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Title:Report on the Tren Urbano Rail Transit Project
Date:March 05, 2002
Project ID:IN-2002-085
Summary:This audit reviews the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority’s (HTA) schedule, cost estimate, financial capacity, and outstanding construction quality problems for completing the Tren Urbano Rail Transit Project in San Juan, PR. The completed report was issued to the Secretary and Congress on March 5. We found that:

  • The scheduled completion date of September 2003 is unlikely to be achieved due to slow progress and interruptions in installing Tren Urbano’s track work.
  • The cost to complete Tren Urbano is likely to increase beyond HTA’s current estimate of $2.036 billion if the September 2003 completion date is not met.
  • The project’s cost increases and schedule delays have adversely affected HTA’s ability to fund planned transportation improvements.
  • The long-term safety and operability of the project will remain at risk until HTA corrects all quality problems.

    We recommended that FTA neither amend the project's full funding grant agreement nor accept or approve the updated finance plan until it is satisfied that HTA has (1) revised the project's master schedule to reflect attainable project milestones, (2) submitted a cost estimate consistent with a supportable project completion date, and (3) established and adhered to a timetable to resolve significant construction quality problems.
  • Full document: PDF PDF document

    Related Information: OIG