/12/2005    01/14/2005 
Publication Date 01/19/2005    01/24/2005 
End of Comment Period 03/07/2005    03/10/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 70 FR 3339

Federal Railroad Administration

Federal Railroad Administration
Whistle Bans at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings Red
Popular Title: Whistle Bans
RIN 2130-AA71
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 01/13/2000; End of Comment Period 05/26/2000. Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 12/18/2003; End of Comment Period 02/17/2004; Extension of Comment Period 02/13/2004; End of Extended Comment Period 04/19/2004.
Abstract: This action would govern when train whistles at public grade crossings must be sounded. FRA has found that failing to use the locomotive horn can significantly increase the number of collisions with motorists using the crossing. This action is considered significant because of substantial public interest. This action is being taken pursuant to statutory mandate. Pub. Law 103-440 requires the Secretary to prohibit local whistle bans, except where there is no significant risk of loss of life or serious personal injury, supplementary safety measures fully compensate for the absence of the warning provided by the horn, or where use of the locomotive horn is impractical.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 11/02/1996
In 2000,Congress passed legislation prohibiting final rule publication before : 07/01/2001
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/02/1994
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/28/2004  09/30/2004  10/04/2004 
To OMB 08/28/2004  11/29/2004  11/16/2004 
Withdrawn from OMB     02/23/2005 
Resubmitted to OMB   04/22/2005  03/17/2005 
OMB Clearance 10/25/2004  05/06/2005   
Publication Date 10/28/2004  05/18/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Awaiting development of additional data
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Railroad Administration
Standards for Development and Use of Processor-Based Signal and Train Control Systems Red
Popular Title: Positive Train Control
RIN 2130-AA94
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 08/10/2001; End of Comment Period 11/08/2001.
Abstract: This rulemaking would govern the development, testing and approval of Micro-processor Based Signal and Train Control Systems. FRA has determined through the joint-fact-finding efforts of the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC) that performance standards would facilitate the introduction of advanced technology, including systems that support the core functions of Positive Train Control (PTC). This rulemaking addresses technical standards for all processor-based signal and train control products, amending 49 CFR Part 236.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Negotiated Rulemaking
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/28/1995
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/14/2002  09/30/2003  09/29/2003 
Returned to Mode     10/31/2003 
Resubmitted to OST   12/22/2003  12/22/2003 
To OMB 07/08/2002  01/22/2004  01/14/2004 
Withdrawn from OMB     04/08/2004 
Resubmitted to OMB     04/16/2004 
Withdrawn from OMB/2     07/09/2004 
Returned To OST   09/10/2004  08/13/2004 
Returned to Mode/2     08/19/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3   09/30/2004  09/30/2004 
Resubmitted to OMB/2   10/07/2004  10/01/2004 
OMB Clearance 10/15/2002  01/05/2005  12/30/2004 
Publication Date 10/18/2002  03/20/2005  03/07/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: 70 FR 11051

Federal Railroad Administration
Locomotive Crashworthiness Red
Popular Title: Locomotive Crashworthiness
RIN 2130-AB23
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would address the crashworthiness of locomotives pursuant to the Rail Safety Enforcement and Review Act of (1992). FRA investigated locomotive crashworthiness, as well as a variety of locomotive working conditions (See RIN 2130-AA89) and reported its finding to Congress. This rulemaking would establish comprehensive, minimum standards for locomotive crashworthiness. Locomotive crashworthiness protection is necessary because locomotive collisions can result in crew injuries and fatalities. These performance standards are intended to help protect locomotive cab occupants in the event of a locomotive collision. Examples of locomotive collision scenarios considered include collisions with another locomotive, the rear of another train, a piece of on-track equipment, a shifted load on a freight car on an adjacent parallel track, or a highway vehicle at a rail-highway grade crossing. These crashworthiness standards must be met by demonstrating compliance with either the rule's performance standards or a FRA-approved design standard.
  Negotiated Rulemaking
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Rule or Report to Congress : 03/03/1995
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/27/1998
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/27/2004  05/26/2004  05/27/2004 
Returned to Mode     06/17/2004 
Resubmitted to OST     06/18/2004 
To OMB 05/27/2004  07/18/2004  07/20/2004 
OMB Clearance 08/27/2004  10/18/2004  10/18/2004 
Publication Date 09/05/2004  10/24/2004  11/02/2004 
End of Comment Period 11/08/2004  12/24/2004  01/03/2005 
Extension of Comment Period     01/12/2005 
End of Extended of Comment Period     02/03/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 63889

