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Title:DOT's FY 2006 Top Management Challenges
Date:November 18, 2005
Project ID:PT-2006-007
Summary:On November 18, we publicly released our annual report on the top management challenges facing the Department, as required by law. The issues comprising this year's report are: responding to disasters and addressing transportation security; maximizing taxpayer dollars invested in highway and transit projects; initiatives strengthening surface safety programs; reforming intercity passenger rail; mitigating flight delays and relieving congestion; establishing requirements and controlling costs in preparation for reauthorizing aviation programs; developing effective oversight programs to ensure continued aviation safety; improving information technology investment and computer security; and. implementing reforms in Title XI loans.
The report was incorporated into the Department's FY 2006 Performance and Accountability Report, which is signed by the Secretary and sent to Congress and OMB.
Full document: PDF PDF document

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