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Report on DOT Significant Rulemakings

Table of Contents

Federal Transit Administration

56. Rail Fixed Guideway Systems: State Safety Oversight

Federal Transit Administration

Federal Transit Administration
Rail Fixed Guideway Systems: State Safety Oversight Green
Popular Title: State Safety Oversight
RIN 2132-AA76
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: NPRM: Publication Date 03/09/04; End of Comment Period 06/07/04.
Abstract: In 1995, under RIN 2132-AA39, FTA issued the final rule entitled, Rail Fixed Guideway Systems; State Safety Oversight. On December 23, 1996, under RIN 2132-AA57, FTA issued technical amendments to the final rule. Then in 2002, under RIN 2132-AA69, FTA issued a direct final rule amending the definition of accident. Because FTA received an adverse comment, the direct final rule was withdrawn and the next action was listed as undetermined while the next course of action was determined. FTA now intends to amend the rule, and has closed out RIN 2132-AA69, and opened RIN 2132-AA76, for this action. This final rule will revise the State Safety Oversight rule and adds clarifying sections, further specification concerning what the state must require to monitor safety and security of non-FRA rail systems, and incorporates into the body of the regulation material previously incorporated by reference. The revised part will ensure greater compliance of State oversight agencies, and enhance the safety and security of the rail systems governed by this part. FTA has determined that this rule is listed as significant for the purposes of the regulatory agenda but the Office of Management and Budget has determined that further review under Executive Order 12866 is not necessary. While the the economic impact of this rulemaking is not anticipated to be significant because the changes are incremental in nature, FTA recognizes that this rule affects state governments and may be of congressional interest.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 06/23/2003
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 01/31/2005    01/27/2005 
Returned to Mode     02/17/2005 
Resubmitted to OST     03/14/2005 
Publication Approved 05/09/2005     
Publication Date 05/16/2005     
Explanation for any delay: N/A
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: None