Question of the Week: Do you pay attention to where your food comes from?

Posted on July 14th, 2008 - 10:30 AM

Each week we ask a question related to the environment. Please let us know your thoughts as comments. Feel free to respond to earlier comments or post new ideas. Previous questions.

Much of the food we buy is grown in other places and transported to markets or restaurants where we live. Some people have tried to be “locavores,” consuming only locally-grown food or products, in an effort to reduce the environmental impacts from transportation, cold storage, or others.

Do you pay attention to where your food comes from?


En español: Cada semana hacemos una pregunta relacionada al medio ambiente. Por favor comparta con nosotros sus pensamientos y comentarios. Siéntase en libertad de responder a comentarios anteriores o plantear nuevas ideas. Preguntas previas.

Gran parte de los alimentos que compramos son cultivados en otros lugares y transportados a mercados o restaurantes cerca de donde vivimos. Algunas personas han tratado de ser “locávoros” o “locávores” al tratar de consumir sólo aquellos alimentos o productos que han sido cultivados localmente en un esfuerzo por reducir los impactos medioambientales de la transportación, el almacenaje frigorífico, u otros.

¿Usted presta atención al lugar de donde provienen sus alimentos?

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150 Responses to “Question of the Week: Do you pay attention to where your food comes from?”

  1. David Says:

    No. I am not that picky. I make my purchases based on price and taste. If a product tastes better than another, that is the one I will buy. Also, I will not pay more for something grown localy. Price it competitive and then I will consider it.


  2. Anonymous Says:



  3. Bobby Fowler Says:

    We grow as much of our own as we can and we certainly do attempt to buy locally; farmers market, etc.


  4. Amy Says:

    Yes - and equally if not more importantly I pay attention to where everything else I buy comes from. I avoid countries who ignore human rights, and the environment. Too many people don’t realize that although their new plastic folding chair was $5.99 it has a huge social and environmental cost - not the least of which is residual fuel used on large polluting ocean-going vessels. Check out


  5. Renee Says:

    I do not even notice. I am in and out of the store as fast as possible.


  6. Anonymous Says:

    Yes. We buy US food only and from local producers when possible.


  7. Joel Jackson Says:

    You bet I read the little stickers on fruits and vegetables to see where they come from. I buy American whenever I can. While the USDA and USEPA aren’t always perfect, our safety standards exceed those of other countries from pesticide use to sanitation practices.

    American farmers and growers are definitely more diligent in best management practices than others around the globe. Our protective regulations need to take into account the global competition markey when imposing costly regluations. They must be scientifically based and not reactionary.


  8. Kathleen Says:

    Yes, I pay attention to where my food comes from. Given the recent outbreaks in salmonella and other types of issues, I think it is prudent to try and buy locally or US grown foods.


  9. Denver Barbara Says:

    I buy local produce from my corner grocery store (they mark these items “Colorado Grown” and “locally grown”) and I go to farmers markets sometimes.

    The grocery grinds their hamburger and cuts some of their meat, so I trust where it’s from. They also have some organic items — I appreciate that.


  10. Bobby Says:

    Somtimes I read where the food comes from. This is done most of the time while I am waiting on my wife to do the shopping.


  11. David in NYC Says:

    I can say without a doubt that I will not eat any products coming from China. The Chinese government appears to have very little regard for human life and they have very poor quality control over their products. I do not trust Chinese produce or any food from that country. In my opinion, most of it likely is contaminated with pesticides and other pollutants. Yuk!!


    Anonymous reply on September 22, 2008 8:40 am:

    David, how can you tell if its from China or not? I don’t want their garbage either, especially after reading this morning, they put skin and animal urine in dry baby milk, anything to up the protein, can you imagine?!! four dead and 53,000 babies ill.


  12. Matt Says:

    Yes I do pay attention. I support local first, United States second and the rest of the world third.


  13. Michelle from Michigan Says:

    Yes, it’s important to me — primarily because I’d rather support the local economy than one in another state. It’s sometimes disappointing that local grocers don’t offer locally grown produce.


  14. Hayduke Says:

    I have recently, but not because of enviromental concerns specifically, but more out of health concerns. While it is easier to identify where your fresh fruits and vegetables come from due to the labeling, it is almost impossible to know where elements of processed foods originate. I learned that the apple sauce that I purchased for my family, what I thought was a locally processed brand, was adding ascorbic acid from a Chinese source. Not to say that all things Chinese are bad for you, but with the recent track record of health concerns from Chinese additives…sure it raised my antennae and caused me to become more educated about what I am putting in my children’s bodies.

    From an environmental standpoint, we try to purchase items such as eggs, meat, and milk from the Mid-Atlantic region to reduce the transportation impact. Fruits and vegetables are almost impossible due to seasonal constraints.


  15. Cindi in California Says:

    Yes, I pay attention to where my food comes from as a safety measure to keep my household healthy. I want to make sure my food is good since I have to eat nutricious foods to help with my health issues. My step dad was very ill and the Dr told him he had a bug from out of the USA and asked if he was in Mexico recently, he hadn’t travelled out of the country in years. They finally came up with an answer to his odd sickness, it was a bad bug on the tomatoes he consumed. I read the information on my fruits and veggies now and only buy American. I can’t afford to get sick since I am the head of my household. I wash all my fruits and vegitables too as a good practice.


  16. Joe Says:

    Yes, I do pay attention to my food’s source. Beef is great if you get free-range and grass-fed. The same goes with chickens and fresh eggs, bread and milk too. We have a small backyard garden and every year we get better at growing our food and herbs. One of my sons and I will even get hunting licenses this year so our family can experience some venison. One of our daughters acquired some rabbits in order to raise and eat them, guess it runs in the family. Therefore, a major portion of our food is locally grown. We are not tree huggers, but do not trust where a lot of food sources because of quality, disease and hormone use.


  17. Bill Brizzell Says:

    Yes, I pay attention to where my food comes from. I grew up in a greenhouse/vegetable farm business, and have been gardening for about 15 years. I’m now at the point where I grow nearly all of my vegetables. I have a greenhouse to start plants in the spring, and a root cellar to store carrots/potatoes/cabbage/etc. And I have also developed a taste for the simple foods. I have no interest in processed food.

    For other items, I try to buy local. It helps local farmers and its healthier for me. And no chemicals in my food. I’m buying locally raised chickens this year and have some locally raised hamburger. I’ll have local beef in the fall.

    Sugar is a concern, as buying local honey gets expensive if you try to use it all the time. I use only real maple syrup, and it is local. I get maple syrup and eggs from a co-worker.

    I find buying local flour, oatmeal, oil, and a few other items to be a challenge. It just isn’t there in many cases.


  18. carleton cronin Says:

    When we had an enforceable “country of origin” rule for imported foodstuffs a part of the mystery could be solved. Now, as in the recent staph scare, we have to guess from whence the items came. California still, with all its exports, is able to provide much locally grown produce and meats. Since there seems to be little standardization with regard to use of fertilizers, pesticides and other enhancements in the agricultural fields of other countries, we would do well to inquire about origins of foodstuffs.


  19. Paul Abelson Says:

    We try to purchase produce grown in the USA, and avoid any from Mexico, for health and sanitary reasons. We will not buy canned/prepared food from China.


  20. Joan Says:

    Yes! These days I am paying more attention to where EVERYTHING comes from. I would rather buy something grown/produced here at home, even if it costs a bit more. But, there is a tipping point at which cost becomes an issue.