Federal Railroad Administration
Locomotive Event Recorders Green
Popular Title: Train Event Recorders
RIN 2130-AB34
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 06/30/04; End of Comment Period 08/31/04; Extension of Comment Period 09/08/04; End of Extended Comment Period 10/11/04.
Abstract: This rulemaking would improve the crashworthiness of railroad locomotive event recorders and would enhance the quality of information available for post-accident investigations. It would amend its existing regulations in four major ways: (1) by requiring that new locomotives have event recorders with hardened memory modules, proven by a requirement that the memory modules preserve stored data throughout a sequence of prescribed tests; (2) by requiring that new locomotives have an event recorder that collects certain additional types of information; (3) by simplifying standards for inspecting, testing, and maintaining event recorders; and (4) by requiring the phasing out, over a six-year period, of event recorders that use magnetic tape as a data storage medium. This rulemaking was originally designated as nonsignificant.
  Negotiated Rulemaking
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/24/1997
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/02/2005     
To OMB 09/01/2005     
OMB Clearance 11/30/2005     
Publication Date 12/15/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Railroad Administration
Occupational Noise Exposure for Railroad Operating Employees Green
Popular Title: Occupational Noise
RIN 2130-AB56
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 06/23/2004; End of Comment Period 09/21/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend FRA's occupational noise standards for railroad employees whose predominant noise exposure occurs in the locomotive cab. FRA's existing standard (issued in 1980) limits cab employee noise exposure to certain levels based on the duration of employee exposure. This rulemaking would modify that standard and also set out additional requirements. The rulemaking would require railroads to conduct noise monitoring and to implement a hearing conservation program, which would include hearing tests (audiograms), training, and monitoring. The rulemaking would also establish design, build, and maintenance standards for new locomotives and maintenance requirements for existing locomotives. FRA expects that this rulemaking would reduce the likelihood of noise-induced hearing loss for railroad operating employees.
  Regulatory Flexibility Act
Negotiated Rulemaking
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/24/1997
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/05/2005     
To OMB 11/03/2005     
OMB Clearance 02/03/2006     
Publication Date 02/17/2006     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Federal Transit Administration

Federal Transit Administration
Rail Fixed Guideway Systems: State Safety Oversight Green
Popular Title: State Safety Oversight
RIN 2132-AA76
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 03/09/04; End of Comment Period 06/07/04.
Abstract: In 1995, under RIN 2132-AA39, FTA issued the final rule entitled, Rail Fixed Guideway Systems; State Safety Oversight. On December 23, 1996, under RIN 2132-AA57, FTA issued technical amendments to the final rule. Then in 2002, under RIN 2132-AA69, FTA issued a direct final rule amending the definition of accident. Because FTA received an adverse comment, the direct final rule was withdrawn and the next action was listed as undetermined while the next course of action was determined. FTA now intends to amend the rule, and has closed out RIN 2132-AA69, and opened RIN 2132-AA76, for this action. This final rule will revise the State Safety Oversight rule and adds clarifying sections, further specification concerning what the state must require to monitor safety and security of non-FRA rail systems, and incorporates into the body of the regulation material previously incorporated by reference. The revised part will ensure greater compliance of State oversight agencies, and enhance the safety and security of the rail systems governed by this part. FTA has determined that this rule is listed as significant for the purposes of the regulatory agenda but the Office of Management and Budget has determined that further review under Executive Order 12866 is not necessary. While the the economic impact of this rulemaking is not anticipated to be significant because the changes are incremental in nature, FTA recognizes that this rule affects state governments and may be of congressional interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/23/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/31/2005    01/27/2005 
Returned to Mode     02/17/2005 
Resubmitted to OST     03/14/2005 
Publication Approved 05/09/2005     
Publication Date 05/16/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Maritime Administration

Maritime Administration
Regulations To Be Followed by All Departments, Agencies and Shippers Having Responsibility To Provide a Preference for U.S.-Flag Vessels in the Shipment of Cargoes on Ocean Vessels Red
Popular Title: Cargo Preference
RIN 2133-AB37
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 1/28/99; End of Comment Period 3/29/99; Extension of Comment Period 2/28/1999; End of Extended Comment Period 4/28/1999.
Abstract: The Maritime Administration is withdrawing the advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) published in the Federal Register on January 28, 1999, which requested comments on proposed amendments to MARAD's cargo preference regulations. Based on comments received and on continuing discussions with other Federal agencies, there are several issues on which MARAD and other Federal agencies have yet to reach agreement. MARAD is involved in a negotiation process with other agencies in order to resolve these issues. Once discussions and negotiations with other agencies are complete, MARAD will initiate a new rulemaking action.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/01/1996
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/24/2004  12/09/2004  12/09/2004 
Publication Approved 12/24/2004  12/28/2004  02/01/2005 
Publication Date 12/27/2004  12/31/2004  02/14/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: 70 FR 7458

Maritime Administration
Vessel Documentation: Lease Financing for Vessels Engaged in the Coastwise Trade; Second Rulemaking Red
Popular Title: Joint Lease Financing
RIN 2133-AB51
Stage: Withdrawal
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 02/04/04; End of Comment Period 05/04/04.
Abstract: On February 4, 2004, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) published a joint rulemaking with the U.S. Coast Guard which proposed to change MARAD's lease financing regulations. On August 9, 2004, Pub. L. 108-293, the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2004 was enacted, which contained provisions that materially affect the proposed changes outlined in the joint rulemaking. Therefore, the joint rulemaking will be withdrawn.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/04/2003
Dates for Withdrawal:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/22/2004  12/17/2004  01/06/2005 
Publication Approved 11/22/2004  02/14/2005  03/27/2005 
Publication Date 11/29/2004  02/17/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Withdrawal: None

