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HR Information Systems Applications

Applications Currently Available

To find out more about current HRD information systems...

Ag Learn

The Agricultural Learning Service is the USDA's Online Training System. Registered users may schedule training or complete online courses using AgLearn.

e O P F 'Electronic' Official Personnel Folder (E-OPF)
Your Official Personnel Folder available 24 hours a day/7days a week!
new employee orientation New Employee Orientation. Orientation for ‘New’ Employees – Learn all about us and your Federal employment, while we welcome you through our online orientation!
H R I S Human Resource Information System. The REE Personnel Data Reporting Tool - Registered users have instant access to over 50 personnel reports through HRIS.
web pats REE Personnel Action Tracking System. This is for the REE Personnel Action Tracking System - Have you submitted it? Do you want to know who, where and when? This is the application with the answer.
N F C NFC.The USDA's National Finance Center (NFC) has many online applications available for employees to address their payroll and personnel needs.
H R Hiring Management Hiring Management Applicant Tracking Software
In partnership with ‘Monster Government Solutions,’ ARS will begin accepting applications through this online application system.


Last updated: 07/21/2008