Posts Tagged ‘Question of the Week Followup’

Follow-up: What Do You Drive, and Why?

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

About the author: Dominic Bridgers joined EPA’s Office of Public Affairs as a summer intern.

I have a Toyota Solara, it was given to me as a Christmas present a few years ago. I love my car because it is comfortable and it is gas efficient, rounding off at about 30 mpg. I believe those should be the main reasons for buying a car these days.

Going through and collecting the stats from the June 16th Question of the Week, “What do you drive, and why?” I came up with the following. Most of the bloggers drive a midsize/sedan type of vehicle, almost half of the people that responded drive either SUVs and trucks, and a handful of people like to throw on their leather jackets and let the wind hit their face when they jump on their motorcycles, a very fuel efficient vehicle!

bar graph of SUVs and trucks: 53, midsize and sedans: 122, public transportation: 7, motorcycles: 19.Most of the bloggers responded that they drive what they drive because it is gas efficient. While some people said their vehicles suit there personnel needs, such as picking up the kids or loading luggage. I was surprised to see that a handful of bloggers said they picked their vehicle because they don’t have to spend as much on maintenance, while others chose their vehicle because it is comfortable and it is what they can afford.

Thanks for your time in responding to “What do you drive, and why?” and remember to buckle up!

Follow Up: Why Do You Keep Your Home as Cool as You Do?

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

About the author: Dominic Bridgers joined EPA’s Office of Public Affairs as a summer intern.

This has been an up and down summer in DC, in terms of heat. Some days the sun has been too much to bear while other days it feels as if you should take your family out to the closest park and have a picnic.

Bar Graph showing comments indicating temperature: 3 responders:65-69F; 17 responders:70-75F; 35 responders:76-80F; 10 responders: 81F or higherI collected data from the June 9th Question of the Week, “Why do you keep your home as cool (or not) as you do?” The answers really came down to being pretty even between feeling comfortable, and saving money and energy. However, I was very surprised to see how many people do not use air conditioning. Instead of using air conditioning, a lot of people prefer to use either their ceiling fans or just crack the window for a cool summer breeze!

Thanks for your time in responding to “Why do you keep your home as cool as you do?”