Maritime Administration
Maritime Security Program Green
Popular Title: Maritime Security
RIN 2133-AB62
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: Interim Final Rule: Publication Date 07/20/04; Extension of Comment Period 08/24/04; End of Extended Comment Period 08/30/04.
Abstract: This rulemaking provides procedures to implement the provisions of the Maritime Security Act of 2003 (MSA 2003). The MSA 2003 authorizes payments for fiscal years (FYs) 2006 through 2015 for a new Maritime Security Program (MSP). The final rule needs to be in place to continue the Program, which involves millions of dollars and national security. In addition, the MSP supports a fleet of active, commercially viable, privately owned vessels to meet national defense and other security requirements and to maintain a United States presence in international commercial shipping.
  Economically Significant
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Any IFRs issued terminate 270 days after the effective date of the statute. : 06/28/2005
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/01/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/25/2005     
To OMB 05/31/2005     
OMB Clearance 08/31/2005     
Publication Date 09/08/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Rear Convex Cross-View Mirrors Yellow
Popular Title: Convex Mirrors
RIN 2127-AG41
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would upgrade the rearward visibility of commercial straight trucks. The agency believes that requiring a rear detection system will reduce fatalities, injuries, and property damage by giving truck operators the ability to detect objects behind the truck. Two possible counter-measures are being considered: cross-view mirror systems or camera systems.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/28/1996
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST     12/09/2004 
To OMB 01/10/2005  04/01/2005   
OMB Clearance 03/10/2005  07/01/2005   
Publication Date 03/17/2005  07/08/2005   
End of Comment Period 05/17/2005  09/08/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Roof Crush Resistance Red
Popular Title: Roof Crush Resistance
RIN 2127-AG51
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: Request for Comments: Publication Date 10/22/01; End of Comment Period 12/06/01.
Abstract: Mitigation of rollover fatal and serious injuries is one of the agency's highest priorities. Rollover crashes constitute about 3% of passenger vehicle crashes, but about 1/3 of the fatalities. Since light trucks are more prone to rollover, and as their percentage of the U.S. fleet continues to increase, this crash mode continues to constitute a disproportionate segment of the Nation's highway safety problem. As part of the agency's comprehensive approach to rollover, and in response to a petition for rulemaking, the agency is considering whether an upgrade to the roof crush requirements is warranted. This rulemaking is significant because of public interest in vehicle safety.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/20/1996
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/28/2004  11/23/2004  11/29/2004 
To OMB 10/28/2004  04/15/2005   
OMB Clearance 01/28/2005  07/15/2005   
Publication Date 02/04/2005  07/18/2005   
End of Comment Period 04/04/2005  10/18/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Upgrade Door Retention Performance Green
Popular Title: Retention Performance
RIN 2127-AH34
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 12/15/2004;End of Comment Period 02/14/2005.
Abstract: As part of the agency's comprehensive approach to rollover, and to harmonize with the first global technical regulation, this rulemaking would upgrade the door retention requirements, add test requirements for sliding doors, add secondary latch requirements for doors other than hinged side doors and back doors, and provide a new test procedure for assessing inertial forces.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/07/1998
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/01/2004    11/10/2004 
To OMB 12/17/2004    11/18/2004 
OMB Clearance 03/17/2005  02/18/2005  11/30/2004 
Publication Date 03/24/2005  02/25/2005  12/15/2004 
End of Comment Period 05/24/2005  04/25/2005  02/14/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 75020

