Office of Operations Real Time Traveler Information Program
Photo collage: dynamic message sign with congestion message, in-vehicle navigation device, transportation operations center control room, roadside sign for 511 traveler information, traffic information via the internet, and a freeway at night.
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Best Practices

Amber, Emergency, and Travel Time Messaging Guidance for Transportation Agencies - A report compiling dynamic message sign (DMS) messaging practices from across the country, specifically involving messages related to AMBER Alerts, emergency/security, and travel times. The appendices are also very useful with results from interviews and a literature database of references for DMS.

Benefits-of-the-Month for Traveler Information - Information obtained from the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Benefits Database.

Criteria and weights for ranking of the 2003 recognition awards for the Traffic Information Websites. These criteria and rankings are reevaluated & adjusted each year to keep up with changes in communications & technologies.

Developing Traveler Information Systems Using the National ITS Architecture (PDF 2.74MB) - Adobe PDF file requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Guidance for Developing and Deploying Real-time Traveler Information Systems for Transit (PDF 8.21MB) April 2003 - This document includes information about system components and offers lessons learned and recommended practices for successful deployments of real-time transit information systems. Adobe PDF file requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Portable Changeable Message Sign Handbook - The purpose of this handbook is to present basic guidelines for the use of portable changeable message signs (PCMS). This handbook presents information on the PCMS and is intended to illustrate the principles of proper PCMS use.

Public Transport Information Web Sites: How to Get It Right - A Best Practice Guide - Published by the Institute of Logistics and Transportation, the research for this guide was commissioned in response to the recent rapid growth of public transport information on the Internet.

Travel Time Best Practices - A report from The Enterprise Pooled Fund Program summarizes the travel time practices and lessons learnt from several cities that provide travel time messages on the Dynamic Message Signs.

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