  21. gammaray Says:

    yes, of course and keep up with advisories as well as. Also buy American when we can. Be very happy to pay higher prices for produce it illegal aliens were removed.


  22. Jerome Johnson Says:

    Yes, I pay attention to where the food I buy comes from, and I look for locally grown produce because it can be cheaper.
    I worry about the safety of imported items and the quailty of inspection of them. I have never considered the enviornmental inpact that transportation and storage can cause, this will now be an additional reason I look for locally grown produce, however, I don’t think that we can do without some imported foods and I have to trust that the inspention process is not compromised.


  23. SEAGULL Says:

    Only chicken, fish and and off season fruit. Chicken must be western grown. Fish cannot come from China. I don’t really care where fruit comes from as long as it is fresh.


  24. Sheila Says:

    Absolutely I do.


  25. Don Says:

    We do. No sense in having to eat food from around the world. We try to buy what is available within 150 miles. Of course, that is not always possible. For some reason we don’t grow vegetables here, like lettuce from California or tomatoes from Canada. We support our Farmer’s Market with the hope that more will be grown locally.


  26. Bridget B Says:

    Yes! I try to buy locally first. The local Farmers Market is the best resource in the summer time. That is, if it’s not growing in our own garden. Then, if produce is not local I’ll choose something that’s not been transported from too far away.


  27. Anonymous Says:

    We do track what country the food comes from and we buy from local Farmer’s markets when available. We try to avoid foods from countries with questionable previous health issues.


  28. Bonnie Aylor Says:

    That’s an interesting topic. I’ve never really thought about food transportation in those terms. I mean, I’ve studied a great deal about resources and their origins in my environmental science and policy classes and how certain forms of cultivation, etc, can cause environmental damage but I never thought of it in the context of transportation damages.

    I do, however, find it interesting to know where my food is coming from and how it gets to me. Even so, I find that there a vast number of political issues involved with where my food comes from.

    On the environmental scale, more than just basic transportation is involve. How was it transported? Did they use big rig trucks, trains, boats? What fuels did the vehicles use? How much other stuff traveled with the vehicle? What distance did the vehicle travel?

    Another topic is whether is was a national source or an international source.

    Buying foods from national sources are important because we are an independant country and to keep it that way we need to have enough resources within our own nation to support ourselves in the event of conflict, etc. We also need to be able to use foods from not only in or local regions but in other regions because we not only consider ourselves an independant country but also a united country. If one state secludes their resources from another, or excludes the importation of resources from another, the unity stands a great potential of disconnection.

    Buying some commodities or resources from international sources is also important. The reason being is that this helps the United States to keep up good repoire and good relations from international entities, securing that in the future we may be able to take each other’s backs, as well as ensuring that in the future we may be able to stay at peace with other nation despite any kind of worldly turmoil.

    There are also sources for buying foods form impoverished countries. As we all know, part of our reason for ratifying and yet not signing the Kyoto Protocol is that the UN did not want to include poor countries as in need of reducing carbon credits. Some of these poor countries cannot, in fact most of them, cannot afford some environmental controls that other, more effluent, countries can. Even so, their environmental damage effects the environmental qualities of other regions. Providing resources to them such as the buying of agricultural goods, etc, helps to biuld their economies so that they can afford these controls at some future date.

    I personally have not actually bought from those sources as of yet, but many people have and it seems like a good step. is one of those services (it’s not a US charity, I still have not found the US charity that provides this service).


  29. Larry Dunn Says:

    I am most concerned about the pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics in products. So yes I do pay attention to where it comes from I only buy organic dairy products and meats as well as as much organically grown fruits and vegi’s as I can then I wash all vegi’s and fruits well before consumption.


  30. Dave without a Clue Says:

    All the time….unfortunately most food isn’t labeled as to source, other than manufacturer’s business address, or hand-written signs (if at all) from local produce vendors. Usually produce is generic to State of origin.

    Woop. Probably all coming from China now, huh?


  31. Christine Says:

    With the rising costs of fuel impacting the cost of food, I have been paying attention, opting for the locally-grown stuff.

    However, this doesn’t stop me from buying what I need/want if it’s not grown locally.


  32. Cathy B. Says:

    This question is a joke:
    Simple, because the fda, usda, epa DOES’NT!


  33. Louise Roys Says:

    Absolutely. I willnot by food from Mexico, China or south Aemrica. I don’t trust the quality or safety of the food imported from these countries.


  34. Jen O. Says:

    Recently I have been paying attention to where my food comes from. When possible I buy products made or grown in the USA. Local farmers markets are the best. At the grocery store, it is easier to tell with fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and meat where they come from. If my only choice for a peach is to buy one from Chili, I will pick a different fruit. It is harder to tell where packaged foods come from. However, it is important to make the effort and do what we can to eat local and support local farmers and businesses.


  35. Bob Lefebvre Says:

    Yes I do pay attention to where my food comes from. Fortunately, the US has one of the best, if not the best and most efficient food delivery system in the world. Food producers are more efficient at producing wholesom quality products. The rest of the industry does a good job of delivering it to where people live. Yes, delivering the product does cost more today, however the cost of transporting is more than offset by the efficiency of the producers. Environmental costs are also offset by the efficiency of US producers versus other producers.

    Not everyone has relatively high amounts of disposable income to be a “Locavore”. For those fortunate enough, I tip my cap to them.


  36. Jane Says:

    Yes! One of the most important things we can do for the environment is to buy local, sustainably grown and produced products - whether that is food or forest products. These purchases keep our open spaces open - purifying the air, preventing runoff and storm damage, providing plenty of pure water and wildlife habitat, and sequestering carbon - rather than being sold off for development. Not only all that, but supplying local jobs, using less transportation fuel, and causing less pollution. Plus, I know many of the people who grow the food I eat and wood I use.


  37. Lou Says:

    Yes, I definitely pay attention to where my food comes from. Label reading becomes quick and efficient in practice. I am concerned about the quality of pre-frozen fruits and veggies and any additives used to keep them “fresh” in transport. I am also concerned about regulations that govern the imported foods I eat such as mercury levels in seafoods, and water sources of fish; livestock feed; harmones, vaccines, and other additives in meats and produce; and what effect it has on my health and the health of those in care of my health in my senior years.


  38. Local and Organic Says:

    I have been very adamant in choosing local organically grown produce, dairy and meats too. Through the insights of Weston-Price Foundation and the myriad of information on sound nutrition I have definitely made it a point for my family to adhere to it as much as possible - with local products.


  39. Lina-EPA Says:

    Yes and no. I do pay attention when I’m buying fish, however, it’s only been until recently that I’ve become more aware about buying “local”. The question makes me feel kind of guilty that I’m not doing my part to reduce transportation and storage costs.

    I must confess that I often succumb to buying good mangoes and avocados. I do not believe that those are grown in the Maryland area. Not many options there.


  40. MHA Says:

    Food imported from other countries (such as Mexico and China) does not seem to have the same restrictions on health and quality as U.S. grown. As far as competition, our U.S. farmers and ranchers are among the most regulated in the world. I know that other countries do not require the same environmental and other protections.

    I raise my own chickens and grow veggies in the summer, but it is getting more and more expensive to do so.


  41. SunnyDayGal Says:

    Yes and wish more products would clarify when they say “imported” ….imported from “where” would be nice info.