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Frontal Offset Protection Red
Popular Title: Frontal Offset
RIN 2127-AH73
Stage: Notice
Previous Stage: Request for Comments: Publication Date 02/03/2004; End of Comment Period 04/05/2004.
Abstract: This rulemaking would establish a Federal motor vehicle safety standard for high-speed frontal offset crash testing. The frontal offset test is a crash test for automobiles and light trucks in which the subject vehicles are run into a deformable honeycomb barrier. The barrier contacts only 40 percent of the front of the vehicle, simulating an off-center frontal collision. The agency is considering adding the high speed offset test to the frontal occupant protection standard to measure vehicle structural integrity and reduce the number and severity of lower-body injuries. NHTSA is examining whether implementing a new offset test might create disbenefits to occupants of other vehicles. The agency originally scheduled the publication of an NPRM by 10/08/03.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 11/22/1999
Dates for Notice:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Notice: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Event Data Recorders Yellow
Popular Title: Event Data Recorders
RIN 2127-AI72
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: Request for Comments: Publication Date 10/11/2002; End of Comment Period 01/09/2003. NPRM: Publication Date 06/14/04; End of Comment Period 08/13/04. NPRM: Publication Date 06/14/2004;End of Comment Period 08/13/2004.
Abstract: In the past several years, there has been considerable interest from the safety community in establishing requirements for event data recorders (EDRs). The agency is considering what role NHTSA should take in implementing EDRs in motor vehicles. This rulemaking would establish requirements for EDRs in new vehicles if an EDR is in the vehicle. The requirement would include a minimum set of data to be collected and enhanced survivability in crashes. This rule is significant because of public interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/12/2002
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/22/2005  04/12/2005   
To OMB 04/21/2005  05/12/2005   
OMB Clearance 07/21/2005  08/12/2005   
Publication Date 07/28/2005  08/19/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
5th Percentile Dummy Belted Barrier Crash Test Requirements -- Standard 208 Green
Popular Title: 5th Percentile Dummy Belted Barrier
RIN 2127-AI98
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: The agency is considering an amendment to its occupant protection standard, FMVSS No. 208, to improve high speed crash protection to belted occupants of small stature who may sit in the full forward seat position. Current crash test requirements for the 5th percentile adult female dummy include a 0-48 km/h belted rigid barrier crash test. The agency is considering increasing the maximum crash test speed from 48 km/h to 56 km/h to be consistent with the 50th percentile adult male requirements that will take effect according to the second phase of the FMVSS No. 208 Advanced Air Bag Final Rule (65 FR 30680).
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 12/16/2002
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 08/05/2005     
To OMB 09/06/2005     
OMB Clearance 12/06/2005     
Publication Date 12/13/2005     
End of Comment Period 02/13/2006     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Side Impact Protection Upgrade - FMVSS No. 214 Red
Popular Title: Side Impact Protection Upgrade
RIN 2127-AJ10
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: Two Federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS) -- No. 201, "Occupant Protection in Interior Impact" and No. 214, "Side Impact Protection" -- specify requirements for side impact protection. At present, FMVSS No. 214 specifies a moving deformable barrier (MDB) test addressing mainly the chest injury problem. The head injury reduction is partially addressed in FMVSS No. 201. This rulemaking would require in FMVSS No. 214 a vehicle-to-pole oblique impact test to reduce the number of fatal and serious head injuries, which are not addressed in FMVSS No. 201.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/28/2002
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/14/2003    11/03/2003 
To OMB 12/12/2003    02/10/2004 
OMB Clearance 03/12/2004  05/10/2004  05/10/2004 
Publication Date 03/22/2004  05/17/2004  05/17/2004 
End of Comment Period 05/22/2004    10/14/2004 
Reopening of Comment Period     01/12/2005 
End of Reopened Comment Period     04/12/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 27990

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Reforming the Automobile Fuel Economy Standards Program Black
Popular Title: Reforming CAFE
RIN 2127-AJ17
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 12/29/03; End of Comment Period 4/27/04.
Abstract: Through this action, the agency intends to begin a public discussion on potential ways, within current statutory authority, to update the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Program and to make it more consistent with our public policy objectives. The agency will seek comments on a number of possible concepts and measures, and invite the public to present additional concepts not presented here. The discussion is not intended to address the stringency of proposed CAFE standards in the future, but rather the basic structure of the CAFE program. The agency is interested in any suggestions towards revamping the CAFE program in such a way as to enhance overall fuel economy while protecting occupant safety and American jobs. The potential changes range from modest changes to existing definitions separating passenger cars from light trucks (i.e., vans, pickup trucks and SUVs) to more significant structural changes to light truck fuel economy standards. The definitional changes could potentially expand the definition of light truck to include larger SUV's that are not currently subject to fuel economy standards, add criteria to existing definitions of light trucks and ensure that vehicles subject to the lower fuel economy standards applicable to trucks have sufficient functionality to be properly classified as trucks. The advance notice also requests comment on changing the existing approach to setting light truck fuel economy standards from one of setting a fixed standard applicable to all sizes of trucks in the light truck fleet to one of setting a standard that changes in relationship to a selected attribute of trucks in the fleet. Under such an attribute-based standard, the required fuel economy would change in relationship to either the weight of the vehicle, the size of the vehicle, or both.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/01/2003
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems Green
Popular Title: Tire Pressure Monitoring
RIN 2127-AJ23
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 09/16/04; End of Comment Period 11/15/04.
Abstract: The Transportation Recall Enhancement Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act required the Secretary of Transportation to initiate rulemaking to require a warning system in new motor vehicles to indicate to the operator when a tire is significantly under-inflated. The agency issued a final rule for tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS)(establishing FMVSS No. 138) on June 5, 2002; however, the final rule establishing the standard was vacated by a decision issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in August 2003. The agency will take action in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act to re-establish FMVSS No. 138, in a manner consistent with the court's decision, and also provide a new phase-in period.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final rule : 11/01/2001
NPRM : 11/01/2001
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/06/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/01/2005  03/15/2005  03/15/2005 
To OMB 03/30/2005  03/22/2005  03/30/2005 
OMB Clearance 06/30/3005  03/29/2005  03/31/2005 
Publication Date 07/07/2005  03/31/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Reduced Stopping Distance Requirements for Truck Tractors Yellow
Popular Title: Reduced Stopping Distance for Truck Tractors
RIN 2127-AJ37
Stage: ANPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: The agency is considering reducing stopping distance requirements for truck tractors equipped with air brake systems. Advances in heavy vehicle braking systems show that improved stopping performance is attainable for these vehicles. Such improvements would reduce the stopping distance disparity with light vehicles, and would result in fewer deaths and injuries and reduce property damage due to fewer crashes between truck tractors and light vehicles.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/02/2004
Dates for ANPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/15/2005     
To OMB 03/17/2005     
OMB Clearance 06/17/2005     
Publication Date 06/24/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for ANPRM: None

