ARCHIVE - dated material.

Aircraft mfg (NAICS 336411 )
(Millions of dollars)
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001
Industry Data
Value of shipments 57,893 69,541 73,398 65,783 67,853 5.5% -10.4% 3.1%
Value of shipments (1997 $) 57,893 69,484 72,382 61,796 60,727 4.2% -14.6% -1.7%
Total employment (thousands) 202 213 194 183 173 -8.9% -5.7% -5.5%
Production workers (thousands) 97.7 106 96.1 86.8 78.9 -9.3% -9.7% -9.1%
Capital expenditures 775 904 768 617 569 -15.0% -19.7% -7.8%
Product Data
Value of shipments 51,484 62,357 66,012 58,897 62,648 5.9% -10.8% 6.4%
Value of shipments (1997 $) 51,484 62,307 65,099 55,327 56,069 4.5% -15.0% 1.3%
Trade Data
Value of exports 25,509 35,248 32,695 24,712 26,882 27,191 -7.2% -24.4% 8.8%
Value of imports 4669 6939 8780 12,399 14,711 12,680 26.5% 41.2% 18.6%
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration (ITA).