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Title:Status of Issues Related to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Corridor Reconstruction Project
Date:August 10, 2001
Project ID:IN-2001-058
Summary:The IG submitted a memorandum to the Secretary and FHWA to assist the Department in its approval process of the June 14, 2001 Finance Plan for the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Corridor Reconstruction Project. In a June 8, 2001 draft report to the Secretary, we identified significant shortcomings that had to be corrected before the Department could approve a Finance Plan for the project. Specifically, the cost estimates for the project were inadequate, full funding for the project had not been identified, the States (State of Maryland and Commonwealth of Virginia) were proposing to delay critical work, and congressional direction on the use of Federal funds was not being followed. On August 10, 2001, FHWA and the States agreed to address these issues by revising the Finance Plan within 21 days. If FHWA and the States revise the Finance Plan as they have agreed so far, we believe this would provide a reasonable basis for the Department to approve that plan. We plan to review the final Finance Plan when it is submitted.
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