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standards, Model Year 2008 and possibly beyond Green
Popular Title: Light Truck Average Fuel Economy
RIN 2127-AJ61
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking will address Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for light trucks for model year 2008 and possibly beyond, as appropriate.
  Economically Significant
Unfunded Mandate
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  CAFE standards must be set at least 18 months prior to the start of a model year : 04/01/2006
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/14/2005
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 05/17/2005     
To OMB 06/15/2005     
OMB Clearance 07/19/2005     
Publication Date 07/26/2005     
End of Comment Period 09/26/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Office of the Secretary

Office of the Secretary
Accessibility of Passenger Vessels to Individuals with Disabilities Red
Popular Title: Accessibility-passenger vessels
RIN 2105-AB87
Stage: ANPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: The Department's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) final rule, published September 6, 1991, reserved portions of the rule concerning passenger vessels. The ADA covers passenger vessels, but issuing accessibility requirements for vessels involves complex issues unlike those affecting land transportation. This rulemaking would address these issues and propose feasible requirements to make passenger vessels accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities. Timing of this rulemaking is dependent on action by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) to adopt accessibility guidelines for passenger vessels. The Access Board plans to publish an ANPRM and Notice of Availability in the summer of 2004. DOT is preparing a concurrent ANPRM.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/26/1990
Dates for ANPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/30/2004    08/12/2004 
To OMB 08/30/2004  09/13/2004  09/14/2004 
OMB Clearance 09/13/2004  11/01/2004  10/29/2004 
Publication Date 09/22/2004  11/08/2004  11/29/2004 
End of Comment Period 12/21/2004  01/08/2005  03/28/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for ANPRM: 69 FR 69245

Office of the Secretary
Fees and Charges for Special Services Green
Popular Title: Fees for Special Services
RIN 2105-AC47
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 01/21/1999; End of Comment Period 03/02/1999.
Abstract: This rulemaking revises 14 CFR Part 389 to bring the fees we charge to beneficiaries of certain economic, aviation-related licensing services in line with the costs incurred to provide those services. It also removes or updates obsolete provisions and organizational references included in the existing regulations. This rulemaking was recently upgraded to significant.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/02/1998
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 09/24/2004    09/23/2004 
Returned to Mode     11/17/2004 
Resubmitted to OST     12/07/2004 
To OMB 01/31/2005    02/03/2005 
OMB Clearance 04/27/2005  05/03/2005   
Publication Date 04/30/2005  05/10/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Office of the Secretary
Aviation Data Requirements Review and Modernization Program Red
Popular Title: Aviation Data
RIN 2105-AC71
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 07/15/1998; End of Comment Period 09/14/1998; End of Reply Comment Period 10/13/1998.
Abstract: This rulemaking requested public comments from reporting carriers and aviation data users on the nature, scope, source, and means for collecting, processing, and distributing airline traffic, fare, and financial data. Specifically, it invited comments on whether existing airline traffic, fare, and financial data should be amended, supplemented, or replaced; whether selected forms and reports should be retained, modified, or eliminated; whether the Department should require all aviation data to be filed electronically; and how the aviation data system should be reengineered to enhance efficiency and to reduce costs for both the Department and the airline industry.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/15/1998
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/30/2004  05/31/2004  05/31/2004 
Returned to Mode     06/15/2004 
Resubmitted to OST   07/12/2004  07/26/2004 
To OMB 03/04/2004  09/07/2004  09/29/2004 
OMB Clearance 06/04/2004  12/07/2004  12/30/2004 
Publication Date 06/12/2004  02/15/2005  02/17/2005 
End of Comment Period 08/12/2004  04/15/2005  04/18/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 70 FR 8140

Office of the Secretary
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel Red
Popular Title: ACAA - Foreign Carriers
RIN 2105-AC97
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would add coverage under the Air Carrier Access Act to foreign air carriers and comprehensively update and revise 14 CFR Part 382. It would also clarify or propose new provisions in such areas as movable aisle armrests, preboarding announcements, and accessibility of carrier web sites. This rulemaking has been upgraded to significant.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/05/2000
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/26/2004    04/26/2004 
To OMB 06/15/2004  06/25/2004  06/28/2004 
OMB Clearance 09/15/2004  09/28/2004  09/24/2004 
Publication Date 09/22/2004  10/29/2004  11/04/2004 
End of Comment Period 11/22/2004  12/29/2005  02/02/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 64363