  42. Janet Says:

    YES! I try to buy locally as much as possible. I support my local farmers.


  43. Stacy Says:

    Why, I am so glad you asked!

    Yes, I pay great attention to where my food comes from. I can tell you the names of my farmers–from the local Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) venue–Green Gate Farms (Skip & Erin) to the 100% beyond organic grassfed humanely raised meat producer, Richardson Farms (the Richardson’s). I belong to a driving group that takes turns picking up our beyond organic raw milk and raw milk products–such as feta, gouda, whey, yogurt, kefir, and ice cream–from Sand Creek Farm (Ben and Alysha).

    I grow what I can, as well…but it has been so darn hot this year that my vegetable yields have been somewhat paltry.

    Other foods that simply are not native to my region–Central Texas–come from my local food Co-Op, Wheatsville. These items include: oats, wheat flour, vinegar, maple syrup, fairly traded coffee, and canned spaghetti sauce (since my tomatoes plants have produced mostly only flowers this season).

    I put an enormous amount of effort into purchasing food from organic farmers and do absolutely all that I can to deter spending in support of non-sustainable production practices. This means that I do not often eat out at restaurants but ultimately I am much happier and healthier for these somewhat inconvenient yet vitally important consumer decisions.

    Thanks for asking!


  44. Gaylyn Says:

    Yes, I’ve started to purchase local products as much as possible. In the summer, I frequent the farmer’s markets and my husband and I just ordered our first order of grass-fed beef from a local farmer. As I see from the other comments, many people still do consider the price first, but ask yourself how they can be cheaper even though they are shipped tens of thousands of miles. There are many reasons and none of them are good for our health, environment or global social systems.


  45. S Donnelly Says:

    More and more. With each new outbreak of Salmonella or E. coli, I believe that our food safety program is completely broken. The only salad that I eat is what I can grow in the back yard. During the non-growing season I only eat vegetables that I can peel and/or cook. I absolutely will not buy produce from Mexico or South America. They do not have the same standards for pesticide use and we do not have the resouces to test it.


  46. Shannon Says:

    YES YES and YES again! I will not purchase imported foods! I buy all my produce in the summer from local farmers markets, I grow my own veggies (some of them) and stock up enough to take me through the winter, by blanching and freezing.

    Meats, I only buy from local suppliers, if I purchase at all. Chicken I’m not so picky about because I have a Tyson and a Perdue plant very near - so, technically it’s local.

    I do not buy anything processed or pre-packaged, so for the most part, don’t have to worry about that.

    I do this for a few reasons, pestacides, assisting the environment and most of all health. Who knows how long those veggies / meat and misc. have been sitting on that truck before it get’s to your local supermarket! With veggies and fruit, they begin to loose nutritional value once they are picked! Some are picked well before being ripe, so I wonder if there’s any nutrients in them to begin with - something to think about


  47. Mary Says:

    When we buy food, we are also supporting and investing in a way of life. I prefer to buy food grown locally, organically, with respect for the planet and the health of those around us. It’s not a bargain if it contributes to making the air unbreathable (transportation) or waters unswimmable (agri pollution).


  48. Locally Global Says:

    Yes, most definitely.

    For both supporting my local community and for environmental impact considerations, I try to buy local (and organic) whenever I can, and that really applies to non-food items, as well.

    Even if some items appear lower in cost on the sticker, we’re collectively paying a higher price for goods that are grown elsewhere and shipped long distances, particularly if they’re grown with lots of pesticides.

    If you doubt that what goes on in China really affects you, know that we’ve been able to detect air pollution from China (discerned with radioisotope signatures) on the West Coast for some time now, and more recently (last few years, I think) in New England!

    People in Arctic communities are also feeling effects of the global nature of pollution, not “just” wildlife. Women there have high breast milk concentrations of some pollutants that are not used anywhere near their communities. These chemicals are transported to the Arctic by air, river, or ocean currents, and build up in foods such as fish that migrate and accumulate contaminants from places far and wide.


  49. Paris D Says:

    There is an interesting website that covers food and agricultural issues, along with an internet-radio program covering the topic. Check it out at:


  50. Clint Says:

    Locally grown food is great. Regional and National food is great also. The problem that this Country has is its willingness to import food that is grown in this Country. Stop supporting Food imports–Force the USDA to change its outdated policies!


  51. Dan Says:

    Who has time? I would like to support the local producers, but if I did that I would probably only eat corn and beans! Can someone figure out how to grow bananas in Colorado?


  52. Yiayia Says:

    Definitely - both for environmental, human rights and health concerns, I feel its the responsible thing to do. I think all food stuffs should have a chain of custody before being placed in the market. I don’t like the idea of produce being grown here and processed in China (apple juice) or anywhere else for that matter and return shipped here for sale. The US isn’t perfect but we don’t claim to be.


  53. Christine Says:

    Yes. I shop at the neighborhood farmer’s market whenever possible, and check where things come from at the grocery store. I’ve pretty much given up buying things like berries shipped from South America in the winter. I don’t need them and they usually taste bland anyway.


  54. Linda Knopic Says:

    Hoo-yea for everyone that answered yes! We not only look for the origin of our foods, we look for the origin of everything we purchase! We have no prejudice against the people living in other countries but we know a lot of Americans and very few people living in China, Pakistan or Korea. So, we would rather contribute to the Amercian economy. In the end it all comes back to benefit everyone and every community.
    There is also the black eagle trademark on produce that has been farmed, managed or picked by members of the United Farm Workers Union. Visit the UFW website, this is one group of unsung heros that advocate for the hispanic farming community, they encourage legal immigration and fight for humane working conditions. We like to look for the black eagle on our produce so support them, too!


  55. Raj Says:

    I personally haven’t paid much attention though I buy vegetables and fruit from the farmer’s market in Spring/Summer and try to grow some veggies at home too, albeit with limited success. However, I don’t believe in paying more than 50% for organic or locally grown produce in supermarkets since I believe that some producers and re-sellers take advantage of the health conscious - thinking that pricing is very elastic when it comes to your health.

    One thing that was not mentioned much is the benefit of eating frozen vegetables packed in the US or USDA certified organic canned goods. Frozen vegetables are cleaned and packed under sanitary conditions in the US and their nutrients last much longer on the shelf than their fresh counterparts. They are also convenient to cook as well! You can also buy organic canned beans, tomatoes and other vegetables for cheaper than regular fresh produce with no added junk. These are cheaper alternatives to buy healthier and environment conscious food. There is no need to bust your bank account to eat healthy. Just use better judgement when buying your produce. If you are paying outrageous prices (> 50%) , it is most likely because someone is taking advantage of you. Think about it for a second. Why should it cost more if you don’t need an assembly plant, or to transport or store or protect with insecticides or employ a lot of people to grow and sell the food. A 50% price hike is more than enough to justify the loss of economy of scale.


  56. Megan Westmeyer Says:

    Yes - I always pay attention to where my food comes from, but so much of it is unidentified. I’ve had the most success by developing relationships with local food producers. I buy beef from a farm about half an hour away - it is the best beef I’ve ever tasted and I’m very confident in the animal husbandry and food safety practices, because I know the farmer and I’ve seen the facilities. I buy as much local produce as possible as well, through farmers markets and Community Supported Agriculture. While I started off buying local for enviromental reasons, I’ve found that I feel safer because I know where my food is coming from, it all tastes better because it is so fresh, and I’m also helping to support the local economy. And to top it off, my food costs haven’t gone up nearly as much as everyone else’s because the food isn’t being shipped long distances (burning very expensive oil). I really win all the way around - I haven’t found any down sides.


