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Columbia University Center for Children’s Environmental Health, New York City Community Partners

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A critical element of the Center's research is its communication of study findings back to the low-income communities of color in which the study cohort resides. The CCCEH collaborates with community organizations Exit EPA Disclaimeradvocating for increased environmental justice in poorer neighborhoods located in northern Manhattan and the South Bronx. The coalition of 8 direct service and environmental health advocacy organizations ensures that results from the scientific research are delivered to these communities in ways that are meaningful and usable in improving daily environmental health at home and in the larger neighborhood. The community health education campaign, Healthy Home Healthy Child (HHHC) Exit EPA Disclaimer, was developed to share health information and prevention methods for air pollution, cigarette smoke, drugs & alcohol, garbage management, lead poisoning, nutrition and pesticides. The HHHC campaign has served to heighten awareness in the local community regarding health risks of environmental exposures and preventive behaviors to reduce exposures in households. To date, the HHHC campaign has developed written materials ("tip sheets") on topics including:

“Healthy Home Healthy Child” (PDF) (2pp., 221Kb) Exit EPA Disclaimer

“Cigarette Smoke” (PDF) (2pp., 72K)Exit EPA Disclaimer

“Lead Poisoning” (PDF) (2pp., 57K) Exit EPA Disclaimer

“Pesticides” (PDF) (2pp., 145Kb) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Community Partner links:

West Harlem Environmental Action
(includes “Asthma Hospital Admissions Trend Model”)
http://www.weact.org/ Exit EPA Disclaimer

Partnership for Children’s Health and the Environment
http://www.partnersforchildren.org/ Exit EPA Disclaimer

Centers Funded By:
EPA Home NIEHS Centers for Children's Environmental Health

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