Office of the Secretary
Review of Data Filed by Certificated or Commuter Air Carriers to Support Continuing Fitness Determinations Involving Citizenship Issues Green
Popular Title: Fitness
RIN 2105-AD25
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 7/30/03; End of Comment Period 9/29/03.
Abstract: This rulemaking would clarify and codify procedures that may be used during continuing fitness reviews of U.S. carriers when citizenship is at issue. It would add a new paragraph to 14 CFR 204.5 that explains that if, the Department determines that more public procedures are needed during the course of a continuing fitness review to resolve issues relating to the carrier's citizenship, it will be done on a case-by-case basis; it would also provide examples of what these procedures may be.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 02/13/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/18/2005    11/18/2004 
To OMB 02/18/2005    02/09/2005 
OMB Clearance 05/18/2005     
Publication Date 05/25/2005     
End of Comment Period 07/25/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Office of the Secretary
Petition of the National Air Carrier Association for Rulemaking Red
Popular Title: NACA Petition for Rulemaking
RIN 2105-AD38
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: The Department seeks comment on a proposal to revise its rules on charter operations. This proposal arises from a petition filed by the National Air Carrier Association (NACA). NACA seeks to make changes to the definitions and standards the Department uses to determine whether to grant or deny foreign air carrier requests to conduct certain types of international charter flights in 14 CFR Part 212. The Department grants NACA's petition, and proposes to make some, but not all of the changes sought by NACA. The Department proposes to make revisions to definitions in Part 212 relating to charter types, and to modify the Department's current charter application form so as to require updated reciprocity information as well as numbers of U.S.-homeland services vs. U.S.-non-homeland services. The Department does not anticipate adopting NACA's requests to impose a reciprocity standard that ensures substantially equivalent opportunities for U.S. carriers in the homeland of the applicant, or to accord U.S. carriers a right of first refusal over foreign carrier requests to conduct certain U.S.-originating charter operations. At the request of OMB, this rulemaking has been reclassified as significant.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/21/2002
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/19/2004    04/19/2004 
Returned to Mode     05/03/2004 
Resubmitted to OST     06/21/2004 
Returned to Mode/2     07/02/2004 
Resubmitted to OST/3     08/12/2004 
To OMB 07/26/2004    09/14/2004 
OMB Clearance 10/26/2004  12/14/2004  12/14/2004 
Publication Date 11/02/2004  12/30/2004  01/21/2005 
End of Comment Period 01/03/2005  03/02/2005  03/22/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated impacts requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 70 FR 3158

Office of the Secretary
Navigation of Foreign Civil Aircraft within the United States (14 CFR Part 375) Red
Popular Title: Foreign Civil Aircraft
RIN 2105-AD39
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: Part 375 of the Department's regulations, 14 CFR Part 375 provides for the operation in the United States of foreign civil aircraft that are not engaged in common carriage. Persons or entities seeking to operate foreign civil aircraft within the United States involving the carriage of persons, property and mail for remuneration or hire must obtain a foreign aircraft permit from the Department under that Part. On May 16, 2003, the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA), a trade association that represents many business aircraft operators throughout the United States, wrote to the Department requesting a policy determination that certain types of operations that its representative companies might perform using U.S.-registered foreign civil aircraft (such as carriage of a company's own officials and guests, or aircraft time-sharing, interchange or joint ownership arrangements between companies) do not, in fact, constitute operations for remuneration or hire within the meaning of Part 375. The NBAA noted that a favorable response would eliminate the need for the companies involved to secure a permit for such operations. This rulemaking would amend 14 CFR Part 375 to clarify those circumstances under which companies operating U.S.-registered foreign civil aircraft are not deemed to be involved in air commerce for remuneration or hire and, therefore, are not required under Part 375 to obtain a foreign aircraft permit. At the request of OMB, this rulemaking has been reclassified as significant.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/16/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/22/2004    03/29/2004 
Returned to Mode     06/15/2004 
Resubmitted to OST   07/02/2004  06/30/2004 
To OMB 05/26/2004  07/30/2004  07/21/2004 
OMB Clearance 08/26/2004  11/01/2004  11/12/2004 
Publication Date 09/09/2004  02/15/2005  02/07/2005 
End of Comment Period 11/10/2004  04/15/2005  04/08/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 70 FR 6382