  57. Maria Says:

    It has been so amazing to watch all of the greif that has been going on, food tamperment, increase in illness and all because of the foods we should have been trusting from the beginning, my brother and sister inlaw are now growing organic beef, and chickens and they are in production, my husband and I are seriously considering growing our own organic gargen for food that we pay to eat from the store can end up killing us. Why is this happening? We do not have enough people in place to check everything that comes into our country, I think we all need to get back to basics, we should all know what we consume and make sure it is healthy. We do as a nation allow too much export, this area needs to be cut back. We provide more than enough food of our own to substanciate our people here in the U.S. It is a real shame when we have all of one product removed from the shelves of any market, because someone else chooses to be selfish and produce low standard product.


  58. cecilia quirarte-ortiz Says:

    Yes I do pay attention. I don’t buy anything from Mexico or Chile or any country that is not regulated by the US. - thanks.


  59. Barth Anderson Says:

    I’m 100% local so far today, baby!!


  60. Emma Says:

    Yes. Absolutely. I only buy organic and opt for local as much as possible, even if it means I have to shop around a little or not get certain produce because it’s out of season. I definitely don’t think that US produce is better than imported. If it’s not organic (or you’re not talking to the farmer) then it could have anything on it.


  61. OrangeClouds115 Says:

    Yes! Once I began buying food directly from farmers, eating food of unknown origin began to feel, well, kinda gross. Like putting bubblegum you found under a chair in your mouth, or like sleeping with a hooker. You just don’t know where it’s been!

    I’ll admit though - it’s a luxury. And it’s not always easy. I have to plan my life around it to a certain extent. I consider access to local food when I decide where to live and which jobs to take. I am very lucky to live about a mile and a half from a terrific farmers market that operates year round in Southern California. My weekly shopping budget is probably a bit higher than someone who shops at Safeway for their food. I’ve noticed that I get sick less since I began eating this way and at one point I actually lost 15 lbs because I was eating well and biking to work. (Then I moved next door to a bakery and got a job I had to drive to… I’m not that skinny anymore).

    Eating local foods is rewarding not only because of the health benefits and the fantastic, fresh flavors you enjoy but also because you can reduce your impact on the earth and you can help your local economy. I would like to see our government help structure our society in such a way that allowed more people to eat locally - for example, by providing farmers markets with the equipment needed to accept food stamps.

    To discuss local food and other food-related issues, please check out my blog at


  62. Daniel Says:

    I try as much as I can, but it’s difficult to convince my mom that she should buy local (and not highly processed/packaged)


  63. Nancy K Says:

    Yes, I do.


  64. Dee Says:

    Meats - free-range, only. Vegetables, etc. - I need to pay more attention to locally grown foods. This question and the responses above have been good reminders to me to focus more on this.


  65. Leigh Says:

    I prefer buying food from USA as it is regulated by USDA. I prefer buying organic food from Whole Foods although it can be budget breaking. Interesting point as I went into Target to purchase a new lamp a while back. Everything was made in China. I saw no american made lamps. I would pay slightly more for a better product made in US if available but don’t have all the time in the world to peruse stores just to find American made items (I do chose American items when readily available). I think part of the problem is that our society thinks more is better but those are not my values. I prefer better quality even if it means less quantity. Besides, what about keeping jobs in US where we have standards in place to protect our workers and the products that are made. I don’t think product safety standards are the same globally. Take a good look at our society with all its debt and you can see what type of trouble we have gotton ourselves into. I’m frustrated because I did not create this problem. I suffer nonetheless because of the decisions others have made.


  66. phaley Says:

    I pay attention because of the price and quality….Jersey’s corn is great!

    Often I can not tell where the food comes from though. We do buy organic when it’s available but it is oftem much more expensive.


  67. Kathy Tibbits Says:

    Yes. I shop at my local Farmers’ Market to get local vegetables and fruit. I buy Made in Oklahoma straight from the farms every month at OklahomaFood.Coop.

    When I do buy from stores, I choose organic foods and use organic fruits and vegetables in my juicer and dehydrator, so I’m not consuming pesticides.

    But my favorite food is from foraging, and the few things I grow– tomatoes, basil, polk, blackberries, persimmons, peaches, apples– in my yard. Also, my father feeds us from his garden, which he has maintained since 1962, and the grapes, peaches and apples in his yard.


  68. Lynda Says:

    Absolutely. who wants to encourage the energy and waste that goes into the average food item traveling 1500 miles to get to my table?The more I learn, the more I try to be a locavore. My landscape is either edible, medicinal or native. Vegetables and fruits and teas all come from my yard. I have chickens for eggs –and nearly all else comes from my weekly farmer’s market!


  69. Susan Says:

    I certainly am much more aware of where my food is grown, especially in light of the most recent contamination of tomatoes and who knows what else!

    Let’s be honest - some of the countries that we import our fruit and veggies from aren’t exactly the cleanest and I’d hate to think of what they use for fertilizer. What standards are in place? We don’t know and that is the problem.

    I’m buying from the local farmers market whenever possible and I’ll spend a few extra bucks at the Whole Food Market when I need to. I can’t wait to get my own garden and I won’t have to worry so much.

    So, if I see fruits and veg imported from Mexico, I can tell you that NO, I certainly will not purchase it. We need to support our farmers.


  70. Karnie Says:

    ABSOLUTELY! Every ounce of meat I’ve purchased for human consumption in the past two years has been local and traceable to a specific farm with farmers whose names I know. My fruits and veggies are probably 90% local. I do buy an occasional avocado or banana - and they are not local - but those purchases are made consciously and deliberately. Further, I try to choose restaurants and stores that are committed to local as well.

    It takes a little more time and a little more effort to buy local, but it is soooo worth it in quality, taste and it’s also good for the local economy.


  71. Jay Warner Says:

    Yes, we try to notice origins. However, this is difficult in the USA. Produce may be repackaged in the US, hiding the country of origin. Fresh grapes in spring & early summer? Gotta be South America somewhere, but you’d never tell from the display.

    Then we need origins that proclaim the US _state_ of origin. I’m told that the oranges from Florida and from Arizona, while equally clean and healthful, are different types / strains. I’m afraid the suppliers are not interested in giving consumers this information, if they fear it might hurt sales. More consumers need to publicly refuse to buy _any_ produce of unspecified origin.

    We buy from a local farmer’s market when possible. It costs more :(, but it is usually fresher, fewer people handled it, and if anything is unclean I know just where to go to complain. Besides, the ethnic diversity of our farmers is much better - wider - than that of our grocers, so it is more fun - more American(!) - to visit them.

    Last year we harvested enough tomatoes and peppers to avoid purchasing any in the winter. So we don’t care where tomatoes contamination came from — we don’t buy _any_ fresh ones.

    So yes, origin locations of this family’s food is an issue with us, and our suppliers are not giving us the information.



  72. Regina DiLavore Says:

    I buy 95% of my meat from farmers within 50 miles of my home. I shop at the Farmer’s Market, subscribe to a CSA, and we grow our own vegetables. I take the time during the summer to preserve these foods so I don’t have to buy many vegetables during the winter. When I do buy fruit at the grocery store, I only buy US grown food. I am also particularly picky about fish and will only buy wild from Alaska.


