Basic Information

There is a record in the SRS for every substance that is tracked or regulated at EPA. Each record provides basic information about that substance, such as the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number for a chemical or the Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN) for a biological organism. Each record also identifies standardized nomenclature about the substance and any synonyms in use at EPA. When available, there also are links to fact sheets or other documentation available from other web sites.

The SRS provides a range of services to users:

Why the Registry?

A primary focus for the EPA is tracking, monitoring, or regulating substances in the environment. This might include discharges of volatile organic chemicals into the air, monitoring the presence of biological contaminants in the water, regulating pesticides usage, or working to minimize potential hazards from pollutants at a Superfund site.

In addition, the United States has enacted a variety of laws to address substances in the environment. These include the Clean Air Act, the Clean Drinking Water Act, the Toxics Substances Control Act, plus many others. EPA has created programs to implement these laws.

The SRS helps improve EPA’s substance information management required by regulation and law.

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