Office of the Secretary
Accomodations in Air Travel for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals Black
Popular Title: Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind (DHHB)
RIN 2105-AD41
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would expand accomodations provided to deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind air travelers under the Air Carrier Access Act. The purpose of this rulemaking would be to improve access for air travelers who are deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind during all phases of air travel, from the airport to the flight itself. This rule would apply to certain foreign and domestic air carriers.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/11/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Office of the Secretary
Display of Joint Operations in Carrier-Owned Computer Reservations Systems Regulations (Part 256) Green
Popular Title: Huey Rule
RIN 2105-AD44
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking would terminate rules prohibiting airlines that own, control, or operate a computer reservations system from denying access to the system to two or more airlines whose flights share a single designator code and from discriminating against any airline because the airline uses the same designator code as another airline. This action would be consistent with the Department's determination that its comprehensive rules governing the operation of airline computer reservations systems should be terminated (see 69 Fed. Reg. 976 (January 7, 2004)).
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/31/2004
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 07/23/2004    07/22/2004 
To OMB 09/21/2004    09/14/2004 
OMB Clearance 12/21/2004    12/15/2004 
Publication Date 12/28/2004  04/01/2005  04/04/2005 
End of Comment Period 02/28/2005  06/01/2005  05/04/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 70 FR 16990

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Gas Gathering Line Definition Yellow
Popular Title: Gas Gathering Line
RIN 2137-AB15
Stage: SNPRM
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 09/25/1991; End of Comment Period 11/25/1991.
Abstract: The rulemaking would modify the existing definitions of "gas gathering line" and "regulated gathering line" to eliminate confusion in distinguishing these pipelines from transmission lines in rural areas. The costs should be minimal since the definition will conform to prevailing practices in government and industry.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 10/24/1994
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 07/15/1986
Dates for SNPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/28/2005    01/28/2005 
To OMB 03/04/2005  03/31/2005   
OMB Clearance 06/06/2005  06/30/2005   
Publication Date 06/17/2005  07/08/2005   
End of Comment Period 09/19/2005  10/10/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for SNPRM: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Safeguarding Food from Contamination During Transportation Red
Popular Title: Sanitary Food
RIN 2137-AC00
Stage: SNPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 02/20/1991; End of Comment Period 03/26/1991. NPRM: Publication Date 05/21/1993; End of Comment Period 10/18/1993.
Abstract: To implement statutory requirements under The Sanitary Food Transportation Act of 1990 (49 USC 5701 et seq.), this rulemaking would address the safe transportation of food and food products in commerce by referencing in its regulations requirements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that apply to persons who offer for transportation or transport food in commerce by motor vehicle or rail car. This rulemaking is significant due to substantial congressional interest.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  Final Rule : 08/01/1991
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/21/1990
Dates for SNPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/02/2004    04/02/2004 
To OMB 04/23/2004  06/11/2004  06/29/2004 
OMB Clearance 07/23/2004  11/30/2004  12/15/2004 
Publication Date 07/30/2004  12/30/2004  12/21/2004 
End of Comment Period 08/30/2004  02/28/2005  01/20/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for SNPRM: 69 FR 76423

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to Loading, Unloading, and Storage Yellow
Popular Title: Applicability of HMR to Loading and Unloading
RIN 2137-AC68
Stage: Reconsideration of Final Rule
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 07/29/96; End of Comment Period 11/30/96. SANPRM: Publication Date 04/27/99; Extension of Comment Period 07/26/99; End of Comment Period 08/25/99. NPRM: Publication Date 08/28/2001; End of Extended Comment Period 02/01/2002. Final Rule: End of Comment Period 02/01/2002; Publication Date 10/30/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking makes revisions to better define the applicability of the Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) in order to clarify the relationship among Federal, State, local, and tribal agencies in the regulation of hazardous materials. Under circumstances specified in Federal statutes, the regulations of other Federal agencies (EPA and OSHA) and non-Federal governments (States, localities, and Indian tribes) must be consistent with or defer to PHMSA's regulation of the transportation of hazardous materials in commerce. However, other Federal and non-Federal requirements are generally not limited where hazardous materials are not in transportation. Activities relating to loading, unloading, and storage of hazardous materials have become areas of particular uncertainty and concern to both industry and non-Federal governments. This action is significant because of the substantial public interest in reducing uncertainty and avoiding conflicting regulations.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/05/1996
Dates for Reconsideration of Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 10/25/2004    10/26/2004 
To OMB 11/26/2004  12/17/2004  01/04/2005 
OMB Clearance 02/24/2005  05/03/2005   
Publication Date 03/03/2005  05/10/2005   
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Reconsideration of Final Rule: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Transportation of Oxygen Cylinders and Oxygen Generators Aboard Aircraft Red
Popular Title: Oxygen Cylinders and Generators
RIN 2137-AD33
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would require oxygen cylinders and oxygen generators, when transported aboard aircraft, to be packed in an outer packaging that meets prescribed thermal and heat resistance requirements. These requirements would increase the level of safety associated with transportation of oxidizing gases by air. This rule has no impact on the use of passenger-owned oxygen cylinders. This rule is significant due to public interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/01/2000
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 11/21/2003    11/17/2003 
To OMB 12/22/2003    01/28/2004 
OMB Clearance 03/22/2004  04/28/2004  04/27/2004 
Publication Date 03/29/2004  05/06/2004  05/06/2004 
End of Comment Period 05/27/2004  07/06/2004  08/13/2004 
Extension of Comment Period     08/04/2004 
End of Extended Comment Period     12/13/2004 
Explanation for any delay: Awaiting development of additional data
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 25470