  73. JB Says:

    Maybe you can share some information with her. Some very good websites are,,,,, Any of Michael Pollan’s books are a reality check.
    Processed foods are extremely unhealthy, especially for children. Child obesity and diabetes are epidemic in this country because of it and fast foods. Good luck - you deserve fresh nutritious foods. Can you grow a small garden or veggies in pots?


  74. JB Says:

    Above comment is for Daniel


  75. Lori Says:

    Yes of course, not only does less transit mean less emissions, but the produce being picked ripe always tastes better and it helps the local economy. I prefer farmer markets.


  76. JB Says:

    For David - Consider the true cost of what you purchase. See


  77. Irvin Says:

    I certainly do. I will not buy any food or food substances that come from Mexico or China.
    I refuse to buy most produce from domestic growers because of pesticides and use of sewer sludge for fertilizer (all approved by our government)
    I refuse to buy any product that is not labeled “NO GMOs” or “does not contain growth hormones”. I do verify authenticity.
    I refuse to buy any meat unless I know exactly where the animal was raised. No growth hormones or antibiotics. I am tending toward vegetarian.
    I consider most foods approved by the USDA and FDA “hazardous” and in most all cases buy organic from Whole Foods and Cox Farms (local growers) to be safe.


  78. Far into the North Says:

    yes! i just sat down from making fish head soup and processing all of my subsistence salmon from yesterday. i love being a part of the harvesting to table process, it really puts me in touch with where i live, what is important here, as well as connects me somehow to my at sea husband who commercially fishes for wild alaskan salmon. t

    his activity for me is especially important this year, because with food prices and transport costs being so high, i am really relying on subsistence this year to support my family through the winter. also, the season has been slow and corporation processing prices haven’t been great. add that with the high cost of fuel coming out of my husbands fishing share, and it is a good thing we can live off the land here, i don’t know how else we would make it.

    so many people don’t connect their food with the process, with the people behind it. honestly, the people i know who are most into sustainable food sources, really aren’t the ones who can afford it, but realize the direct connection that they are having in supporting a fellow person who is working just as hard as they to get by.


  79. Derrick Leedy Says:

    I really pay attention where may food comes from. It is very important!
    1. The Colorado River has been contaminated with Perchlorate which is an oxidizer used in solid rocket fuel. When an american rocket flight is aborted the Perchlorate falls to the ground and ends up in the groundwater and waterbodies. It is prevelant in southern California and in 34 other states. Even organic farms can be organic even if they irrigate with water containing Perchlorate. It can have neurological effects on our childrens early development and has been linked with hypothroidism in kids. Perhaps children with hypothyroidism could be tested for Perchlorate. This chemical is also changes the endrocrine system. It is Androgenic (male) in people. So far adults have not seemed to be affected just our kids. I won’t buy lettuce from Southern California or states around the Colorado River. Henderson NV grounwater is very contaminated. The use of this oxidzer really needs to be banned in the U.S. There are alternatives.

    2. Our bodies now have over 100 chemicals in them that were not even invented 100 years ago. Now you know why the sperm count in males has fallen drastically.

    3. The last time I was in my local store I saw that all their garlic came from China but the label has a U.S. Flag on it.

    4. We are what we eat and breathe - Foods need to be labled as of the country of production. It’s pretty easy to produce chemical free foods. I notice even the large supermarket chains carry a lot of organic foods.

    5. To bad the foods are often canned with cans that have plastic liners. Most coffee cups have a plastic lining that leaches plastic into our hot drinks.

    Eat Well, Exercise, and Live Long.



  80. Duane Says:

    Other than going to the local farm market how can you tell where you food is coming from? Seems like stores would brag that their was locally grown, produced, or packaged. I remember a number of years ago the slogan “Be Americam, Buy American” and “made in America” but I haven’t seen “Produced Locally” stickers at the store.


  81. George Says:

    Yes. I live in rural Virginia and it is easy to find local foods at good prices. I imagine it is more difficult for people who live in densely populated areas to buy locally.

    One thing I would like to see people buy more of is grass fed beef. Much of the cattle on the east coast is raised to a certain size and then shipped to the midwest for corn feeding and weight gain (called finishing). If we keep the cattle in the east and finish them on grass, we can save a lot of energy and reduce the impacts on the cattle. Grass-finished beef is better tasting and better for you and the cattle get to live a much more natural life.


  82. Sharon Says:



  83. Susan Willoughby Says:

    Yes absolutely. We own an organic farm and sell produce and flowers to local markets. We feel like it is the biggest contributions we can make to our surrounding communities. We believe strongly that small farms are a key to rebuilding our culture in a meaningful way and hoping we can stop this movement towards a corporate culture. Having no choice where food comes from is a dangerous way to live.


  84. Heather Says:

    Absolutely - I will buy local when I can, and non-industrial meat when I can.

    However, I’ll buy non-local when a local equivalent is not available (avocados in NJ).


  85. Matthew J. Kelm Says:

    Well, sometimes I buy from Giant and then there is Safeway. However, I do go to Whole Foods and Trader Joes for organic foods that I would need. Oh…………..wait……… mean country? Hmmmmmmmmmm………….I prefer organic food and I prefer international foods, like Chinese dumplings or Crepes. Baozi is my favorite!!!!


  86. Moderation in All Things Says:

    Yes - With our society as it is, it has become increasingly important to know the supply chains and support local production of goods and services. Through our global economy we have many more opportunities - but we also have needs that should be supported through local networks. It is the combination of these sources that allows for greater selection, greater nutrition, and energy efficiency. Thus, it is very important as to know how the systems work - to allow for a variety of needs to be met.


  87. Anonymous Says:

    You are doing like most of the people, just looking at price, thus just having a short sight vision. It is your choice but life is more than saving 25 cents here and there…………. once the planete will no longer sustain human life because it is all polluted, altered and contaminated…… how important will your money saving be? And how about thinking about leaving an healty planet to our children? Will saving 200 $ a year will help your children? Also, by purchasing locally, you create work for your own people……….


  88. Wernerlll Says:

    Yes, including restaurants where I quit eating sea food since the servers have not been told a thing as to sources, just that it comes “…from the ocean…” - not funny I know, since the FDA is not staffed to sample more than 2% of imports.

    We do not buy ANY products from Mexico, China, Indonesia, etc. but Canada, US - wild or organic labels.
    Congress seems to be helpless with one party running obstuctions wherever they can.
    After all, people are expendable according to some…


  89. Wernerlll Says:

    Excellent Kathy,
    In WW II in Europe and thereafter, people were given small plots of land whenever possible to have them tend to their gardens for nourishment and winter storage in cellars.

    Is it time to bring that idea back instead of building more housing on productive lands (nurseries, small farms, open space, etc.)?


  90. Stephanie Says:

    I do my best to try and buy locally but with the rising price of fuel and everything else, I have to mostly go with price when it comes to buying groceries.


  91. Anonymous Says:

    Yes, whenever possible. For example, I live in Georgia, so I only buy Florida oranges and not California oranges. I go to farmers markets as often as I can, which is not just local but usually much cheaper and fresher.


  92. Quinn Says:

    Absolutely! Especially “fresh” produce. The more local the product is, the better is is for my family and the environment as well. It is guaranteed to be more fresh, and small farms tend to use less inorganic pest control methods, as they do not have such large crops to tend, and organic pest control methods are more feasible. Also, the more local the product is, the less travel required to get it from the grove to our table- you just can’t beat local produce!!!


