Arterial Management Program
time-lapse photo of traffic traveling in both directions on an urban arterial road
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Market Ready Technology & Research


Historically the deployment of Adaptive Traffic Signal Systems has required a significant financial commitment to upgrade communications, vehicle detection and signal control systems. It is estimated that 90% of the traffic signal systems in the United States are closed loop systems and until now the cost to enter the adaptive signal control arena was prohibitive. ACS-Lite is Adaptive Control Software designed specifically for closed loop systems. It is a scaled down version of the fully traffic adaptive control software developed by the FHWA and provides substantial benefits over typical time of day traffic signal timing. ACS-Lite is intended for deployment on closed loop arterial routes with a projected cost of about $25,000; less than the cost of a typical traffic signal retiming project. ACS-Lite has been deployed at three test sites and has shown significant benefits. More

Signal Timing Optimization Under Saturated Conditions

The objective of this task order is to develop a signal timing control strategy that effectively addresses saturated conditions on a single intersection approach. The fundamental control logic common to most traffic signal controllers currently in use has changed little over the last 40 years and potentially presents a barrier to effective resolution of saturated conditions. This task order will produce short and long term strategies to address traffic signal timing under saturated conditions. The short term strategy is intended to produce a signal timing process that can be implemented within the boundaries of current traffic signal control logic and available vehicle detection technologies. A comprehensive examination of current signal timing practices under saturated conditions will identify the current state of the practice; with this as a base the innovative utilization of vehicle detectors, and existing traffic signal control logic will be used to develop a matrix of control strategies to address signal timing under saturated conditions. The long term strategy will produce an algorithm to address saturated conditions with out the operating boundaries found in existing traffic signal control logic and vehicle detection technologies. Traffic signal timing control strategies developed under this task order will be evaluated using both simulation and filed test.

Office of Operations