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Safety Requirements for External Product Piping on Cargo Tanks Transporting Flammable Liquids Red
Popular Title: Wetlines Rule
RIN 2137-AD36
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 02/10/2003; End of Comment Period 06/10/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would address requirements to reduce the risks associated with the retention of flammable liquid in unprotected product piping on a cargo tank motor vehicle during transportation (wetlines). It responds to an NTSB recommendation. It is significant because of industry concerns about its cost implications.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 01/19/2000
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/05/2003  03/23/2004  03/17/2004 
To OMB 01/05/2004  07/08/2004  07/13/2004 
OMB Clearance 04/05/2004  11/30/2004  12/23/2004 
Publication Date 04/12/2004  12/07/2004  12/30/2004 
End of Comment Period 06/12/2004  02/07/2005  03/01/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 78375

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials; Transportation of Lithium Batteries Red
Popular Title: Lithium Batteries
RIN 2137-AD48
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 4/02/2002; End of Comment Period 6/02/2002.
Abstract: This rulemaking would revise requirements applicable to lithium batteries for consistency with international requirements. This rulemaking also responds to NTSB recommendations.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 04/02/2002
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 03/05/2003  03/05/2003  03/05/2003 
To OMB 04/09/2003  06/09/2003  06/06/2003 
Returned by OMB     08/22/2003 
Resubmitted to OST   02/25/2005   
Resubmitted to OMB/2   03/04/2005   
OMB Clearance 07/09/2003  05/06/2005   
Publication Date 07/16/2003  05/17/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Lighters and Lighter Refills Green
Popular Title: Lighters and Refills Requirements
RIN 2137-AD88
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would make substantial amendments to requirements in hazardous materials regulations for the approval, examination, testing, and transportation of lighters and lighter refills. The changes address current manufacturing or transportation conditions. This rulemaking was upgraded to significant at the request of OMB.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 09/16/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 04/22/2005     
To OMB 05/26/2005     
OMB Clearance 08/26/2005     
Publication Date 09/02/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Infectious Substances; Harmonization with the United Nations Red
Popular Title: Infectious Substance; Harmonization
RIN 2137-AD93
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage: None
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) to harmonize the current requirements for the Transport of Dangerous Goods with UN standards which revised the classification criteria for infectious substances, based on risk evaluations conductd by the World Health Organization and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It would also relax transportation requirements for certain infectious substances based on the level of risk associated with their transportation.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 03/01/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/30/2004  10/29/2004  10/25/2004 
To OMB 08/03/2004  02/28/2005  02/03/2005 
OMB Clearance 11/01/2004  05/03/2005   
Publication Date 11/08/2004  05/03/2005   
End of Comment Period 01/10/2005  07/03/2005   
Explanation for any delay: Awaiting development of additional data
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Rail Transportation Security of Toxic by Inhalation Materials Black
Popular Title: TIH Rule
RIN 2137-AE02
Stage: Undetermined
Previous Stage: Request for Comments: Publication Date 08/16/04; End of Comment Period 10/18/04.
Abstract: The Department of Transportation and the Department of Homeland Security are examining the need for enhanced security requirements for the rail transportation of hazardous materials that are toxic by inhalation. The two departments are seeking comments on the feasibility of initiating specific security enhancements and the potential costs and benefits of doing so. Security measures being considered include improvements to security plans, modifications of methods used to identify shipments, ehhanced requirements for temporary storage, strenghtened tank car integrity, and implemention of tracking and communication systems. Both departments are reviewing the comments received and then will decide the next action.
Prompting action: Presidential Direction
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/01/2004
Dates for Undetermined:
Milestone Originally
To OST      
To OMB      
OMB Clearance      
Publication Date      
End of Comment Period      
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Undetermined: None

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Prohibition on the Transportation of Primary Lithium Batteries Aboard Passenger Aircraft Green
Popular Title: Primary Lithium Battery Ban
RIN 2137-AE05
Stage: Interim Final Rule
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This rulemaking would prohibit the offering for transportation and transportation of primary lithium batteries and cells as cargo aboard passenger-carrying aircraft. The rule would apply to both foreign and domestic passenger-carrying aircraft entering, leaving, or operating in the United States. In addition, the rule would amend the Hazardous Materials Regulations to require that, when offered for transport in other modes, shipments of primary lithium batteries and cells must be marked to indicate that they are forbidden from transport aboard passenger-carrying aircraft.
Prompting action: Secretarial/Head of Operating Administration Decision
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 10/01/2004
Dates for Interim Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 12/06/2004    12/08/2004 
Publication Approved 12/09/2004    12/09/2004 
Publication Date 12/10/2004    12/15/2004 
End of Comment Period 02/10/2005    02/15/2005 
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Interim Final Rule: 69 FR 75207