  93. Sharon Tinianow Says:

    Yes, I put a priority on local foods. There is a farmer’s market in my neighborhood from May to October that makes this easy to do in the summer.


  94. Quinn Says:

    Wernerlll, the idea you were speaking of (small plots of land) HAS actually been brought back in some communities, such as in Detroit, where the foreclosure of homes has been a huge issue. I heard this story on NPR and thought, “what a wonderful idea”. I’m too young to know much of the details post WWII (that weren’t in History books), but what is going on in Detroit seems to be very similar. However, it isn’t the government that initiated this, it is a non-profit organization- similar idea, still.

    Check it out:


  95. Frank - New Jersey Says:

    No with some exceptions. I shop at a well known chain store and expect that store to provide only reliable, safe products. I am selective for only certain fresh produce in season known to be grown locally, e.g. melons, tomatoes, peppers, corn, etc. puchased from a roadside stand.


  96. Chuck Says:

    Yes. Due to the chemicals that are utilized in our food products today, I am ever more concerned about what I eat and how it was produced.


  97. Melinda Harper Says:

    Yes, I do pay attention. That is one of the reasons my husband and I grow a lot of our food at home in our garden. We know how the crops are raised, and that there have been no pesticides or other chemicals applied. We also shop at local farmer’s markets around the area; that way we get great produce while supporting small businesses in the area. I have always believed that area restaurants should work with local producers to supply food items for consumption. It supports the local economy and reduces the carbon footprint. It seems rediculous that a restaurant should have to bring produce from across the county when that same produce is available locally.
    Raising and working in one’s own vegetable garden is also a great way to help children develop a work ethic (identifying what has to be done, then doing it, and doing it well), something that is sorely lacking with a lot of youth today. And, there is nothing better than a fresh tomato or a head of lettuce fresh out of the garden. In our area, we have some community gardens, but not enough. Community gardens could be used to feed those less fortunate, and improve the quality of food these families would be eating.


  98. Costa Rica Travel Channel Says:

    well we all grew up eating famous imported fruits like CHIQUITA Bananas, and now these major imoprters are leading the way in developing sustainability, and programs for the poor in central american countries. So go ahead and eat a banana and watch this video to see what i am talking about:)


  99. Lina-EPA Says:

    Just saw a relevant article on American farmers moving south of the border in search of vast stretches of arable land. Isn’t the world getting smaller?
    We wonder how “local” is really local nowadays. At this point, is “local” US vs anything from abroad?
    Sharing the article–


  100. John in KY Says:

    Ask this same question 6 months from now, i.e., in the DEAD OF WINTER, and see if you get different answers about “locally grown” stuff…..


  101. Jen J Says:

    Absolutely. I’ve stopped purchasing bananas and tropical fruits that come from South America and Asia. I’m lucky though, in CA we have lots of fabulous fruits and veggies to choose from that come from less than 200 miles away. We also grow tomatoes, lettuce, beans, squash and citrus in our little backyard. It’s fun and feels good to pick our own! Another thing I do is check for my “Dirty Dozen” card while at the grocery store. If I’m debating about whether to buy organic or conventional, I check to see if the fruit or vegetable is known to be particularly heavily sprayed. The list is at and can be downloaded as a pocket guide for your wallet.


  102. Sara Says:

    Yes, I try to purchase locally-produced food as much as possible. We have joined a CSA farm, and I have a source for locally produced eggs, and grass-fed, pastured meats. I haven’t had much luck on the dairy issue, yet. We buy locally so we can have food with fewer pesticides and antibiotics, to reduce the transportation impacts of our food, because it often tastes better, and because I want to keep local farmers in business.


  103. TP Says:

    Yes always. I only buy imported food if it is not produced in the USA and is from a trustworthy country.


  104. Marco Says:

    I certainly do, especially these days with so much fraud, waste and contamination originating from China and other countries.

    I do not puchase “farmed” fish of any sort, only the fresh caught Alaska species, as long as they are not contaminated with spilled oil from BP or Shell that is.

    Our society has become complacent with the use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals that we are now walking sesspools of contamination.

    We are destroying ourselves by polluting the very environment that we rely on for food, water and other needs.


  105. SuzanneB Says:

    Yes, always. I look first for local, fresh, organic and pesticide-free, hormone-free, chemical fertilizer free foods. I would rather buy local if it meets my standards, than anything else. I will even buy local if its not certified organic, as long as its chemical free. I look at food miles, energy usage to get my food to my plate, and also want to support socially responsible, local producers first. Then second, fair trade, environmentally responsible producers next… from any country. I care very much that producers are responsible, including paying fair wages to their workers. I WILL NEVER BUY A BERRY GROWN WITH PESTICIDES.


  106. sharon Says:

    Yes, we pay attention. Food grown in other countries are not as strictly regulated as in the United States. You never know what pesticides others put on their crops.
    I have gotten ill from foreign fruit. You also don’t know if the workers eliminate bodily waste in the fields.
    We grow some of our own now, soon to grow most of our fruits and veggies.


  107. Jim L Says:

    We avoid large supermarkets when possible (especially Chinese products) and buy food produced locally, like at farmers markets. We choose to support our local farmers, and the quality of their products is usually better than anything in a supermarket.

    On another note, seasonal foods are a real treat! I lived once overseas in a poor country and learned that some fruits and vegetables are something to look forward at certain times of year, like a festival. “Hey, it’s mango season again!” I pity Americans who’ve don’t know such simple joys.


  108. Joy Says:

    Yes. I buy local products when in season. I also shop Farmer’s Markets for locally grown produce, but beware! Some Farmer’s Markets require that the produce only be organic with no specification as to geographic proximity. You may be buying the same produce as your local grocery at a premium price.


  109. Druz Says:

    The only things grown locally in my urban surroundings are mosquitoes. I generally shop for price, but I am conscious of the retailer I do business with. I trust that retailer to provide the safest, most econmically available food.

    I don’t shop at roadside stands or purchase meats/seafood from coolers in roadside pickup trucks. Those food sources obtain their supply from “who-knows-where”…probably overseas, possibly illegally, and “who-knows-how-long ago”.


  110. Ross-man Says:

    Yes I know where they come from. But we natives try and get good food quality off nature by hunting our own food and share with our elders. But of course most of us natives like to go shopping food products from stores too. See them by date and buy them and what animal it came from.


  111. Bulldog73 Says:

    Yes, I do pay attention to where my food comes from. I try to buy as much as I can of: organic produce, meats grown without antibiotics or hormones, eggs from hens that are cage free, and dairy products from cows that are not given growth hormones. I also try to make sure that I don’t buy food from China. I am also very careful where my pet’s food comes from.


  112. Megan Dunham Says:

    Yes, particularly in regards to animal products. I’m for animal rights and am concerned about all the factory farms, confined animal feedlots, animal rights, etc., etc.. For instance, I won’t buy lamb raised (or wool,either) in Australia because of the pain and suffering these animals caused by Australian sheep practices. Sheep products from New Zealand is much better but not as common.


  113. Kathy Teige Says:

    Yes, it matters very much to me. Of course, there are some things I can’t buy from local sources (coffee, chocolate, etc.) but I try to buy vegetables, fruits, dairy, and meat as locally as possible. Extra cost isn’t much of an issue, especially as rising fuel costs have increased the cost of non-local food.


