ARCHIVE - dated material.

Telephone apparatus mfg (NAICS 33421 )
(Millions of dollars)
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001
Industry Data
Value of shipments 38,376 41,791 52,767 61,524 51,099 26.3% 16.6% -16.9%
Value of shipments (1997 $) 38,376 42,972 55,428 67,060 59,096 29.0% 21.0% -11.9%
Total employment (thousands) 104 101 108 109 124 6.9% 0.9% 13.8%
Production workers (thousands) 42.0 41.5 42.8 40.9 41.6 3.1% -4.4% 1.7%
Capital expenditures 1220 1330 1644 1748 2833 23.6% 6.3% 62.1%
Product Data
Value of shipments 37,288 40,271 48,844 57,750 47,759 21.3% 18.2% -17.3%
Value of shipments (1997 $) 37,288 41,409 51,307 62,946 55,234 23.9% 22.7% -12.3%
Trade Data
Value of exports 6291 7069 8314 10,642 8717 6693 17.6% 28.0% -18.1%
Value of imports 6646 7161 8750 13,041 8046 8138 22.2% 49.0% -38.3%
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration (ITA).