Report on DOT Significant Rulemakings

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Table of Contents

Federal Highway Administration

30. National Bridge Inspection Standards

31. National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity

Federal Highway Administration

Federal Highway Administration
National Bridge Inspection Standards Red
Popular Title: National Bridge Inspection
RIN 2125-AE86
Stage: Final Rule
Previous Stage: ANPRM: Publication Date 9/26/2001; End of Comment Period 12/26/2001. NPRM: Publication Date 9/9/2003; End of Comment Period 11/10/2003.
Abstract: This rulemaking would amend and update the regulation on National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). The FHWA asked in an ANPRM whether there is a need to update the regulations to incorporate current, state-of-the-art bridge inspection practices which public authorities may be using. The primary purpose of the NBIS is to identify bridges that need work to ensure the safety of the traveling public. The FHWA proposed a revision of its regulation on the NBIS to address perceived ambiguities in the NBIS since it was last updated in 1987. The changes would clarify the NBIS language that is vague or ambiguous; reorganize the NBIS into a more logical sequence; and make the regulation easier to read and understand, not only by the inspector in the field, but also by those administering the highway bridge inspection programs at the State and Federal level. This rulemaking is significant because of the public and congressional interest in bridge safety.
Prompting action: None
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 08/31/2001
Dates for Final Rule:
Milestone Originally
To OST 06/15/2004    06/29/2004 
To OMB 07/16/2004  07/29/2004  09/16/2004 
OMB Clearance 10/15/2004  12/16/2004  11/23/2004 
Publication Date 10/23/2004  12/23/2004  12/14/2004 
Explanation for any delay: Additional coordination necessary
Federal Register Citation for Final Rule: 69 FR 74419

Federal Highway Administration
National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Red
Popular Title: Retroreflectivity of Road Signs
RIN 2125-AE98
Stage: NPRM
Previous Stage:None
Abstract: This action would update the standards for retroreflectivity of traffic signs. Section 406(a) of the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1993, requires the Secretary of Transportation to revise the MUTCD to include a standard for a minimum level of retroreflectivity that must be maintained for traffic signs. The FHWA is interested in establishing standards for nighttime visibility of traffic signs. The FHWA will develop these standards by considering the results of research, engineering practices and comments received in response to this notice of proposed amendments.
Prompting action: Statute
Legal Deadline:  None
Rulemaking Project Initiated: 05/07/2003
Dates for NPRM:
Milestone Originally
To OST 02/05/2004  03/08/2004  03/10/2004 
To OMB 03/05/2004  04/08/2004  05/24/2004 
OMB Clearance 06/04/2004  08/24/2004  07/20/2004 
Publication Date 05/26/2004  07/28/2004  07/30/2004 
End of Comment Period 07/26/2004    10/28/2004 
Extension of Comment Period     10/22/2004 
End of Extended Comment Period     02/01/2005 
Explanation for any delay: Unanticipated issues requiring further analysis
Federal Register Citation for NPRM: 69 FR 45623