  114. Marcy Says:

    I am working hard at this time of year to preserve foods from my garden and other local sources. This conserves resources by reducing the need to buy foods shipped from great distances in winter. Barbara Kingsolver’s book, “Animal, vegetable, miracle” helped me in learning how to eat local.


  115. Charlestons Helping Hand Says:

    locavore…love the term


  116. Eve Says:

    I pay a lot of attention to where my food comes from and do everything I can to try to make sure we/re eating safe, healthy food. This has become very difficult becasue of the lack of oversight of our meat industry ( no testing for mad cow etc.) and lack of study about food containers. I try not to eat much canned food anymore because of the chemicals in the can lining that transfer to food, I’ve tried to only use number 2 and 5 plastics for years, and eat mostly organic meat and fruits and veggies. The fact that commercial interests keep preventing the testing of meat, and resist labeling genetically modified food is frustrating and makes it hard for consumers to make good choices for their families. I don’t by produce from Chile and make sure I buy organic peaches, strawberries, apples, and lettuce which tend to have lots of pesticide residue when conventionally grown. I’m getting tired of having to work so hard to make sure I’m not being poisened by the food in the grocery store.


  117. Adanna Says:

    Depending on the produce. For example I will buy organic milk and eggs over those non-oganic.


  118. Thea Says:

    I agree with Amy, above. I won’t shop at WalMart for food or anything, the global impact is too severe. I buy local whenever possible and grow my own, however that can be hard to do here in Idaho where we only have a 4 month growing season. I feel sorry for my friends with kids who have to juggle the spiralling costs vs their commitment to worldwide economy and environment.


  119. kyle Says:

    Wrong! Japan, Korea other countries have complained about our food sourse being unsafe for use. The have refused to acept to when given to them.
    We have been lied to, brain washed and given all kinds of reasons for the recalls on hamburger, lettice, tomatoes, onions. Take time to check things you are told by our goverment throu special interests groupes. Here is a question you are not likey to answer correcty. Do we have inspectors in our meat processing plants?


  120. Ben Says:

    It is the most important ecological choice you make on a daily basis. Fuel, pesticides, and your health all factor into the most important decision.

    1. Grow your own
    2. buy local
    3. buy organic

    land and ecological health are affected on a daily basis by our food choices

    Vote with your food daily for ecological health


  121. Jamie Says:

    I absolutley agree, either buy local or grow your own. Check out the Local Harvest website for a little more info on food grown close to you.


  122. Rajesh Says:

    No, it is difficult to pay attention to see from where the food comes from. We buy food from retailers, that’s all and it ends their. We do try to see that the brand of product is good or the food articles are fresh. It is difficult to have time and source to check where did the food came from. Thanks for asking. This is very pertinent question.



  123. Deneen Says:

    I think that this is a good idea for several reasons: one being that it is usually healthier, also environmently smart, but I always hesitate “cutting out” other countries for judgemental reasons that I may not be fully informed on. I know many countries “clear” land to farm more products (us included)we purchase and also sell off their precious natural resources and destroy wildlife habitat that also effects us in the long run. I know that other countries could then refocus on more self-sufficient trades if we didn’t buy up all that they offer. Therefore I am careful about buying these products for these reasons. I like the diversity of all life. I like other countries and the things they offer and I worry about us “cutting them off”. I need to really assess each purchase and just be a smarter consumer even “consuming less” period is a step in a good direction.


  124. Sally G Says:

    I believe that as of October, produce wil be labeled by country of origin. I’m not sure if theat is a federal law or a (N.J.) state law; i suspect the former. The more information the better, IMHO.


  125. Sally G Says:

    You bring up some interesting points. I don’t have control over most of my food, but what I do buy I try to get fresh, local, and organic. There are some things that are just not available locally, however, and having grown up in a country in which regional and international imports have been readily available, it would be hard to do without some of the exotics (citrus, tea, coffee, the traditional yearly Thanksgiving pomegranate [rarely available here at any other time of year, though now that pomegranate juice is such the rage, a somewhat more frequent luxury], almonds, cheese, wine, etc.)
    I had recently, with continuing environmental awareness, considered only the drawbacks to imported foods, from both pesticide and fuel use perspectives, but the goodwill, trade, and economic advantages in not being completely insular make up a good point.
    I will still opt for less-processed, locally grown food for most of my food purchases, but will feel better about my forays into national and world sources. Diversity in diet is also a good thing, and to the extent they do not contribute to either worker exploitation or deforestation, regional and international specialties make a wonderful treat for this “foodie”.
    You can buy fair-trade-certified products, especially coffee, in many supermarkets; they carry the fair trade logo. Products with the logo are not always produced in the most sustainable way, but they do have the advantage of letting small farmers “opt out” of being forced to sell to multinational-corporation-backed wholesalers by offering them an alternative source for credit for the supplies needed at the beginning of the growing season, before the crop money comes in.


  126. Sally G Says:

    I agree that we have an efficient food production and transportation industry. And sometimes it is more expensive to but locally. However, it’s not an either/or choice. If you have the resources to check out a local farmer’s market even once or twice a season, you may find some bargains, and will be buying more nutritious food. You may also help bring down the cost as local farmers find a larger market. Also, ask your supermarket/grocer if they have any local produce. I live in New Jersey, where it is currently blueberry season, and my local supermarket had a sale on 6 pints of Jersey blueberries for $8.99–and $2.00 off with their buyer card. So i gorged on (and froze some) $18 worth of in-state blueberries (if purchased by the individual pint at the same store) for $6.99. Granted, deals like this are rare–but worth wathching for!


  127. Sally G Says:

    Glad to hear another voice for eating local. However, you may want to check into practices at the Tyson and Perdue plants–remember when chickens came from farms? Many corporations use CAFOs–Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations–in which animals are packed tightly, sometimes without room to move, and fecal matter is collected under the wire cages in which they sit. The waste matter is generally treated, but to what degree and what happens when there is too much waste can be a big environmental issue (it can discharged untreated into a local stream [this, of course, is against the rules, but enforcement can be spotty]). Also, when so many animals are kept in such close quarters, disease is likely to spread, so antibiotics are used to keep the animals from becoming diseased.
    Sorry to complicate your life further!


  128. Sally G Says:

    Why is it an either/or? Get your corn and beans from Colorado, probably tomatoes as well, as they can grow in most of the lower 48 states, buy your citrus from California (leave the Florida citrus for the East Coast), and go ahead and have your bananas. Diversity is great–and you may be surprised by the variety at your local farmers’ market.
    As Ed Begley, Jr., said at the Global Green expo I attended in New Jersey, “pick the low-hanging fruit”: do what’s simplest first, then decide whether you want to take the next step. Do what you’re comfortable with now; don’t think it has to be “all or nothing”.


  129. Sally G Says:

    Excellent idea for farmers’ markets to be able to accept food stamps!


  130. Sally G Says:

    Thank you for the voice of sanity about the values of much of American society! I am with you wholeheartedly that more is not necessarily better; quality is more important than quantity, and American jobs should not be allowed to be exported offshore to nations without worker-protection standards. Agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA should not be passed, IMHO, without environmental standards and worker-salary/conditions standards equal or better to those currently found in the legal U.S. job market. Not every American job can be a high-tech office job without any manual labor, especially if we eliminate illegal immigration.
    I wish I had your faith in U. S. standards; the E. coli and salmonella outbreaks indicate a breakdown of what we always thought to be high standards–and too many regulatory agencies rely on advice from executives of the industries they are supposed to regulate (sensible in one way, because of presumed expertise, but also an obvious conflict of interest as industry is generally opposed to any regulation).


