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MSHA News Release: [04/14/2008]
Contact:   Amy Louviere   Matthew Faraci
Phone:   (202) 693-9423   (202) 693-9406
Release Number 08-449-NAT

MSHA to issue new identity numbers to industry personnel
New system protects miners from identity theft

ARLINGTON, Va. - The U.S. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a new MSHA Individual Identification Number - or MIIN - to industry personnel who apply to the agency for specific qualification, certification and instructor credentials.

Effective April 21, 2008, individuals who apply for, or need to update, their MSHA qualification, certification or instructor credentials must first register to receive a new MIIN. The MIIN is a unique eight-digit number preceded by the letter "M" that will replace the Social Security Number to identify these individuals in MSHA's records.

"This new number will help industry personnel keep their personal information more secure and will provide increased protection from identity theft," said Richard E. Stickler, acting assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health.

The agency also will require individuals who hold an MSHA certification for coal mine dust sampling or a certification for the maintenance and calibration of respirable dust sampling units to obtain a new MIIN in order to continue sampling. MSHA will void any respirable dust samples submitted on or after July 1, 2008, that do not include the new MIIN on the accompanying data card. Certified personnel planning to submit any respirable dust samples to the agency on or after July 1, 2008, should register for the new MIIN as soon as possible after the effective date of April 21.

To register for an MSHA Individual Identification Number, on or after April 21, visit or call the agency toll-free at 800-579-2647.

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