BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

U.S. Mission to the European Union

Business Service Providers

Keller & Heckman LLP

Keller & Heckman LLP

Contact: Cyril Jacquet

523 Avenue Louise
B-1050 Brussels

Phone: +32 2 645 50 96
Fax: +32 2 541 0580

It is not too early for a company to prepare for REACH. REACH requires a great deal of work to comply in a relatively short timeframe. In order to prepare for REACH, companies must understand the complexity of REACH; audit product portfolios to identify the applicable REACH requirements and specific impact on the company’s products; adopt the relevant strategy and action plan; prepare communications up and down the supply chain; prepare its participation in consortia; and select adequate resources to cope with REACH.

With its combination of legal and scientific expertise, Keller and Heckman LLP offers full service on REACH to help companies:
- Understand REACH and the impact of REACH (Full day training sessions).
- Prepare for REACH: audit product portfolios, REACH strategy and communications.
- Comply with REACH: scope issues, prepare and file registration dossiers, negotiate data sharing, consortia management, argue data waivers and evaluations, file authorization dossiers, etc. while protecting confidential business information.
- Remedy consequences of REACH before the European Commission and Courts.

Cyril Jacquet takes the lead on providing REACH counseling from our Brussels office in assisting our clients with their legal and regulatory needs in the preparation for REACH. Cyril's prior experience includes working on chemical matters in the European Commission and Cefic (European chemical industry council). Cyril is working in close collaboration with the other chemical control lawyers and scientists at Keller & Heckman, including Mark Boelens, who is Ph.D. chemist with an extensive experience with the European chemical industry, as well as David Kent, who is an expert in the assessment of HPV and non-HPV chemicals. David advises several consortia on potential risks of chemical use while protecting product lines from being targeted by parties misusing inappropriate or unreliable information.

All these experts are also very active in helping our clients anticipating the implementation of REACH. These lawyers and scientist work closely with Herb Estreicher, one of our senior partners in Washington D.C. who holds a Ph.D. in chemistry and who has been actively involved on REACH matters since the time of the Commission's white paper on the subject. Herb is making frequent and regular stays in our Brussels office.

Keller and Heckman LLP's legal and scientific expertise, as well as the involvement in REACH of many of our scientists and partners, ensures that our clients are given excellent and full service to get ready for REACH. We would be delighted to have the opportunity to meet you to discuss any assistance that we could provide to your company in its preparation for REACH.