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Title:Use of Airport Revenues by the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority
Date:August 03, 2006
Project ID:AV-2006-056
Summary:We issued a report to the Federal Aviation Administration on the use of airport revenues by the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority. We found that the City of Orlando, the airport sponsor, diverted $1.7 million in Airport revenues and we identified approximately $493,000 in net parking fine proceeds that have been retained by the City instead of being used to offset the Aviation Authority's costs of issuing the tickets. We also found that the Aviation Authority was not recovering its capital and maintenance costs of plant inspection stations and could be losing as much as $144,000 per year in rental income.

We recommended that FAA ensure the City reimburses the Aviation Authority for the $1.7 million in revenue diversions identified in this report and ensure the City provides the Aviation Authority with the approximately $493,000 in past net revenue obtained from parking tickets plus future net revenue. Finally, FAA should require the Aviation Authority to recover its costs of the plant inspection station.
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