  131. Sally G Says:

    “Victory Gardens” were popular in the U. S. during WWII, also, though people were not given land, they just planted a garden on their own property. Community gardens are a great idea in city and donwtonw neighborhoods in which people don’t have enough space to plant a garden.


  132. Sally G Says:

    In North America, we can’t rely on locally grown produce year-round. But during our local growing season we can eat local produce, and even blanch and freeze some for the dead of winter. Not many people have time to can or preserve any more, but making double batches of sauces, soups, etc. that you make in the growing season and freezing one batch for the dead of winter (or just a really busy day) is not too hard for many. Out of season fresh produce should, IMHO, be regarded as a luxury, not something taken for granted.
    You might want to check out the nonfiction book “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by noveiist Barbara Kingsolver, about her family’s decision to eat only locally produced food for a year on their Virginia farm (they allowed themselves one luxury item each [coffee, dried fruit, etc.]. as their goal was not deprivation but a life-enhancing experiment). No, not everyone can, or wants to, put that much effort into self-sustaining. But it does provide an interesting perspective, especially so in the comments of the older daughter who left for college during the year, and their younger daughter’s entreneurship in starting her own egg and poultry business and marketing the products to help pay for the horse she wanted.


  133. Christine Smith Says:

    I try to buy only USDA organic food, but I haven’t yet really looked geographic origin. I buy organic because it reduces the load of pesticides and other chemicals used in the growing process, and because I absolutely oppose factory farming as a form of animal cruelty. The only time I really look at geographic origin is when I am concerned about sustainability issues, such as overfishing–I regularly use the Environmental Defense pocket reference to which fish are sustainably farmed/fished and which aren’t, to guide my seafood choices.


  134. Heidi Says:

    Yes, I choose local if it’s an option. Most of my weekly produce comes from a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm based in the Phoenix, AZ area. Due to weather conditions, the farmer uses four fields througout Arizona to grow a wide variety of organic produce (although not certified organic due to the cost of certification). The CSA sometimes offers local eggs, breads and tamales as well. I also frequent a farmers market which buys local when possible.


  135. Indiana Gina Says:

    I attempt to buy organic. I am not as deligent about buying locally. However, I am beginning to grow vegetables in my own yard.


  136. MonkeyGrrl Says:

    I am paying more and more attention to where my food comes from with each passing day. It wasn’t until I read the Omnivore’s Dilemma that I started to understand just how crazy our food production industry has gotten. And I am just your average American female, so I figure if I’m starting to pay attention there must be many, many more like me who are, too.

    Very uncharacteristically of me, I am going to take the Eat Local challenge from Aug 15 - Sept 15 and see how close I can come to getting 85% of my food from local producers. Who knows, maybe this will be the first real crack in my consummerist armor.


  137. Lyndsey Says:

    I’ve been trying to pay attention to where my food comes from. Sometimes I put down food that wasn’t grown locally, but I will admit, I don’t always. If there’s a fruit or veggie that I really want, I’ll still get it. It would be great if there were better options.

    I’ve been to a couple of potlucks that were focused on locally grown food. They call them 10-mile potlucks, or 50-mile potlucks.. whatever constitutes “local” to the host. People have to bring food that was grown within the radius. It’s a pretty cool way to raise awareness of local options, or lack thereof in many cases.


  138. Jarrod Says:

    I certainly try, but most places do not know where the food comes from. Supermarkets and restaurants usually get their supplies from distributors who get their supplies from numerous other sources. It’s almost impossible to trace, unless there is a conscious effort on the part of the grocer or restauranteur to only purchase from distributors that offer a chain of custody. Things are getting better though, but really just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, displaying food origins would help people understand why they need to know food origins. If all you know is ‘jumbo shrimp’ and that’s what you need, that’s what you purchase. If you see ‘jumbo shrimp from Thailand’ and ‘jumbo shrimp from the US’, people may want to know the difference. Food labeling is needed.


  139. Bubba Says:

    Yes. I think they still use DDT in Mexico, so I don’t want canned tomatoes or catsup any more. I don’t trust anything originating in China or India. I am fortunate enough to live in an area where I can buy at a local farmers market. I have made good connections there and we have worked up to buying in bulk and canning or freezing.

    In looking for healthy alternatives, I discovered emu meat. There is a local farmer that I can get it from in bulk at a reasonable price. NO FAT!!
    (and if you have not tried emu oil products, let me tell you it is excellent for ANY skin condition)

    In a way I am grateful for the scares because it has enlightened me and my family is now eating healthier. In the last year I’ve lost 10 pounds and the wife has lost 8. Our daughter is going to grow up learning how to make healthy choices too.


  140. Maria Says:

    Not really. I know that when I want cherries, I can’t go wrong with Chilean cherries! Other than that, I don’t really pay attention to where it comes from. I buy produce based on what I’m out of or what my family is craving at the time. After reading the blog, I suppose I will pay more attention now. I do not want to pay more for produce just because it is local.


  141. Maria Says:

    Meant to add that growing your own is fun and great satisfaction that you can actually “live off the land”, if even for tomatos and zucchini, the easiest ones. If you have the space, try it - it’s also a great family activity if you have kids.


  142. Beth Says:

    Not that much, but I would like to start buying more and more from local farmers.


  143. Dex Says:

    I have never seen such a active discussion and hope I can one day achieve this on my blog. I’d love to be able to grow avocado, I love avocado and if that was all I had to eat, I’d still love it. Because avocados are very nutritious despite the high amount of calories in avocado.


  144. Wernerlll Says:

    When you ask a restaurant manager where his fish comes you get
    things like “…from the ocean”, haha.” No one knows nor would they admit the source, instead will say “farm raised”…right!

    Look at how old some of the FDA/EPA fish samples are that are use to issue advisories, 1978, 1990-2, or try to find some this century!


  145. Brukewilliams Says:

    Has anyone notice that thing are far worse than anyone is paying attention to. I’ve been looking at videos posted on Utube from news stations across the world and things are really bad. The countries that supply us with grain and rice are limiting the about they are now selling us they have to guard their crops with guns. Schools in third countries are now fighting for all their work not to come undone because families cannot feed themselves because of soaring food prices so they want their children to go to work in the fields so the family can eat, Africa and Australia’s crop has be affected by drought like never before, some countries have decided that it is more important to try and grow more food than manufacture oil so I am sure everyone know how that goes.


    Trivia Game Challenge


  146. Carolyn Says:

    I do keep track of what country the food comes from and buy from local Farmer’s markets when available. I also try to avoid foods from countries with questionable previous health issues. My goal in the near future is to build an earthship (self sufficient housing) and grow as much of my own food as possible.


  147. BQ Says:

    It’s important to watch what you consume. Reading labels is good and so is producing your own food if you can. It’s a good idea to have a cooking garden to use as much as possible. It can be as large or as small as you can have, but every bit counts.

    We have to avoid the “convenience” factor in our food. It it’s quick and easy, it’s not like the best we should eat.


  148. Passer By Says:

    The location of the produce is not the only concern. Its just as important to know the quality of the food you are buying. Sometimes though its costs more money.


  149. Holden Says:

    This a great site. I’m glad that I drive a four cylinder. Unlike the many owners of Gas Guzzlers. I always shop locally!


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