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Title:Improving the Testing and Licensing of Commercial Drivers
Date:May 08, 2002
Project ID:MH-2002-093
Summary:We publicly released our audit on Commercial Driver’s Licenses. We found that Federal standards and state controls are not sufficient to defend against the threat posed by individuals who seek to fraudulently obtain CDLs. Current standards do not adequately address how the states should verify the eligibility of CDL applicants, and the states do not fully implement Federal standards to monitor third-party testers. We found FMCSA has increased the depth and frequency of its oversight reviews of state CDL programs. However, it should: (1) broaden the reviews; (2) improve the basis on which the states annually certify that their programs comply with Federal standards; and (3) ensure that problems identified in state programs are corrected and use available sanctions when states do not correct significant problems. FMCSA concurred with our recommendations and identified corrective actions that are planned or under way.

Note: an exhibit is appended to this audit containing textual translations of the tables and charts found in the document.
Full document: PDF PDF document

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