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Title:Quality Control Review of FY06 Financial Statements for the Highway Trust Fund
Date:November 14, 2006
Project ID:QC-2007-008
Summary:On November 14, we issued our annual financial statement audit of the Fiscal Year 2006 Highway Trust Fund. We issued an unqualified (clean) opinion; however, we did report one material internal control weakness, three reportable conditions, and one instance of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. DOT did not prepare fiscal year 2005 and 2006 comparative financial statements for the Highway Trust Fund because the Office of Management and Budget granted a waiver to the Department as a result of legislative changes made by SAFETEA-LU highway reauthorization act. The audit was conducted for OIG by KPMG LLP of Washington, DC.

Click here for KPMG's report and complete Highway Trust Fund Financial Statements.
Full document: PDF PDF document

Related Information: OIG